deode package
Package to run the Destination Earth on Demand Extremes system.
- class GeneralConstants(*_args, **_kwargs)[source]
General package-related constants.
- PACKAGE_DIRECTORY = PosixPath('/home/runner/work/Deode-Workflow/Deode-Workflow/deode')
- PACKAGE_NAME = 'deode'
- VERSION = '0.11.0'
- deode.suites package
- deode.tasks package
- Submodules
- deode.tasks.archive module
- deode.tasks.base module
- deode.tasks.batch module
- deode.tasks.c903 module
- deode.tasks.canari module
- deode.tasks.clean_old_data module
- deode.tasks.cleaning_tasks module
- deode.tasks.collectlogs module
- deode.tasks.creategrib module
- deode.tasks.discover_task module
- deode.tasks.e923 module
- deode.tasks.e923_update module
- deode.tasks.e927 module
- deode.tasks.extractsqlite module
- deode.tasks.forecast module
- deode.tasks.gmtedsoil module
- deode.tasks.gribmodify module
- deode.tasks.impacts module
- deode.tasks.iomerge module
- deode.tasks.marsprep module
- deode.tasks.serial module
- deode.tasks.sfx module
- deode.templates package
deode.argparse_wrapper module
Wrappers for argparse functionality.
- add_keep_def_file(parser_object, help_message='Keep suite definition file after submission')[source]
Add object args.
- Parameters:
parser_object (args oject) – args object to update
help_message (str) – Help text
deode.aux_types module
Aux types used in the package.
- class BaseMapping(*args, **kwargs)[source]
Immutable mapping that will serve as basis for all config-related classes.
- copy(update: Mapping | Callable[[Mapping], Any] | None = None)[source]
Return a copy of the instance, optionally updated according to update.
- property data
Return the underlying data stored by the instance.
- class QuasiConstant(*_args, **_kwargs)[source]
Inheriting from this will make the class’ attributes (almost) immutable. module
Clean deode file systems.
deode.commands_functions module
Implement the package’s commands.
- create_exp(args, config)[source]
Implement the ‘case’ command.
- Parameters:
args (argparse.Namespace) – Parsed command line arguments.
config (.config_parser.ParsedConfig) – Parsed config file contents.
- doc_config(args, config: ParsedConfig)[source]
Implement the ‘doc_config’ command.
- Parameters:
args (argparse.Namespace) – Parsed command line arguments.
config (ParsedConfig) – Parsed config file contents.
- namelist_convert(args, config: ParsedConfig)[source]
Implement the ‘namelist convert’ command.
- Parameters:
args (argparse.Namespace) – Parsed command line arguments.
config (.config_parser.ParsedConfig) – Parsed config file contents.
- namelist_format(args, config: ParsedConfig)[source]
Implement the ‘namelist format’ command.
- Parameters:
args (argparse.Namespace) – Parsed command line arguments.
config (.config_parser.ParsedConfig) – Parsed config file contents.
- namelist_integrate(args, config)[source]
Implement the ‘namelist integrate’ command.
- Parameters:
args (argparse.Namespace) – Parsed command line arguments.
config (.config_parser.ParsedConfig) – Parsed config file contents.
- Raises:
SystemExit # noqa – DAR401
- run_task(args, config)[source]
Implement the ‘run’ command.
- Parameters:
args (argparse.Namespace) – Parsed command line arguments.
config (.config_parser.ParsedConfig) – Parsed config file contents.
- show_config(args, config)[source]
Implement the ‘show_config’ command.
- Parameters:
args (argparse.Namespace) – Parsed command line arguments.
config (.config_parser.ParsedConfig) – Parsed config file contents.
- show_config_schema(args, config)[source]
Implement the show config-schema command.
- Parameters:
args (argparse.Namespace) – Parsed command line arguments.
config (.config_parser.ParsedConfig) – Parsed config file contents.
- show_host(args, config)[source]
Implement the show host command.
- Parameters:
args (argparse.Namespace) – Parsed command line arguments.
config (.config_parser.ParsedConfig) – Parsed config file contents.
- show_namelist(args, config)[source]
Implement the ‘show_namelist’ command.
- Parameters:
args (argparse.Namespace) – Parsed command line arguments.
config (.config_parser.ParsedConfig) – Parsed config file contents.
deode.config_parser module
Registration and validation of options passed in the config file.
- class BasicConfig(*args, _metadata=None, **kwargs)[source]
Base class for configs. Arbitrary entries allowed: no validation is performed.
- property data
Return the underlying data stored by the instance.
- classmethod from_file(path, **kwargs)[source]
Retrieve configs from a file in miscellaneous formats.
- Parameters:
path (Union[pathlib.Path, str]) – Path to the config file.
**kwargs – Arguments passed to the class constructor.
- Returns:
Configs retrieved from the specified path.
- Return type:
- property metadata
Get the metadata associated with the instance.
- exception ConfigFileValidationError[source]
Error to be raised when parsing the input config file fails.
- class ConfigParserDefaults(*_args, **_kwargs)[source]
Defaults related to the parsing of config files.
