Miscellaneous Documentation
DEODE environment variables
The following environment variables can be used to control various behaviour.
DEODE_LOGLEVEL sets the logger log level. Select e.g. between info and debug. For more options see the loguru documentation.
DEODE_HOST allows to override the automatic detection of host. The host is used to pick up specific configuration settings. See e.g.
deode show host
DEODE_CONFIG_DATA_DIR sets additional search paths for config files. This is useful when using DEODE as a package. To see paths in use run
deode show paths
Local installations
In the following we have gathered instructions for all known platforms. If a platform is missing please add instructions.
Adding a new host
In the following we have gathered instructions for all known platforms. In the standard case a host/platform can be recognized either through the host name or by identifying a specific environment variable. This is configured in deode/data/config_files/known_hosts.yml
. In the example below we see how atos_bologna
and lumi
are regonized via a hostname regular expression whereas freja
is recognized from a specific environment variable. A hostname can also be forced by setting the DEODE_HOST environment variable which overrides all settings in the known_hosts.yml file.
atos_bologna :
hostname : "ac\\d-\\d\\d\\d"
lumi :
hostname : "uan\\d\\d"
Any new host should be added in the same way and the names for the configuration files for platform
, scheduler
and submission should be named using the given hostname.
Setup ecflow
The ecflow server setup is defined in deode/data/config_files/include/scheduler/ecflow_@HOST@.toml
. For your local installation you might add the proper configurations, e.g. ecflow_freja.toml
ecf_files = "/nobackup/smhid20/users/@USER@/deode_ecflow/ecf_files"
ecf_files_remotely = "/nobackup/smhid20/users/@USER@/deode_ecflow/ecf_files"
ecf_home = "/nobackup/smhid20/users/@USER@/deode_ecflow/jobout"
ecf_host = "le1"
ecf_jobout = "/nobackup/smhid20/users/@USER@/deode_ecflow/jobout"
ecf_out = "/nobackup/smhid20/users/@USER@/deode_ecflow/jobout"
ecf_port = "_set_port_from_user(10000)"
ecf_ssl = "0"
hpc = "freja"
Note there are two functions available for the detection of ecf_port
and ecf_host
that might help to detect correct values for these two variables. _set_port_from_user()
sets a user-id related ecf_port while _select_host_from_list()
finds the active ecf_host from a list of possible hostnames (used in ecflow_atos_bologna.toml
). Both functions are defined in deode/scheduler.py
Freja is the SMHI research cluster operated by NSC. For more details see https://nsc.liu.se/systems/freja
Installing under mamba
Get the code
git clone git@github.com:destination-earth-digital-twins/Deode-Workflow.git
cd Deode-Workflow
Create a conda environment and install ecflow, gdal and poetry.
$ module purge
$ module load Mambaforge/23.3.1-1-hpc1
$ mamba create -p .conda ecflow gdal=3.5.0 poetry python=3.10.4
$ mamba activate .conda/
Install deode and all it’s dependencies
(deode-py3.10) $ poetry install
Now we’re ready to go!
deode-py3.10) $ deode --version
2024-05-20 13:00:19 | INFO | Start deode v0.5.0 --> "deode --version"
deode v0.5.0
mamba deactivate
To load your new environment do
$ cd Deode-Workflow
$ mamba activate .conda/
Note that for the time being ( until the mamba/poetry usage is better understood ) it’s recommended to make this procedure, with a new mamba name, for each new deode clone.
Have a chat with Ulf Andrae, FoU-Met
Available tasks
Preparation of static files
This section contains tasks that are done only once during a model run. In case the static files already exists the tasks can be deactivated in the suite setting config.suite_control.create_static_data
to False
. The location of the background input data used is defined in config.platform
and the resulting output files are stored in a directory defined by config.system.climdir
prepares topograhpic data from gmted input data.deode.tasks.gmtedsoil.Soil
prepares soil data input for PGD using SOILGRID.deode.tasks.sfx.Pgd
runs PGD using ECOCLIMAP SG for either a single 10 day period or the full year. Checkconfig.pgd
for PGD configuration options and usedeode show namelist [--config-file your_config.toml] -t surfex -n pgd
to print the used namelist.deode.tasks.e923.PgdUpdate
updates the topography in the Const.Clim.sfx file with the one filtered/truncated in E923Constant.
