Source code for deode.submission

"""Module to handle submissions."""

import os
import subprocess
import sys

from .derived_variables import derived_variables
from .logs import logger
from .os_utils import deodemakedirs
from .plugin import DeodePluginRegistryFromConfig
from .tasks.discover_task import available_tasks
from .toolbox import FileManager, Platform

[docs] class ProcessorLayout: """Set processor information.""" def __init__(self, kwargs: dict): """Construct object. Use integers internally. Args: kwargs(dict): Processor information """ self.wrapper = kwargs.get("WRAPPER") self.nproc = kwargs.get("NPROC") if self.nproc == "": self.nproc = None if isinstance(self.nproc, str): self.nproc = int(self.nproc) self.nproc_io = kwargs.get("NPROC_IO") if self.nproc_io == "": self.nproc_io = None if isinstance(self.nproc_io, str): self.nproc_io = int(self.nproc_io) self.nprocx = kwargs.get("NPROCX") if self.nprocx == "": self.nprocx = None if isinstance(self.nprocx, str): self.nprocx = int(self.nprocx) self.nprocy = kwargs.get("NPROCY") if self.nprocy == "": self.nprocy = None if isinstance(self.nprocy, str): self.nprocy = int(self.nprocy)
[docs] def get_proc_dict(self): """Generate a processor dict.""" procs = {} nproc = self.nproc nproc_io = self.nproc_io nprocx = self.nprocx nprocy = self.nprocy procs.update( {"nproc": nproc, "nproc_io": nproc_io, "nprocx": nprocx, "nprocy": nprocy} ) return procs
[docs] def get_wrapper(self): """Get and potentially parse the wrapper.""" wrapper = self.wrapper if wrapper is not None and self.nproc is not None: nproc = self.nproc if not isinstance(nproc, str): nproc = str(nproc) wrapper = wrapper.replace("@NPROC@", nproc) return wrapper
[docs] class TaskSettings(object): """Set the task specific setttings.""" def __init__(self, config): """Construct the task specific settings. Args: config(deode.ParserdConfig): Configuration """ self.config = config self.submission_defs = self.config["submission"].dict() self.job_type = None self.processor_layout = None self.fmanager = FileManager(self.config) self.platform = self.fmanager.platform self.unix_group = self.platform.get_value("platform.unix_group")
[docs] @staticmethod def update_task_setting(dic, upd): """Update task settings dictionary. Args: dic (dict): Dictionary to update upd (dict): Values to update Returns: dict: updated dictionary """ for key, val in upd.items(): if isinstance(val, dic[key] = TaskSettings.update_task_setting(dic.get(key, {}), val) else: logger.debug("key={} value={}", key, val) dic[key] = val return dic
[docs] def parse_submission_defs(self, task): """Parse the submssion definitions. Args: task (str): The name of the task Returns: dict: Parsed settings Raises: RuntimeError: Undefined submit type """ task_settings = {"BATCH": {}, "ENV": {}, "MODULES": {}} all_defs = self.submission_defs try: all_types = all_defs["types"] except KeyError: all_types = {} submit_types = list(all_types) default_submit_type = all_defs["default_submit_type"] if default_submit_type not in submit_types: raise RuntimeError( f"Default submit type: {default_submit_type} is not defined" ) logger.debug("default_submit_type={}", default_submit_type) task_submit_type = None for s_t in submit_types: if s_t in all_types and "tasks" in all_types[s_t]: for tname in all_types[s_t]["tasks"]: if tname == task: task_submit_type = s_t if task_submit_type is None: task_submit_type = default_submit_type logger.debug("task_submit_type for task {}: {}", task, task_submit_type) # Update task_settings task_settings = self.update_task_setting( task_settings, all_types[task_submit_type] ) if ( "BATCH" in task_settings and "NAME" in task_settings["BATCH"] and "@TASK_NAME@" in task_settings["BATCH"]["NAME"] ): task_settings["BATCH"]["NAME"] = task_settings["BATCH"]["NAME"].replace( "@TASK_NAME@", task ) if "task_exceptions" in all_defs and task in all_defs["task_exceptions"]: logger.debug("Task task_exceptions for task {}", task) task_settings = self.update_task_setting( task_settings, all_defs["task_exceptions"][task] ) if "SCHOST" in task_settings: self.job_type = task_settings["SCHOST"] # Set task specific processor layout self.processor_layout = ProcessorLayout(task_settings) logger.debug("Task settings for task {}: {}", task, task_settings) return task_settings
[docs] def get_task_settings(self, task, key=None, variables=None, ecf_micro="%"): """Get task settings. Args: task (_type_): _description_ key (_type_, optional): _description_. Defaults to None. variables (_type_, optional): _description_. Defaults to None. ecf_micro (str, optional): _description_. Defaults to "%". Returns: _type_: _description_ """ task_settings = self.parse_submission_defs(task) if key is None: return task_settings if key in task_settings: m_task_settings = {} logger.debug(type(task_settings[key])) if isinstance(task_settings[key], dict): for setting, value_ in task_settings[key].items(): value = value_ logger.debug("{} {} variables: {}", setting, value, variables) if variables is not None and setting in variables: value = f"{ecf_micro}{setting}{ecf_micro}" logger.debug(value) if isinstance(value, str): value = value.replace("@TASK_NAME@", task) m_task_settings.update({setting: value}) logger.debug(m_task_settings) return m_task_settings value = task_settings[key] if variables is not None and key in variables: value = f"{ecf_micro}{variables[key]}{ecf_micro}" return value return None