- CONFIG_DIRECTORY = PosixPath('/home/runner/work/Deode-Workflow/Deode-Workflow/deode/data/config_files')
- CONFIG_PATH = PosixPath('/home/runner/work/Deode-Workflow/Deode-Workflow/deode/data/config_files/config.toml')
- DATA_DIRECTORY = PosixPath('/home/runner/work/Deode-Workflow/Deode-Workflow/deode/data')
- MAIN_CONFIG_JSON_SCHEMA = mappingproxy({'$schema': '', 'title': 'Config', 'description': "Model for validation of `deode`'s main config file.", 'type': 'object', 'additionalProperties': True, 'properties': mappingproxy({'general': mappingproxy({'$ref': '#/definitions/general'}), 'suite_control': mappingproxy({'$ref': '#/definitions/suite_control'}), 'clean_old_data': mappingproxy({'$ref': '#/definitions/clean_old_data'}), 'system': mappingproxy({'$ref': '#/definitions/system'}), 'boundaries': mappingproxy({'$ref': '#/definitions/boundaries'}), 'pgd': mappingproxy({'$ref': '#/definitions/pgd'}), 'fullpos': mappingproxy({'$ref': '#/definitions/fullpos'}), 'troika': mappingproxy({'$ref': '#/definitions/troika'}), 'include': mappingproxy({'$ref': '#/definitions/include'}), 'gribmodify': mappingproxy({'$ref': '#/definitions/gribmodify'})}), 'required': ['general'], 'definitions': mappingproxy({'include': mappingproxy({'title': 'Include Section', 'description': "Sections to be included from other config files. Specified as 'key = val' pairs, where the keys are the section names and the vals are the paths to the files containing them.", 'type': 'object', 'properties': mappingproxy({})}), 'troika': mappingproxy({'title': 'Troika', 'description': 'DEODE system specific path settings', 'type': 'object', 'properties': mappingproxy({'config_file': mappingproxy({'type': 'string', 'description': 'Troika config file', 'default': '@DEODE_HOME@/data/config_files/troika.yml'}), 'troika': mappingproxy({'type': 'string', 'description': 'Troika command, allows to specify troika with full path', 'default': 'troika'})})}), 'plugin_registry': mappingproxy({'title': 'Plug-in registry', 'type': 'object', 'properties': mappingproxy({'plugins': mappingproxy({'title': 'Loaded plugins', 'type': 'object'})})}), 'boundaries': mappingproxy({'title': 'Boundary Section', 'description': 'Settings for control of boundary treatment.', 'type': 'object', 'properties': mappingproxy({'bdint': mappingproxy({'description': 'Boundary interval', 'type': 'string', 'format': 'duration'}), 'bdshift': mappingproxy({'description': "Shift of boundary initial time. E.g. 'PT3H' would mean use 3H old boundaries", 'type': 'string', 'format': 'duration'}), 'max_interpolation_tasks': mappingproxy({'description': 'Number of interpolate tasks run in parallel', 'type': 'number'}), 'bdmodel': mappingproxy({'description': 'Coupling model', 'enum': ['ALARO', 'AROME', 'IFS'], 'type': 'string'}), 'humi_gp': mappingproxy({'type': 'boolean', 'description': 'Value of TFP_Q%LLGP in domain namelist for c903. True for gridpoint humidity.'}), 'ifs.selection': mappingproxy({'type': 'string', 'description': 'Selection', 'enum': ['HRES', 'ATOS_DT', 'DT12', 'i5qp', 'i7u4', 'i7ye', 'i8hy', 'IFSENS']}), 'ifs.bdmember': mappingproxy({'type': 'string', 'description': 'The number of members in ensemble if selection is IFSENS, else empty string.'}), 'bd_has_surfex': mappingproxy({'description': 'Set to true if the host model runs with surfex', 'type': 'boolean'})})}), 'clean_old_data': mappingproxy({'title': 'Cleaning old data', 'decription': 'Option for cleaning old data', 'type': 'object', 'properties': mappingproxy({'scratch_data_period': mappingproxy({'description': 'Age for old data in days', 'type': 'string', 'pattern': '^P(?!$)(\\d+Y)?(\\d+M)?(\\d+W)?(\\d+D)?$', 'default': 'P14D'}), 'suites_period': mappingproxy({'description': 'Age for old data in days', 'type': 'string', 'pattern': '^P(?!$)(\\d+Y)?(\\d+M)?(\\d+W)?(\\d+D)?$', 'default': 'P14D'}), 'IFS_period': mappingproxy({'description': 'Age for old data in days', 'type': 'string', 'pattern': '^P(?!$)(\\d+Y)?(\\d+M)?(\\d+W)?(\\d+D)?$', 'default': 'P7D'}), 'ignore': mappingproxy({'decription': 'File not to remove', 'type': 'array', 'default': []}), 'suite_format': mappingproxy({'decription': 'Format of path to ecf files', 'type': 'string', 'default': '/'}), 'scratch_format': mappingproxy({'decription': 'Format of path to scratch', 'type': 'string', 'default': '/'}), 'ifs_format': mappingproxy({'decription': 'Format of path to IFS', 'type': 'string', 'default': '/IFS/(\\d{4})/(0[1-9]|1[0-2])/(0[1-9]|[12]\\d|3[01])/([01]\\d|2[0-3])'}), 'scratch_ext': mappingproxy({'decription': 'Extention of cratche for operational user.', 'type': 'string', 'default': 'deode'})})}), 'pgd': mappingproxy({'title': 'Pgd Section', 'description': 'Settings for control of Pgd selection.', 'type': 'object', 'properties': mappingproxy({'npatch': mappingproxy({'title': 'Number of patches for surfex variables', 'type': 'integer', 'default': 3}), 'one_decade': mappingproxy({'title': 'Option for using one decade', 'type': 'boolean', 'default': True}), 'use_osm': mappingproxy({'title': 'Option to use Open Street map input data', 'type': 'boolean', 'default': False})})}), 'fullpos': mappingproxy({'title': 'Fullpos Section', 'description': 'Settings for control of fullpos selection.', 'type': 'object', 'properties': mappingproxy({'config_path': mappingproxy({'title': 'Path to fullpos config files', 'type': 'string', 'default': '@DEODE_HOME@/data/namelist_generation_input/@CYCLE@/fullpos'}), 'main': mappingproxy({'description': 'List of mandatory rules', 'type': 'array', 'items': mappingproxy({'type': 'string'}), 'default': ['rules', 'namfpc_header']}), 'selection': mappingproxy({'description': 'List of selections to include', 'type': 'object', 'additionalProperties': mappingproxy({'type': 'array', 'items': mappingproxy({'type': 'string'})})}), 'domain_name': mappingproxy({'type': 'string', 'description': 'Name of your domain as used by fullpos', 'maxLength': 20, 'default': 'DOMAIN'})})}), 'suite_control': mappingproxy({'title': 'Suite control', 'description': 'Suite control options', 'type': 'object', 'properties': mappingproxy({'suite_definition': mappingproxy({'description': 'Suite definition to play in EcFlow', 'type': 'string', 'default': 'DeodeSuiteDefinition'}), 'do_soil': mappingproxy({'description': 'Activate preparation of SOILGRID data as input for PGD', 'type': 'boolean'}), 'do_pgd': mappingproxy({'description': 'Activate generation of a PGD file', 'type': 'boolean'}), 'mode': mappingproxy({'description': 'Choose a strategy to achieve initial/initial_sfx files (start: start from interpolated files and then propagate the FG between cycles, restart: start from a previous run and then propagate the FG between cycles, cold_start: always start from interpolated files).', 'type': 'string', 'enum': ['start', 'restart', 'cold_start']}), 'interpolate_boundaries': mappingproxy({'description': 'Activates the boundary interpolation', 'type': 'boolean'}), 'do_marsprep': mappingproxy({'description': 'Run marsprep or skip extraction', 'type': 'boolean'}), 'do_extractsqlite': mappingproxy({'description': 'Activates extraction of selected points to SQLite files for verification.', 'type': 'boolean'}), 'create_static_data': mappingproxy({'description': 'Activate the generation of PGD and monthly climate files in the