These task handles the generation of the non-SURFEX related static data required by the model. Type deode show namelist -t master -n show
to show the available namelists used in e923.
generates the constant part of the e923 files.deode.tasks.e923.E923Monthly
generates the monthly part of the e923 files.deode.tasks.e923_update.E923Update
: In case of CSC=ALARO selected physiography fields are taken from the initial surfex files and written back to the e923 used. This is only performed once. Read more about the task here.
Input data
extracts IFS data from MARS if the expected data is not found on disk. The location of the data on disk is by default outside of a specific case so the input data can easily be reused for several runs. Implemented data sources are described in config.marsdeode.tasks.sfx.Prep
creates the initial state file for SURFEX using PREP. Input data can be either IFS or AROME/HARMONIE-AROME data. The namelist used for Prep can be generated bydeode show namelist [--config-file your_config.toml] -t surfex -n prep
creates an initial atmospheric state and boundary files from a global ECMWF file. Usedeode show namelist [--config-file your_config.toml] -t master -n c903_[main|domain]
to see the two namelists required.deode.tasks.e927.E927
creates an initial atmospheric state and boundary files from a AROME/HARMONIE-AROME file. Usedeode show namelist [--config-file your_config.toml] -t master -n e927
to see the namelist used.
runs the forecast for any of the three CSCs. Namelists can be extracted withdeode show namelist [--config-file your_config.yoml] -t master -n forecast
for the upper air namelist and with-t surfex -n forecast
for the surfex part.
converts FA files to GRIB files. Configured to only work with output from SURFEX producing GRIB1 files.deode.tasks.extractsqlite.ExtractSQLite
extracts data for point verification with harp. Options defined in config.extractsqlite and in the parameter lists underdeode/data/sqlite
All non temporary files produced by the Deode-Workflow are stored in a directory defined by config.system.archive
usually defined as SOME_PATH/YOUR_EXP/archive/YYYY/MM/DD/HH
. Depending on your system these file may be left there for further usage or sent to a more permanent storage. Currently support is implemented or on the way to be implemented for the following
ecfs: Archiving on ECMWF ECFS tape system, either under
.fdb: Archiving in FDB for further internal usage or for propagation to the data bridge (in case of operataions). This is still under development.
scp: Send files to an arbitrary remote host using scp. The location and access details are configured under
For archiving we have the following two tasks
archives the output from the Pgd and E923 tasks. Configured underconfig.archiving.ecfs.static
archives output from each cycle. Configured underconfig.archiving.ecfs
These tasks takes care of temporary files and directories or files that has been archived as described above. The rules for the cleaning tasks described below are defined in config.cleaning.TASK
. Read more about the cleaning here.
prepares the run by removing old ecflow output and job files.deode.tasks.cleaning_tasks.CycleCleaning
runs after each cycle and removes old directories and files with some delay as defined in the configuration.deode.tasks.cleaning_tasks.PostMortem
runs at the very end of the suite and could potentially remove all obsolete ecflow output files.
Configure cases
The case setup
The Deode-workflow is designed to be highly configurable and driven from a single config file. The deode case
functionality offers a way to reduce the number of lengthy config files by building the final config file from smaller sections of configuration settings. A number of pre-defined configurations are available under deode/data/config_files/configurations
Example usage would be:
deode case ?deode/data/config_files/configurations/cy48t3_alaro_gpu_lumi -o test.toml
where ? is a file includer operator where all the arguments are defined line by line. I.e. deode/data/config_files/configurations/cy48t3_alaro_gpu_lumi
contains a list of arguments to be evaluated. In this case we have
When the first config file, config.toml
, has been read the appropriate files for the current host is included for scheduler
and submission
The following configuration files will be read and added in order of appearence. If we check the various files we find that e.g. alaro.toml
only contains the bare minimum changes on top of the default configuration file required to run the ALARO CSC.