[docs] def recursive_items(self, dictionary): """Recursive loop of dict. Args: dictionary (_type_): _description_ Yields: _type_: _description_ """ for key, value in dictionary.items(): if isinstance(value, dict): yield (key, value) yield from self.recursive_items(value) else: yield (key, value)
[docs] def get_settings(self, task): """Get the settings. Args: task (_type_): _description_ Returns: _type_: _description_ """ settings = {} task_settings = self.parse_submission_defs(task) keys = [] for key, value in self.recursive_items(task_settings): if isinstance(value, (int, str)): logger.debug(key) keys.append(key) logger.debug(keys) for key, value in self.recursive_items(task_settings): logger.debug("key={} value={}", key, value) if key in keys: logger.debug("update {} {}", key, value) settings.update({key: value}) return settings
[docs] def parse_job( self, task, config, input_template_job, task_job, variables=None, ecf_micro="%", scheduler="ecflow", ): """Read default job and change interpretor. Args: task (str): Task name config (deode.config): The configuration input_template_job (str): Input container template. task_job (str): Task container variables (_type_, optional): _description_. Defaults to None. ecf_micro (str, optional): _description_. scheduler (str, optional): Scheduler. Defaults to ecflow. Raises: RuntimeError: In case of missing module env file """ interpreter = self.get_task_settings(task, "INTERPRETER") logger.debug(interpreter) if interpreter is None: interpreter = f"{sys.executable}" logger.debug(interpreter) dir_name = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(task_job)) deodemakedirs(dir_name, unixgroup=self.unix_group) with open(task_job, mode="w", encoding="utf-8") as file_handler: file_handler.write("#!/bin/bash\n") # Batch settings batch_settings = self.get_task_settings( task, "BATCH", variables=variables, ecf_micro=ecf_micro ) # Add account if not set if "account" not in batch_settings and "account" in config["submission"]: batch_settings["ACCOUNT"] = config["submission.account"] logger.debug("batch settings {}", batch_settings) for b_setting in batch_settings.values(): file_handler.write(f"{b_setting}\n") if scheduler is not None and scheduler == "ecflow": ecf_vars = [ "ECF_HOST", "ECF_PORT", "ECF_NAME", "ECF_PASS", "ECF_TRYNO", "ECF_RID", "ECF_TIMEOUT", "BASETIME", "VALIDTIME", "LOGLEVEL", "ARGS", "WRAPPER", "NPROC", "NPROC_IO", "NPROCX", "NPROCY", "CONFIG", "DEODE_HOME", "KEEP_WORKDIRS", ] for ecf_var in ecf_vars: file_handler.write(f'export {ecf_var}="%{ecf_var}%"\n') # Module settings module_settings = self.get_task_settings( task, "MODULES", variables=variables, ecf_micro=ecf_micro ) logger.debug("module settings {}", module_settings) if module_settings is not None and len(module_settings) > 0: env_file = ( f"{self.submission_defs['module_initfile']}" if "module_initfile" in self.submission_defs else f"{self.submission_defs['module_initpath']}/bash" ) if not os.path.isfile(env_file): raise RuntimeError( f"Environment file {env_file} is not a file or does not exists" ) file_handler.write(f". {env_file}\n") for key in module_settings.values(): # Skip empty sections if len(key) == 0: continue if len(key) < 2 or len(key) > 3: raise RuntimeError(f"Module command has the wrong length:{key}") cmd = "module " + " ".join([f"{x}" for x in key]) file_handler.write(f"{cmd}\n") # Environment settings env_settings = self.get_task_settings( task, "ENV", variables=variables, ecf_micro=ecf_micro ) logger.debug(env_settings) for key, val in env_settings.items(): file_handler.write(f'export {key}="{val}"\n') if scheduler is None: file_handler.write(f'export STAND_ALONE_TASK_NAME="{task}"\n') platform = Platform(config) deode_home = platform.get_platform_value("DEODE_HOME") file_handler.write(f'export STAND_ALONE_DEODE_HOME="{deode_home}"\n') config_file = config.metadata["source_file_path"] file_handler.write(f'export STAND_ALONE_TASK_CONFIG="{config_file!s}"\n') file_handler.write(f"{interpreter} {input_template_job} || exit 1\n") # Make file executable for user os.chmod(task_job, 0o744)
[docs] class NoSchedulerSubmission: """Create and submit job without a scheduler.""" def __init__(self, task_settings): """Construct the task specific settings. Args: task_settings (dict): Submission definitions """ self.task_settings = task_settings
[docs] def submit(self, task, config, template_job, task_job, output, troika="troika"): """Submit task. Args: task (str): Task name config (deode.ParsedConfig): Config template_job (str): Task template job file task_job (str): Task job file output(str): Output file troika (str, optional): troika binary. Defaults to "troika". Raises: RuntimeError: Submission failure. """ reg = DeodePluginRegistryFromConfig(config) known_tasks = available_tasks(reg) name = task.lower() if name not in known_tasks: raise NotImplementedError(f"Task {name} not implemented") platform = Platform(config) # Update dervived variables (nproc etc) settings = self.task_settings.get_settings(task) processor_layout = ProcessorLayout(settings) update = derived_variables(config, processor_layout=processor_layout) config = config.copy(update=update) troika_config = platform.get_value("troika.config_file") self.task_settings.parse_job( task=task, config=config, input_template_job=template_job, task_job=task_job, scheduler=None, ) cmd = ( f"{troika} -c {troika_config} submit {self.task_settings.job_type} " f"{task_job} -o {output}" ) try: subprocess.check_call(cmd.split()) # noqa S603 except subprocess.CalledProcessError as exc: raise RuntimeError(f"Submission failed with {exc!r}") from exc