suite', 'type': 'boolean'}), 'create_time_dependent_suite': mappingproxy({'description': 'Activate the time dependent part of the suite', 'type': 'boolean'}), 'split_mars': mappingproxy({'description': 'Do marsprep only for one step before c903', 'type': 'boolean', 'default': False}), 'do_cleaning': mappingproxy({'description': 'Do file cleaning', 'type': 'boolean', 'default': False}), 'n_io_merge': mappingproxy({'description': 'Number of IOmerge tasks', 'type': 'integer', 'default': 1}), 'DeodeCleaningSuiteDefinition': mappingproxy({'decription': 'Settings for Cleaning Suite', 'type': 'object', 'properties': mappingproxy({'do_clean_scratch_data': mappingproxy({'description': 'Activate cleaning the scratch data', 'type': 'boolean', 'default': True}), 'do_clean_suites': mappingproxy({'description': 'Activate cleaning the suites', 'type': 'boolean', 'default': True}), 'do_clean_IFS': mappingproxy({'description': 'Activate cleaning IFS data', 'type': 'boolean', 'default': True}), 'days_in_week': mappingproxy({'description': 'List of days when cleaning suite will run, 0-6 Sunday-Saturday', 'type': 'array', 'items': mappingproxy({'type': 'integer'})}), 'time_to_run': mappingproxy({'description': 'Time to run', 'type': 'string', 'pattern': '^([01]\\d|2[0-3]):[0-5]\\d:[0-5]\\dZ$'})})})})}), 'system': mappingproxy({'title': 'System', 'description': 'DEODE system specific path settings', 'type': 'object', 'properties': mappingproxy({'bdfile_sfx_template': mappingproxy({'type': 'string', 'description': 'Name template for input initial surfex file for prep'}), 'bdfile_template': mappingproxy({'type': 'string', 'description': 'Name template for input boundary files'}), 'bddir_sfx': mappingproxy({'type': 'string', 'description': 'Location of input intial file for surfex'}), 'bddir': mappingproxy({'type': 'string', 'description': 'Location of input boundaries'}), 'intp_bddir': mappingproxy({'type': 'string', 'description': 'Location of boundaries on the current domain, i.e. the output directory of e927', 'default': '@WRK@'}), 'climdir': mappingproxy({'type': 'string', 'description': 'Location of generated/used climate files (PGD/monthly files)'}), 'bindir': mappingproxy({'type': 'string', 'description': 'Location of binaries'}), 'bdclimdir': mappingproxy({'type': 'string', 'description': 'Location of host model climate files used for e927/c903'}), 'wrk': mappingproxy({'type': 'string', 'description': 'Location of date specific working directory', 'default': '@CASEDIR@/@YYYY@@MM@@DD@_@HH@@mm@/'}), 'fullpos_config_file': mappingproxy({'type': 'string', 'description': 'Path to the fullpos yml config file'}), 'archive_timestamp': mappingproxy({'type': 'string', 'description': 'Relative path of date specific archive', 'default': '@YYYY@/@MM@/@DD@/@HH@/'}), 'archive': mappingproxy({'type': 'string', 'description': 'Absolute path of date specific archive', 'default': '@ARCHIVE_ROOT@/@ARCHIVE_TIMESTAMP@'}), 'logs': mappingproxy({'type': 'string', 'description': 'Location of collected logfiles'}), 'namelists': mappingproxy({'type': 'string', 'description': 'Path to static namelists', 'default': '@DEODE_HOME@/data/namelists/@CYCLE@'}), 'marsdir': mappingproxy({'type': 'string', 'description': 'Location input files extracted from MARS by Marsprep'}), 'global_sfcdir': mappingproxy({'type': 'string', 'description': 'Path to SFC files needed for c903, which are not in MARS'}), 'prev_case': mappingproxy({'description': 'Name of the previous experiment', 'type': 'string', 'default': '@CASE@'}), 'sfx_input_definition': mappingproxy({'description': 'Path to the surfex json config file', 'type': 'string', 'default': '@CYCLE@/sfx.json'}), 'forecast_input_definition': mappingproxy({'type': 'string', 'description': 'Path to the forecast json config file', 'default': '@CYCLE@/forecast.json'}), 'c903_input_definition': mappingproxy({'type': 'string', 'description': 'Path to the c903 json config file', 'default': '@CYCLE@/c903.json'})})}), 'gribmodify': mappingproxy({'title': 'Section for modify grib', 'description': 'Rules for modify grib to get total prcipitation', 'type': 'object', 'properties': mappingproxy({'3': mappingproxy({'title': 'Total precpipation', 'description': 'shortName for the total precipitation.', 'type': 'object', 'properties': mappingproxy({'input': mappingproxy({'title': 'Input parameters', 'description': 'List of parameters', 'type': 'array', 'items': mappingproxy({'type': 'string'})}), 'operator': mappingproxy({'title': 'Operator', 'description': 'Operator for compute the new field from input parameters', 'type': 'string'}), 'output': mappingproxy({'title': 'Output parameter', 'description': 'shortName of output parameter.', 'type': 'string'})})}), '2': mappingproxy({'title': 'Total snow', 'description': 'shortName for the total precipitation.', 'type': 'object', 'properties': mappingproxy({'input': mappingproxy({'title': 'Input parameters', 'description': 'List of parameters', 'type': 'array', 'items': mappingproxy({'type': 'string'})}), 'operator': mappingproxy({'title': 'Operator', 'description': 'Operator for compute the new field from input parameters', 'type': 'string'}), 'output': mappingproxy({'title': 'Output parameter', 'description': 'shortName of output parameter.', 'type': 'string'})})}), '1': mappingproxy({'title': 'Total rain', 'description': 'shortName for the total precipitation.', 'type': 'object', 'properties': mappingproxy({'input': mappingproxy({'title': 'Input parameters', 'description': 'List of parameters', 'type': 'array', 'items': mappingproxy({'type': 'string'})}), 'operator': mappingproxy({'title': 'Operator', 'description': 'Operator for compute the new field from input parameters', 'type': 'string'}), 'output': mappingproxy({'title': 'Output parameter', 'description': 'shortName of output parameter.', 'type': 'string'})})})})}), 'general': mappingproxy({'title': 'General Section', 'description': "Model for the 'general' section.", 'type': 'object', 'properties': mappingproxy({'times': mappingproxy({'title': 'Time-Related Entries', 'description': "Model for the 'general.times' section.", 'type': 'object', 'properties': mappingproxy({'forecast_range': mappingproxy({'description': 'Forecast range', 'type': 'string', 'format': 'duration'}), 'start': mappingproxy({'description': 'Start', 'type': 'string', 'format': 'date-time'}), 'end': mappingproxy({'description': 'End', 'type': 'string', 'format': 'date-time'}), 'list': mappingproxy({'description': 'List', 'type': 'array', 'items': mappingproxy({'type': 'string', 'format': 'date-time'})}), 'cycle_length': mappingproxy({'description': 'Cycle length defined as duration', 'default': 'PT3H', 'type': 'string', 'format': 'duration'}), 'basetime': mappingproxy({'description': 'Initial date and time for the current task.', 'type': 'string', 'format': 'date-time'}), 'validtime': mappingproxy({'description': 'Final date and time for the current task.', 'type': 'string', 'format': 'date-time'})}), 'oneOf': [{'anyOf': [{'required': ['start'], 'not': {'required': ['list']}}, {'required': ['basetime'], 'not': {'anyOf': [{'required': ['end']}, {'required': ['list']}, {'required': ['start']}]}}]}, {'required': ['list'], 'not': {'anyOf': [{'required': ['start']}, {'required': ['end']}]}}]}), 