The processed configuration output file, here test.toml
, is self contained from a config point of view. All configuration settings (also defaults from json schema) are in the generated configuration file.
The produced config file, test.toml
is now used to start a run the usual way.
deode start suite --config-file test.toml
We can also do everything in one by adding the --start-suite
deode case ?deode/data/config_files/configurations/cy48t3_alaro_gpu_lumi -o test.toml --start-suite
To see all commands available for the case functionality run deode case --help
Adding a new host
The host you’re running on can be recognized either through the host name or by identifying a specific environment variable. This is configured in deode/data/config_files/known_hosts.yml
. In the example below we see how atos_bologna
and lumi
are regonized via a hostname regular expression whereas freja
is recognized from a specific environment variable.
hostname: "ac\\d-\\d\\d\\d"
hostname: "uan\\d\\d"
SMHI_DIST: "linda\\d+"
hostname: ".*leonardo.*"
Any new host should be added in the same way and the names for the configuration files for platform
, scheduler
and submission should be named using the given hostname.
Time handling
A typical use case is to run the same configuration for a number of dates or a longer period. The example above could easily be modified to run for any arbitrary date by running
deode case ?deode/data/config_files/configurations/cy48t3_alaro_gpu_lumi time.toml -o test.toml
where time.toml
end = "YYYY-MM-DD:HH:mm:ssZ"
start = "YYYY-MM-DD:HH:mm:ssZ"
or any additional extra information.
EPS setup
Enabling EPS
To enable EPS, one has to include an EPS include file in the configuration or
on the commandline. A default EPS include file is provided in the
Thus, to run the default EPS setup, one can do
deode case --config-file deode/data/config_files/config.toml deode/data/config_files/include/eps/eps_members.toml
or include the following in the configuration file
and do
deode case --config-file <path_to_config_file>
The default EPS include file contains the following settings:
control_member = 0
members = "0:3"
run_continously = false
selection = {"1:3" = "IFSENS"}
realization = "-1"
Translated into words, including this file in the main config file will make the
deode case
command produce a config file with three members, where the first
member is the control member. The three members will use the lateral boundary data
from corresponding IFSENS member.
Resulting config file:
Only deviating settings relative to the above
section are saved.No validation of the [eps.member_settings.*] sections is done at this point.
The original
section is included in the resulting config file for reference.
control_member = 0
members = [0, 1, 2]
run_continously = false
selection = "IFSENS"
realization = "-1"
realization = 0
realization = 1
selection = "IFSENS"
realization = 2
selection = "IFSENS"
Configuring EPS
In the general EPS settings section, one can set the control member as well as
the members that should be part of the ensemble. The members
setting can either be
a list of integers or
a string sequence of integers or slices separated by commas
E.g. members = [1, 3, 5]
will include members 1, 3, and 5 in the ensemble,
whereas members = "0, 1, 2, 4:10:2"
will include members 0, 1, 2, 4, 6, and 8.
The format of the string slices follows the Python slice notation, i.e. start:stop:step
The default value for step
is 1, so start:stop
is equivalent to start:stop:1
The control member can be set to any integer. If the control member is not part of the (expanded) members list, it will be added to the ensemble automatically.
To adjust the default member settings to ones needs, one can set member specific settings
for basically any existing settings of the Deode-Workflow config file. There are various
ways to do this, but in any case the settings shall be placed under the
section in the eps include file with the full original
config section string appended to “eps.member_settings
”. E.g. to adjust the
section member specifically, one would add the section
fullpos = "..."
to the eps include file. The various ways of setting member specific settings are:
1. Single value -> all members get the same setting
parameter = "value"
parameter = "value"
parameter = "value"
2. List of values -> first member gets first item, second member gets second item, etc. (with “circular boundary condition”)
parameter = ["value1", "value2", "value3", "..."]
parameter = "value1"
parameter = "value2"
parameter = "valueN"
parameter = "value1"
3. Dict of mbr/value pairs -> a given member get the value of the mbr key
parameter = {0 = "value1", 1 = "value2", "2:5:2" = "value3", ...}
parameter = "value1"
parameter = "value2"
parameter = "value3"
parameter = "value3"
“m:n:s” keys are interpreted as slices like for the general members setting, that is
{"2:10:2" = "value3"}
to members 2, 4, 6, and 8.The
setting limits parameter slices. E.g. if[eps.general.members] = "0:10"
,[eps.member_settings] parameter = {"6:16" = "value1"}will set
parameter = "value1"
only for members 6, 7, 8, and 9.For members with no mbr/value pair, the default is used. I.e. in the above example, members 0-5 will get the default value.
In cases, where a mbr key is duplicated in the dictionary (including string slices), the last value is used. E.g. in
[eps.member_settings] parameter = {"2:4" = "value1", 3 = "value2"}
will be set to"value2"
for member 3.
4. Python subclass of deode.eps.custom_generators.BaseGenerator
. Generates member settings based on list of members.
E.g. to generate random boolean values for each member, one could define a generator class like
class BoolGenerator(BaseGenerator[bool]):
"""Example generator class to generate random boolean values."""
def __iter__(self):
for _ in self.members:
yield random.choice([True, False])
and set the parameter to a string that points to the given class object like
parameter = "deode.eps.custom_generators.BoolGenerator"
parameter = true
parameter = false
parameter = false
Domain configuration
Define new domains
The domain you use for your run needs to be defined in a toml file and placed in include/domains folder and few test domains are provided.
We recommend you use tools like domain_maker.py (EpyGraM) or Domain Creation Tool (follow the link) to define your domain.
The parameters you can put into your domain configuration can be found in the config/domain section.
Some of the parameters are optional and derived automatically if not provided:
ilone / ilate: If not provided will default to 11 gridpoints.
nbzonl / nbzong: If not provided will be derived automatically from resolution (xdx/xdy) but if domain very small, i.e. less than 250 gridpoints in either direction, then the parameter defaults to 8 gridpoints.
Finally you’ll need to update domain under section [include] in your main config file and point it to your new domain toml file.
Handling of binaries
Describes the handling of binaries in deode.
Compilation and external sources
Currently the system provides no support for compilation of any of the IAL code required. This is expected to be prepared and compiled separately by e.g. gmkpack, cmake or similar. For the list of IAL cycles tested check the cycle
key in the config documentation.
How to specify binaries
There are several ways to specify which binary to be used. The standard way is to set bindir
in the system config section. This assumes all required binaries are in the given directory and with the names used in the task. If, for whatever reason, a specific task should pick binaries from another directory, or with another name we can define location and/or name on task level by introducing a new section in the config file like:
bindir = "SOME_NEW_PATH"
binary = "SOME_NEW_NAME"
If a specific task should pick more then one binary from different directories, we can define it like this:
NAME_OF_BINARY = { "binary" = "somename" , "bindir" = "somewhere" }
NAME_OF_BINARY1= { "binary" = "somename" , "bindir" = "somewhere" }
where NAME_OF_BINARY is the argument of the function get_binary()
used in the code. For e.g. the mars client it’s sometimes advisable to run with -n
( as in next version ). This then achieved by ( example from lumi )
mars = { "binary" = "mars -n" , "bindir" = "/appl/local/destine/bin" }
Computational parameters in config file
The default config.toml
file, parameters in the submission
groups refer to a coarse-resolution run in a small domain and a short lead time.
When running at higher resolution on real-sized domains, it is suggested to take care of and adjust the following parameters:
WALLTIME: maximum wallclock time allowed by task. It can be raised in
. Raising it is suggested especially during climate generation, e.g., in[submission.task_exceptions.Pgd.BATCH]
.NPROC: number of compute processes (can be also adjusted within
).NPROC_IO: number of compute processes used for the IO server (forecast runs only).
NODES: number of compute nodes.
NTASKS: number of MPI tasks. The total number of tasks defined for the forecast should be equal to NPROC + NPROC_IO.