'accept_static_namelists': mappingproxy({'description': 'Allow usage of static namelists as input for the tasks. The namelist should be located in the directory specified by platform.namelists and named with the convention namelist_{kind}_{task} where kind could be surfex or master and task forecast/pgd or similar. For the extraction of namelist see [](../docs/', 'type': 'boolean'}), 'case': mappingproxy({'description': 'Experiment name', 'default': 'deode_case', 'type': 'string'}), 'realization': mappingproxy({'description': 'Placeholder for future ensemble or similar need', 'default': '', 'oneOf': [{'type': 'string', 'maxLength': 0}, {'type': 'number', 'minimum': 0}]}), 'cnmexp': mappingproxy({'description': 'Experiment short name', 'default': 'DEOD', 'type': 'string', 'minLength': 4, 'maxLength': 4}), 'loglevel': mappingproxy({'description': 'Logger output level', 'type': 'string', 'enum': ['CRITICAL', 'ERROR', 'DEBUG', 'INFO', 'WARNING']}), 'surfex': mappingproxy({'description': 'SURFEX switch', 'type': 'boolean'}), 'keep_workdirs': mappingproxy({'description': 'Do not remove working directories', 'type': 'boolean'}), 'csc': mappingproxy({'description': 'CSC', 'default': 'AROME', 'type': 'string', 'enum': ['AROME', 'ALARO', 'HARMONIE_AROME']}), 'cycle': mappingproxy({'description': 'IAL cycle', 'type': 'string', 'enum': ['CY49t2', 'CY48t3', 'CY46h1']}), 'event_type': mappingproxy({'description': 'Type of extreme event', 'type': 'string', 'default': 'nwp', 'enum': ['airquality', 'convection', 'flooding', 'heatwave', 'nwp', 'storm']}), 'initfile': mappingproxy({'description': 'Initial file for the forecast object. Normally no need to provide unless there are special requirements or the forecast object is used in stand alone mode.', 'type': 'string'}), 'initfile_sfx': mappingproxy({'description': 'Initial surfex file for the forecast object. Normally no need to provide unless there are special requirements or the forecast object is used in stand alone mode.', 'type': 'string'}), 'namelist': mappingproxy({'title': 'Namelist', 'description': 'Namelist settings. Various settings for the forecast namelist that have no other place to go.', 'type': 'object', 'properties': mappingproxy({'nrazts': mappingproxy({'description': 'Reset times for instantaneous fluxes ( e.g. min/max temperature )', 'type': 'string'}), 'radiation_frequency': mappingproxy({'description': 'Time interval for radiation compitations in the model.', 'type': 'string'})})}), 'output_settings': mappingproxy({'title': 'Output Settings', 'description': 'Output settings. Specified as duration for any of interval, endtime:interval, starttime:endtime:interval or a list of these options', 'type': 'object', 'properties': mappingproxy({'history': mappingproxy({'description': 'Output list for history files', '$ref': '#/$output_setting_rules'}), 'surfex': mappingproxy({'description': 'Output list for surfex files', '$ref': '#/$output_setting_rules'}), 'fullpos': mappingproxy({'description': 'Output list for fullpos files', '$ref': '#/$output_setting_rules'})})}), 'remove_sections': mappingproxy({'description': 'Sections to remove prior to config merge', 'type': 'array', 'default': []}), 'windfarm': mappingproxy({'description': 'Switch on wind farm parameterisation', 'type': 'boolean', 'default': False})}), 'required': ['times']})}), '$output_setting_rules': mappingproxy({'anyOf': [{'type': 'string', 'maxLength': 0}, {'type': 'string', 'format': 'duration'}, {'type': 'array', 'items': {'anyOf': [{'type': 'string', 'format': 'duration_slice'}]}}]})})
- MAIN_CONFIG_JSON_SCHEMA_PATH = PosixPath('/home/runner/work/Deode-Workflow/Deode-Workflow/deode/data/config_files/config_file_schemas/main_config_schema.json')
- PACKAGE_CONFIG_PATH = PosixPath('/home/runner/work/Deode-Workflow/Deode-Workflow/deode/data/config_files/config.toml')
- PACKAGE_INCLUDE_DIR = PosixPath('/home/runner/work/Deode-Workflow/Deode-Workflow/deode/data/config_files/include')
- SCHEMAS_DIRECTORY = PosixPath('/home/runner/work/Deode-Workflow/Deode-Workflow/deode/data/config_files/config_file_schemas')
- class ConfigPaths[source]
Support multiple path search.
- CONFIG_DATA_SEARCHPATHS = [PosixPath('/home/runner/work/Deode-Workflow/Deode-Workflow/deode/data')]
- erroneous_paths = []
- exception ConflictingValidationSchemasError[source]
Error to be raised when more than one schema is defined for a config section.
- class JsonSchema(*args, **kwargs)[source]
Class to use for JSON schemas. Provides a validate method to validate data.
- class ParsedConfig(*args, json_schema, include_dir=PosixPath('/home/runner/work/Deode-Workflow/Deode-Workflow/deode/data/config_files'), host=None, **kwargs)[source]
Object that holds parsed configs validated against a json_schema.
- property data
Return the underlying data stored by the instance.
- classmethod from_file(path, include_dir=None, **kwargs)[source]
Do as in BasicConfig. If None, include_dir will become path.parent.
- property include_dir
Return the search dir used sections in the raw config’s include section.
- property json_schema
Return the instance’s JSON schema.
deode.custom_validators module
Define custom validators for Pydantic models.
- Exports:
validate_durations: Validate the format of a duration string against ISO8601. import_from_string: Validate if a string can be imported and
return the imported object.
- import_from_string(value: str) ModuleType | Type [source]
Validate if a string can be imported and return the imported object.
Only supports importing objects specified with full module path, e.g. module.submodule.object.
- Parameters:
value – The string to import.
- Raises:
ImportError – If the module or object cannot be imported.
TypeError – If the input is not a string.
- Returns:
The imported object.
deode.datetime_utils module
Implement helper routines to deal with dates and times.
- class DatetimeConstants(*_args, **_kwargs)[source]
Datetime-related constants.
- DEFAULT_SHIFT = Timedelta('0 days 00:00:00')
- ISO_8601_TIME_DURATION_REGEX = '^P(?!$)(\\d+Y)?(\\d+M)?(\\d+W)?(\\d+D)?(T(?=\\d+[HMS])(\\d+H)?(\\d+M)?(\\d+S)?)?$'
- as_datetime(obj)[source]
Convert obj to string, parse into datetime and add UTC timezone iff naive.
- check_syntax(output_settings: Tuple[str] | List[str], length: int)[source]
Check syntax of output_settings.
- Parameters:
output_settings (Union[Tuple[str], List[str]]) – Specifies the output steps
length (integer) – length to check on
- Raises:
SystemExit – General system handler
- cycle_offset(basetime, bdcycle, bdcycle_start=Timedelta('0 days 00:00:00'), bdshift=Timedelta('0 days 00:00:00'))[source]
Calculcate offset from a reference time.
- Parameters:
basetime (datetime) – Reference time
bdcycle (timedelta) – Interval between cycles
bdcycle_start (timedelta) – Time of day when bdcycle starts
bdshift (timedelta) – shift of boundary usage
- Returns:
a timdelta object of the offset
- Return type:
- dt2str(dt)[source]
Convert timdelta object to file name suitable string.
- Parameters:
dt (timedelta object) – duration
- Returns:
- string representation of duration
suitable for FA files
- Return type:
duration (str)
- expand_output_settings(output_settings: str | Tuple[str] | List[str], forecast_range: str) List[List[Timedelta]] [source]
Expand the output_settings coming from config.