Submission files for large domains can be found under include/submission folder and can be used directly or give guidance.
The parameter values encoding instructions in the BATCH
groups are specific to the SLURM scheduler.
Namelist handling in deode
Describes the namelist handling in the Deode-Workflow.
Internal usage
The deode namelists are stored as yml files in deode/data/namelist_generation_input/CYCLE
and assembled following a set of rules. The upper air and surfex namelists are stored in master_namelists.yml
and surfex_namelists.yml
respectively. In these config files the namelists are grouped depending on function and application. E.g. the namelist for generation of climate files (configuration E923) are separated in a base block, e923_base
and one additional block for each step, e.g. e923_0
. In assemble_master.yml
the rules for how these blocks are combinged is defined. For the initial part, e923_part_0
is defined as
- common_e923
- e923_0
where common_e923
is another group in the assemble rules and e923_0
is a group in the namelist file. This will be expanded to the three namelist groups
- empty
- e923_base
- e923_0
In addition the defined macros (see deode/data/config_files/include/macros.toml
) are use in the namelist for config driven selections. For e.g. the forecast the settings are dependent on the CSC used as well as the forcing model and the config keys general.csc
and boundaries.bdmodel
are used accordingly like:
- master_common
- f4_@CSC@
- namgfl_@BDMODEL@
where e.g. @BDMODEL@
is substituted runtime to e.g. AROME
or IFS
which allows to pick of the corresponding section in master_namelists.yml
Get a specific namelist from command line
For a given configuration file any namelist generated by the system can be extracted from command line using e.g. for the forecast
deode show namelist -t master -n forecast
If you are uncertain about the name of the namelist you’re searching for just type any name to get a list
deode show namelist -t master -n showme
If you’d like have the namelist without the substituted values from the config file add a -b
to the command. For more information about namelist extraction use the help command.
deode show namelist -h
Add your own namelist
The simplest and recommended way to change a namelist is to extract it as described above using the -b
option, make your modifications and add the namelist to the directory specified by system.namelists
in the config file. The name of the namelist should be the same as when extracted above. Before the system will pick up your namelist you have to set general.accept_static_namelists = true
in the config file. Note that for the main forecast namelist any existing fullpos select files following the name convention “xxt*” will be picked up as well if they exists. If not they will be generated.
Modify a namelist from config
There are several ways to modify namelists. We can either use the ${}
syntax in the yaml files to substitute values. See e.g. how it’s done for nproma
or lfftw defined in the submission
sections. Another way is to introduce a namelist_update
section like
namdim = { nproma = -99 }
namrip = { ravgtime = 99.0 }
where the first section updates all used namelists and the latter updates the forecast namelist only. This allows us to introduce namelist changes for a specific configuration without having to edit the yaml files or a static namelist.
Configure selection of timings in output settings
Describes examples of timings in output settings for [general.output_settings]
in the config file, see output settings.
Output timings must be specified as follows:
to configure a single output interval across the entire forecast length (e.g. outputs every hour, every 30 minutes and so on): a single string with format
, wheren
is a positive integer number andC
can be hours,H
, or minutes,M
.to configure different output intervals across the forecast length: a list of strings. Each string must be of the format
, where each ofstarttime
have the formatPTnC
as described above. More explicitly, the stringstarttime:endtime:interval
instructs to generate forecast outputs with frequencyinterval
(hour or minute) from the forecast stepstarttime
to the forecast stependtime
Here we explain output intervals through an example:
fullpos = ["PT0H:PT6H:PT15M", "PT6H:PT9H:PT30M", "PT9H:PT24H:PT1H"]
history = "PT1H"
nrazts = "PT1H"
surfex = ["PT0H:PT9H:PT10M", "PT9H:PT24H:PT3H"]
With the above settings:
output will be created with a 15 minutes interval from the start until six hours, then with a 30 minutes interval until nine hours, then with a 1 hour interval onwards.history
output will be created with a 1 hour interval.nrazts
instantaneous fluxes will be reset hourly.surfex
output will be created with a 10 minutes interval from the start until nine hours, then with a 3 hour interval until 24 hours.