- Parameters:
output_settings (Union[str, Tuple[str], List[str]]) – Specifies the output steps
forecast_range (str) – Forecast range in duration syntax
- Raises:
RuntimeError – Handle erroneous time increment
- Returns:
- List of output subsections.
Can be empty in case of empty output_settings
- Return type:
sections (List[List[pd.Timedelta]])
- get_decadal_list(dt_start, dt_end) list [source]
Return a list of dates for which decadal pgd files have to be created.
- get_month_list(start, end) list [source]
Get list of months between to given dates (input as string).
- oi2dt_list(output_settings: str | Tuple[str] | List[str], forecast_range: str) List[Timedelta] [source]
Build list of output occurences.
- Parameters:
output_settings (Union[str, Tuple[str], List[str]]) – Specifies the output steps
forecast_range (str) – Forecast range in duration syntax
- Returns:
Sorted list of output occurences
- Return type:
dt (List[pd.Timedelta])
deode.derived_variables module
Derive runtime variables.
- check_fullpos_namelist(config, nlgen)[source]
Find existing fullpos select files or generate them.
- Parameters:
config (deode.ParsedConfig) – Configuration
nlgen (dict) – master forecast namelist
- Returns:
Possibly updated forecast namelist
- Return type:
nlgen (dict)
- derived_variables(config, processor_layout=None)[source]
Derive some variables required in the namelists.
- Parameters:
config (deode.ParsedConfig) – Configuration
processor_layout (ProcessorLayout, optional) – Processor layout object
- Returns:
Derived config update
- Return type:
update (dict)
- Raises:
NotImplementedError – For configurations checking
deode.experiment module
Experiment tools.
- class EPSExp(config: ParsedConfig)[source]
Setup EPS experiment from config file.
- class Exp(config: ParsedConfig, merged_config: dict | None)[source]
Experiment class.
- class ExpFromFiles(config: ParsedConfig, exp_dependencies, mod_files: List[Path], host=None, merged_config=None)[source]
Generate Exp object from existing files. Use config files from a setup.
- static deep_update(source, overrides)[source]
Update a nested dictionary or similar mapping.
in place.- Parameters:
source (dict) – Source
overrides (dict) – Updates
- Returns:
Updated dictionary
- Return type:
- case_setup(config: ParsedConfig, output_file, mod_files: List[Path], case=None, host=None, expand_config=False)[source]
Do experiment setup.
- Parameters:
config (.config_parser.ParsedConfig) – Parsed config file contents.
output_file (str) – Output config file.
mod_files (list) – Modifications. Defaults to None.
case (str, optional) – Case identifier. Defaults to None.
host (str, optional) – host name. Defaults to None.
expand_config (boolean, optional) – Flag for expanding macros in config
- Returns:
Output config file.
- Return type:
output_file (str)
deode.formatters module
Define format validators used in the JSON schema validation.
- duration_format_validator(duration: str) bool [source]
Validate the format of a duration string against ISO8601.
- Parameters:
duration – The duration string to validate.
- Returns:
True if the duration string is valid, False otherwise.
- duration_slice_format_validator(duration_slice: str) bool [source]
Validate the format of a duration slice string against ISO8601.
Each part of the slice is validated using duration_format_validator.
- Parameters:
duration_slice – The duration slice string to validate.
- Returns:
True if the duration slice string is valid, False otherwise.
deode.fullpos module
Fullpos namelist generation.
- class Fullpos(domain, fpdir='.', fpfiles=None, fpdict=None, rules=None)[source]
Fullpos namelist generator based on (yaml) dicts.
- check_non_instant_fields(selection, time_selection)[source]
Search for non instant fields.
- Parameters:
selection (dict) – Dict with fullpos settings to be examined
time_selection (str) – Which selection time rules to check
- Raises:
RuntimeError – Non instant fields found
- construct()[source]
Construct the fullpos namelists.
- Returns:
namfpc part selection (dict): xxtddddhhmm part
- Return type:
namfpc_out (dict)
- Raises:
InvalidSelectionCombination – Invalid combination in selection
- expand(v, levtype, levels, domain, i)[source]
Expand fullpos namelists to levels and domains.
- Parameters:
v (str) – parameter list
levtype (str) – type of vertical level in fullpos syntax
levels (list) – list of levels
domain (str) – domain name
i (int) – parameter conuter
- Returns:
expaned names i (int): parameter counter
- Return type:
d (dict)
- load(fpdir, fpfiles)[source]
Load fullpos yaml file.
- Parameters:
fpdir (str) – Path do fullpos settings
fpfiles (list) – List of yml files to read
- Returns:
fullpos settings
- Return type:
nldict (dict)
deode.general_utils module
General utils for use throughout the package.
- expand_dict_key_slice(dict_: Dict[int | str, Any], indices: List[int]) Dict[int, Any] [source]
Expand key slices of a Dict.
Handles slices in the form of “start:stop:step”, expands them to individual keys, and assigns the original value to all individual keys. Keys are converted to integers.
Any of the start, stop and step can be ommited. If start is ommited, it is set to the minimum value of indices. If stop is ommited, it is set to the maximum value of indices. If step is ommited, it is set to 1.
- Parameters:
dict – The dict, which keys shall be expanded.
indices – The indices to respect when expanding, i.e. if expanded index is not in indices, it will not be added to the new dict.
- Returns:
New dict with expanded keys.
- Return type:
- merge_dicts(dict1: dict, dict2: dict, overwrite: bool = False) dict [source]
Merge two dictionaries with values from dict2 taking precedence.
If values are lists, they are concatenated.
- Parameters:
dict1 (dict) – Reference dict
dict2 (dict) – Update dict
overwrite (bool) – Whether to overwrite values in dict1 with values from dict2 if the keys are the same, but the types of the values are not lists or dicts.
- Returns:
Merged dict
- Return type:
- Raises:
RuntimeError – Invalid type
- modify_mappings(obj: Mapping, operator: Mapping | Callable[[Mapping], Any])[source]
Descend recursively into obj and modify encountered mappings using operator.
- recursive_dict_deviation(base_dict: dict, deviating_dict: dict) dict [source]
Calculate the (recursive) difference between two dicts.
- Parameters:
base_dict – The base dictionary to calculate deviation from.
deviating_dict – The dict to calculate the deviation of w.r.t to the base_dict
- Returns:
The deviation as a dictionary.
- value_from_any_generator(any_: Any | Sequence[Any] | Mapping[int, Any], indices: List[int], default_value: str | None = None) Generator[str, None, None] [source]
Yield values from any type.
- Parameters:
any – The input object to yield values from.
indices – The indices to retrieve from the value.
default_value – The default value to use if an index is not found in Mapping.
- Yields:
The value from the input object.
- value_from_mapping_generator(mappable: Mapping[int, Any], keys: List[int], default_value: Any) Generator[Any, None, None] [source]
Yield values from a dictionary according to keys.
- Parameters:
mappable – The mappable to yield values from
keys – The keys for which to retrieve corresponding values from the dictionary.
default_value – The default value to use if a key is not found.
- Yields:
The value corresponding to the key.
- value_from_sequence_generator(sequence: Sequence[Any]) Generator[Any, None, None] [source]
Yield alternately one of the values from a sequence of values.
The order of the yielded values is determined by the order of the sequence.
- Parameters:
sequence – The sequence to yield values from.
- Yields:
One of the values from sequence in alternate order.
deode.geo_utils module
Utilities for simple geographic tasks.
- class Projection(proj4str)[source]
Projection class.
deode.host_actions module
Handle host detection.
- class DeodeHost(known_hosts=None, known_hosts_file=None)[source]
DeodeHost object.
- detect_deode_host()[source]
Detect deode host by matching various properties.
First check self.deode_host as set by os.getenv(“DEODE_HOST”), second use the defined hosts in known_hosts.yml. If no matches are found return the first host defined in known_hosts.yml
- Raises:
RuntimeError – Ambiguous matches
- Returns:
mapped hostname
- Return type:
deode_host (str)
deode.initial_conditions module
deode.logs module
Logging-related classes, functions and definitions.
- class InterceptHandler(level=0)[source]
Add logging handler to augment python stdlib logging.
Logs which would otherwise go to stdlib logging are redirected through loguru.
- class LogDefaults(*_args, **_kwargs)[source]
Defaults used for the logging system.
- DIRECTORY = PosixPath('/home/runner/.logs/deode')
- RETENTION_TIME = '1 week'
- SINKS = mappingproxy({'console': <_io.TextIOWrapper name='<stderr>' mode='w' encoding='utf-8'>})
- class LogFormatter(datetime: str = '<green>{time:YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm:ss}</green>', level: str = '<level>{level: <8}</level>', code_location: str = '<cyan>@{name}</cyan>:<cyan>{function}</cyan> <cyan><{file.path}</cyan>:<cyan>{line}>:</cyan>', message: str = '<level>{message}</level>')[source]
Helper class to setup logging without poluting the module’s main scope.
- code_location: str = '<cyan>@{name}</cyan>:<cyan>{function}</cyan> <cyan><{file.path}</cyan>:<cyan>{line}>:</cyan>'
- datetime: str = '<green>{time:YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm:ss}</green>'
- format_string(loglevel: str)[source]
Return the appropriate fmt string according to log level and fmt opts.
- level: str = '<level>{level: <8}</level>'
- message: str = '<level>{message}</level>'
deode.namelist module
Namelist handling for MASTERODB w/SURFEX.
- class NamelistComparator(config)[source]
Helper class for namelist generation and integration.
- compare_dicts(dbase, dcomp, action)[source]
Compare two dictionaries, recursively if needed.
The dict must only consist of dict, list, str, float, int, bool
- Parameters:
dbase – base dict
dcomp – comparison dict
action (str) – one of ‘intersection’, ‘diff’ or ‘union’
- Returns:
result dict from the specified comparison action
- Return type:
- Raises:
SystemExit # noqa – DAR401
- compare_lists(libase, licomp, sib, sic, sio, action)[source]
Compare two lists, recursively if needed.
The list must only consist of dict, list, str, float, int, bool
- Parameters:
libase – base list
licomp – comparison list
sib – list of start indices for libase
sic – list of start indices for licomp
sio – list of start indices for liout (modified)
action (str) – one of ‘intersection’, ‘diff’ or ‘union’
- Returns:
result list from the specified comparison action
- Return type:
- Raises:
SystemExit # noqa – DAR401
- class NamelistConverter[source]
Helper class to convert namelists between cycles, based on thenamelisttool.
- static apply_tnt_directives_to_ftn_namelist(tnt_directive_filename, input_ftn)[source]
Apply the tnt directives to a fotran namelist using tnt.
- Parameters:
tnt_directive_filename – the tnt directive filename
input_ftn – the namelist fortran file
- Raises:
SystemExit – when conversion failed
- static apply_tnt_directives_to_namelist_dict(tnt_directive_filename, namelist_dict)[source]
Apply the tnt directives to a namelist as dictionary.
- Parameters:
tnt_directive_filename – the tnt directive filename
namelist_dict – the namelist dictionary
- Returns:
the converted namelist dictionary
- Return type:
- Raises:
SystemExit – when conversion failed
- static convert_ftn(input_ftn, output_ftn, from_cycle, to_cycle)[source]
Convert a namelist in fortran file between two cycles.
- Parameters:
input_ftn – the input fortran filename
output_ftn – the output fortran filename
from_cycle – the input cycle
to_cycle – the target cycle
- static convert_yml(input_yml, output_yml, from_cycle, to_cycle)[source]
Convert a namelist in yml file between two cycles.
- Parameters:
input_yml – the input yaml filename
output_yml – the output yaml filename
from_cycle – the input cycle
to_cycle – the target cycle
- Raises:
SystemExit – when conversion failed
- class NamelistGenerator(config, kind, substitute=True)[source]
Fortran namelist generator based on hierarchical merging of (yaml) dicts.
- assemble_namelist(target)[source]
Generate the namelists for ‘target’.
- Parameters:
target (str) – task to generate namelists for
- Returns:
Assembled namelist
- Return type:
nlres (f90nml.Namelist)
- generate_namelist(target, output_file)[source]
Generate the namelists for ‘target’.
- Parameters:
target (str) – task to generate namelists for
output_file – where to write the result (fort.4 or EXSEG1.nam typically)
- load(target)[source]
Generate the namelists for ‘target’.
- Parameters:
target (str) – task to generate namelists for
- Raises:
InvalidNamelistTargetError # noqa – DAR401
- Returns:
Assembled namelist
- Return type:
nlres (dict)
- load_user_namelist()[source]
Read user provided namelist.
- Returns:
Logics if namelist is found or not nldict : Namelist as dictionary cndict : Rules for dictionary
- Return type:
found (boolean)
- update(nldict, cndict_tag)[source]
Update with additional namelist dict.
- Parameters:
nldict (dict) – additional namelist dict
cndict_tag – name to be used for recognition
- class NamelistIntegrator(config)[source]
Helper class to read fortran namelists and store as yaml, in a more compact form.
Reduces duplication if several namelists have similar settings.
deode.os_utils module
Utilities for simple tasks on OS level.
- class Search[source]
Search class.
- static find_files(directory, prefix='', postfix='', pattern='', recursive=True, onlyfiles=True, fullpath=False, olderthan=None, inorder=False) list [source]
Find files in a directory.
- Parameters:
directory (str) – Directory to search in.
prefix (str, optional) – Only find files with this prefix. Defaults to “”.
postfix (str, optional) – Only find files with the postfix. Defaults to “”.
pattern (str, optional) – Only find files with matching pattern. Defaults to “”.
recursive (bool, optional) – Go into directories recursively. Defaults to True.
onlyfiles (bool, optional) – Show only files. Defaults to True.
fullpath (bool, optional) – Give full path. Defaults to False. If recursive=True, fullpath is given automatically.
olderthan (int, optional) – Match only files older than X seconds from now. Defaults to None.
inorder (bool, optional) – Return sorted list of filenames. Defaults to False.
- Returns:
List containing file names that matches criterias
- Return type:
>>> files = find_files( '/foo/', prefix="", postfix="", recursive=False, onlyfiles=True, fullpath=True, olderthan=86400*100 )
- deodemakedirs(path, unixgroup='', exist_ok=True, def_dir_mode=493)[source]
Create directories and change unix group as required.
For a given path the top directory that does not yet exist is searched for, created and unix group is set, if required. Permissions are set such that all subdirectories and new files inherit the unix group.
- Parameters:
path (str) – directory path that should be created if it doesn’t already exist.
unixgroup (str, optional) – unix group the newly created dirs should belong to.
exist_ok (boolean, optional) – Define whether directories may already exist or whether an error should be raised.
def_dir_mode (int, optional) – Default directory persmission mode. Defaults to 0o755
- Raises:
OSError – If cannot create the directory.
- filepath_iterator(paths, filename_pattern='*')[source]
Return iterator of paths to files given a list of file or directory paths.
Given a path or list of paths, yield Path objects corresponding to them. If a path points to a directory, then the directory is searched recursively and the paths to the files found in this process will be yielded.
- Parameters:
paths (Union[pathlib.Path, List[pathlib.Path], str, List[str]]) – A single path or a collection of paths.
filename_pattern (str, optional) – Pattern used in the recursive glob in order to select the names of the files to be yielded. Defaults to “*”.
- Yields:
pathlib.Path – Path to located files.
- ping(host)[source]
Ping host.
- Parameters:
host (str) – Host to ping
- Returns:
True if host responded
- Return type:
- remove_empty_dirs(src, dry_run=False)[source]
Remove directories.
Recursively and permanently removes the specified directory, and all of its empty subdirectories.
- Parameters:
src (str or Path) – Top search directory
dry_run (boolean) – Flag for execution of cleaning or not
- Returns:
True if any files found
- Return type:
found_files (boolean)
- resolve_path_relative_to_package(path: Path, ignore_errors: bool = False) Path [source]
Resolve path relative to package directory.
If the path exists as is, return it. If not, check if it exists in the package directory and return path relative to package
- Parameters:
path (Path) – Path to resolve.
ignore_errors (bool, optional) – Option to ignore errors. Defaults to False.
- Raises:
FileNotFoundError – If it was impossible to determine path relative to package.
FileNotFoundError – If file does not exist locally or in the package directory.
- Returns:
- Original path (if exists locally), or resolved path relative to
package directory.
- Return type:
- strip_off_mount_path(path: str | Path) Path [source]
Strip off the mount path from a given path.
- Assumptions:
the path contains the user name as a directory.
the parent of the user directory is of the format “<new-dir-name>” or “_<new-dir-name>_”, where “*” contains no underscore(s) and where the <new-dir-name> will be used as the new parent directory name relative to the user directory.
- Parameters:
path (Union[str, Path]) – Path to strip off the mount path from.
- Returns:
Path with the mount path stripped off.
- Return type:
- Raises:
ValueError – If the parent of the user directory does not contain 0 or 2 underscores.
>>> strip_off_mount_path("/etc/ecmwf/nfs/dh1_home_b/$USER/Deode-Workflow/deode") Path("/home/$USER/Deode-Workflow/deode")
deode.plugin module
Plug-in functionality.
- class DeodePluginFromConfigFile(config_file)[source]
Deode plugin.
- class DeodePluginRegistry(config=None)[source]
Registry of plugins.
- load_plugin(plugin)[source]
Load plugin.
- Parameters:
plugin (DeodePlugin) – Deode plugin
- plugin_exists(plugin)[source]
Check if plugin exists.
- Parameters:
plugin (DeodePlugin) – Deode plugin
- Returns:
True if already exists in registry.
- Return type:
- register_plugin(plugin)[source]
Register plugin.
- Parameters:
plugin (DeodePlugin) – Deode plugin
- class DeodePluginRegistryFromConfig(config)[source]
Create a registry from a deode config file.
- class DeodePluginRegistryFromFile(config_file)[source]
Registry file of plugins.
deode.scheduler module
Scheduler module.
- class EcflowClient(server, task)[source]
An ecflow client.
Encapsulate communication with the ecflow server. This will automatically call the child command init()/complete(), for job start/finish. It will also handle exceptions and signals, by calling the abort child command. ONLY one instance of this class, should be used. Otherwise zombies will be created.
- class EcflowServer(config, start_command=None)[source]
Ecflow server.
- force_aborted(task)[source]
Force the task aborted.
- Parameters:
task (scheduler.EcflowTask) – Task to force aborted.
- force_complete(task)[source]
Force the task complete.
- Parameters:
task (scheduler.EcflowTask) – Task to force complete.
- remove_suites(suite_list)[source]
Remove suites selected from a list.
- Parameters:
suite_list (list) – Suite names.
- class EcflowTask(ecf_name, ecf_tryno, ecf_pass, ecf_rid, ecf_timeout=20)[source]
Ecflow scheduler task.
- class Server(config)[source]
Base server/scheduler class.
- abstract begin_suite(suite_name)[source]
Begin the suite in a server specific way.
- Parameters:
suite_name (str) – Name of the suite
- Raises:
NotImplementedError – Must be implemented by the child server object.
- abstract replace(suite_name, def_file)[source]
Create or change the suite definition.
- Parameters:
suite_name (str) – Name of the suite.
def_file (str) – Name of the definition file.
- Raises:
NotImplementedError – Must be implemented by the child server object.
- abstract start_server()[source]
Start the server.
- Raises:
NotImplementedError – Must be implemented by the child server object.
- start_suite(suite_name, def_file, begin=True)[source]
Start the suite.
All the servers have these methods implemented and can start the server in a server specific way.
- Parameters:
suite_name (str) – Name of the suite
def_file (str) – Name of the definition file.
begin (bool, optional) – If the suite should begin. Defaults to True.
deode.submission module
Module to handle submissions.
- class NoSchedulerSubmission(task_settings)[source]
Create and submit job without a scheduler.
- submit(task, config, template_job, task_job, output, troika='troika')[source]
Submit task.
- Parameters:
task (str) – Task name
config (deode.ParsedConfig) – Config
template_job (str) – Task template job file
task_job (str) – Task job file
output (str) – Output file
troika (str, optional) – troika binary. Defaults to “troika”.
- Raises:
RuntimeError – Submission failure.
- class TaskSettings(config)[source]
Set the task specific setttings.
- get_settings(task)[source]
Get the settings.
- Parameters:
task (_type_) – _description_
- Returns:
- Return type:
- get_task_settings(task, key=None, variables=None, ecf_micro='%')[source]
Get task settings.
- Parameters:
task (_type_) – _description_
key (_type_, optional) – _description_. Defaults to None.
variables (_type_, optional) – _description_. Defaults to None.
ecf_micro (str, optional) – _description_. Defaults to “%”.
- Returns:
- Return type:
- parse_job(task, config, input_template_job, task_job, variables=None, ecf_micro='%', scheduler='ecflow')[source]
Read default job and change interpretor.
- Parameters:
task (str) – Task name
config (deode.config) – The configuration
input_template_job (str) – Input container template.
task_job (str) – Task container
variables (_type_, optional) – _description_. Defaults to None.
ecf_micro (str, optional) – _description_.
scheduler (str, optional) – Scheduler. Defaults to ecflow.
- Raises:
RuntimeError – In case of missing module env file
- parse_submission_defs(task)[source]
Parse the submssion definitions.
- Parameters:
task (str) – The name of the task
- Returns:
Parsed settings
- Return type:
- Raises:
RuntimeError – Undefined submit type
deode.toolbox module
Toolbox handling e.g. input/output.
- exception ArchiveError[source]
Error raised when there are problems archiving data.
- class ECFS(config, pattern, fetch=True)[source]
Data from ECFS.
- class FDB(config, pattern, fetch=True)[source]
Dummy FDB class.
- class FileManager(config)[source]
FileManager class.
Default DEDODE provider.
Platform specific.
- create_list(basetime, forecast_range, input_template, output_settings)[source]
Create list of files to process.
- Parameters:
basetime (datetime.datetime) – Base time,
forecast_range (datetime.datetime) – forecast range,
input_template (str) – Input template,
output_settings (str) – Output settings
- Returns:
dict of validates and grib fiels
- Return type:
- get_input(target, destination, basetime=None, validtime=None, check_archive=False, provider_id='symlink')[source]
Set input data to deode.
- Parameters:
target (str) – Input file pattern
destination (str) – Destination file pattern
basetime (datetime.datetime, optional) – Base time. Defaults to None.
validtime (datetime.datetime, optional) – Valid time. Defaults to None.
check_archive (bool, optional) – Also check archive. Defaults to False.
provider_id (str, optional) – Provider ID. Defaults to “symlink”.
- Raises:
ProviderError – “No provider found for {target}”
NotImplementedError – “Checking archive not implemented yet”
- Returns:
provider, resource
- Return type:
- get_output(target, destination, basetime=None, validtime=None, archive=False, provider_id='move')[source]
Set output data from deode.
- Parameters:
target (str) – Input file pattern
destination (str) – Destination file pattern
basetime (datetime.datetime, optional) – Base time. Defaults to None.
validtime (datetime.datetime, optional) – Valid time. Defaults to None.
archive (bool, optional) – Also archive data. Defaults to False.
provider_id (str, optional) – Provider ID. Defaults to “move”.
- Returns:
provider, aprovider, resource
- Return type:
- Raises:
ArchiveError – Could not archive data
NotImplementedError – Archive = True is not implemented
- input(target, destination, basetime=None, validtime=None, check_archive=False, provider_id='symlink')[source]
Set input data to deode.
- Parameters:
target (str) – Input file pattern
destination (str) – Destination file pattern
basetime (datetime.datetime, optional) – Base time. Defaults to None.
validtime (datetime.datetime, optional) – Valid time. Defaults to None.
check_archive (bool, optional) – Also check archive. Defaults to False.
provider_id (str, optional) – Provider ID. Defaults to “symlink”.
- input_data_iterator(input_data_definition, provider_id='symlink')[source]
Handle input data spec dict.
Loop through the defined data types and fetch them.
- Parameters:
input_data_definition (dict) – Input data spec
provider_id (str) – Provider id. Defaults to “symlink”
- Raises:
RuntimeError – “Invalid data handle type”
- output(target, destination, basetime=None, validtime=None, archive=False, provider_id='move')[source]
Set output data from deode.
- Parameters:
target (str) – Input file pattern
destination (str) – Destination file pattern
basetime (datetime.datetime, optional) – Base time. Defaults to None.
validtime (datetime.datetime, optional) – Valid time. Defaults to None.
archive (bool, optional) – Also archive data. Defaults to False.
provider_id (str, optional) – Provider ID. Defaults to “move”.
- class LocalFileOnDisk(config, pattern, basetime=None, validtime=None)[source]
Local file on disk.
- class LocalFileSystemCopy(config, pattern, fetch=True)[source]
Local file system copy.
- class LocalFileSystemMove(config, pattern, fetch=False)[source]
Local file system move.
- class LocalFileSystemSymlink(config, pattern, fetch=True)[source]
Local file system.
- class Platform(config)[source]
- evaluate(command_string: str, object_: str | object) Any [source]
Evaluate command string, by applying corresponding command of object.
- Parameters:
command_string (str) – Command string to evaluate
object (Union[str, object]) – Object to apply command from (if command is function of object). If str, the object is assumed to be a module. If a class, the command is assumed to be a method of the class.
- Raises:
- Returns:
- Return original command string if it is not a function call,
otherwise return the result of the function call.
- Return type:
- expand_macros(macros)[source]
Check and expand macros.
- Parameters:
macros (dict) – Input macros
- Returns:
Stored macros
- Return type:
out_macros (dict)
- get_gen_macros()[source]
Get the environment macros.
- Returns:
Environment macros to be used.
- Return type:
- get_os_macros()[source]
Get the environment macros.
- Returns:
Environment macros to be used.
- Return type:
- get_platform_value(role, alt=None)[source]
Get the path.
- Parameters:
role (str) – Type of variable to substitute
alt (str) – Alternative return value
- Returns:
Value from platform.[role]
- Return type:
- get_system_value(role)[source]
Get the system value.
- Parameters:
role (str) – Type of variable to substitute
- Returns:
Value from system.[role]
- Return type:
- get_value(setting, alt=None)[source]
Get the config value with substition.
- Parameters:
setting (str) – Type of variable to substitute
alt (str) – Alternative return value
- Returns:
Value from config with substituted variables
- Return type:
- resolve_macros(config_dict, keyval=None)[source]
Resolve all macros in a nested dict (both keys and values!).
- store_macro(key, val)[source]
Check and store a macro.
- Parameters:
key (str) – Macro key
val (str) – Macro value
- Raises:
RuntimeError – If macro already exists
- sub_str_dict(input_dict, basetime=None, validtime=None)[source]
Substitute strings in dictionary.
- Parameters:
input_dict (dict) – Dict to be parsed
basetime (datetime.datetime, optional) – Base time. Defaults to None.
validtime (datetime.datetime, optional) – Valid time. Defaults to None.
- Returns:
Updated dict
- Return type:
d (dict)
- sub_value(pattern, key, value, micro='@', ci=True)[source]
Substitute the value case-insensitively.
- Parameters:
pattern (str) – Input string
key (str) – Key to replace
value (str) – Value to replace
micro (str, optional) – Micro character. Defaults to “@”.
ci (bool, optional) – Case insensitive. Defaults to True.
- Returns:
Replaces string
- Return type:
- substitute(pattern, basetime=None, validtime=None, keyval=None)[source]
Substitute pattern.
- Parameters:
pattern (str) – _description_
basetime (datetime.datetime, optional) – Base time. Defaults to None.
validtime (datetime.datetime, optional) – Valid time. Defaults to None.
keyval (str) – Key associated with pattern
- Returns:
Substituted string.
- Return type:
- Raises:
RuntimeError – In case of erroneous macro
- class Provider(config, identifier, fetch=True)[source]
Base provider class.
- exception ProviderError[source]
Error raised when there are provider-related problems.
- class SCP(config, pattern, fetch=True)[source]
Transfer data with SCP.