Configure selection of fields from fullpos
Describes how to select fields and output settings for fullpos. The scripting allows to select fields and levels without having to worry about how the namelist should be constructed, this is done by the system.
The fullpos output is controlled by the following settings
Output interval, see output settings
Field selection and settings for different output times is done in the fullpos main selection,
Currently it’s only implemented support for a single domain using the native geometry of the domain used for the model run.
The fullpos config files
There are a number of fullpos config file types under deode/namelist_generation/fullpos/CYCLE/
rules.yml sets
and tells how settings in the selection part should be translated to settings inNAMFPC
. Normally this does not have to be changed.namfpc_header.yml where we specify the non-field related settings in NAMFPC
master_selection.yml where all fields and levels are specified per output type as defined by fullpos. This config file is for hourly output
master_subhour_selection.yml defines similar as above but for subhourly output. The separation here allows a more fine grained control of the subhourly output streams.
A number of impact model selections defined for all output steps.
The settings done in the selection
part will be used to fill NAMFPC
and the correct level numbers will be filled in the final namelist.
NAMFPC settings
In the section we can add general fullpos settings as in the example below.
CFPDOM: "${domain.name}"
In the selection section we specify all fields to be produced by fullpos. Following the time selection logics we define the subsection as an arbitrary number of xxtddddhhmm
choices. The default setup contains a general selection and on for t=0, i.e. xxt00000000
The logics follows the namelists used by fullpos. For 2D fields we specify the field names in the appropriate sections. For 3D fields there are two ways. We can specify the fields directly as in here:
- 20.0
- 50.0
If there is a wish for different levels for different fields we can specify this as
- 5000.0
- 10000.0
- 70000.0
- 80000.0
Where VOR
and DIV
in the example above are just arbitrary names used to separate the different choices. Note that it’s not possible to combine grouped and none grouped settings.
Combine selection files
A number of selection files can be combined by adding keys to fullpos.selection
in the fullpos part of the config file
AROME = ["master_selection" ,"aq_selection"]
The name AROME
here is just a label. This allows to define different combination of output depending on other configuration choices.
The fullpos namelists can be generated from command line using
deode --config-file deode/data/config_files/config.toml show namelist -t master -n forecast_bdmodel_ifs
This will produce the namelist for the forecast and as many xxt* files as has been defined in the fullpos yaml file.
e923 Update
This utility copies the roughness length fields from sfx files to FA climate file, written by Jan Mašek.
It is necessary for ALARO at high resolutions (<5 km). See Jan’s original instructions below. NB:
intially this tool was meant for ECOCLIMAPII first generation (within DEODE workflow we use ECOCLIMAPII SG).
Original instructions:
Utility e923_update serves for updating roughness fields in e923 clim files from SURFEX, i.e. using GMTED2010 topography and ECOCLIMAP physiography. As a preparatory step, climake for target domain must be run, delivering PGD file and preliminary clim files.
Update of subgrid-scale orographic characteristics (variance, anisotropy, orientation of the main axis) from PGD file is also possible, but it must be done on the level of climake, using modified e923 step and ALADIN executable with modified subroutine EINCLI1. It is not needed if you do not want to use parameterization of gravity wave drag (LGWD=F).
Adding a New Task
Follow the instructions below to add a new task to the system.
Code requirements
In order to start adding a new task to the deode workflow, a file containing your task needs to be created in the $DEODE_WORKFLOW/deode/tasks
folder, where $DEODE_WORKFLOW points to the full name to the folder in which the deode workflow is installed.
In the tasks
folder, the discover_task.py
file looks for the task specified in the deode run
command. The task name should be the name of the class of your task, as it’s in the class names that discover_task.py gets the tasks available. For ease of use, the file name containing your class can also be named the same as the class.
A created task class usually inherits the Task class from the base.py
file inside the tasks
folder The new tasks inherit the Task class, one can define their own execute
, prep
, post
and run
functions and possibly define new ones.
Inside that [task.taskname]
directive, the wrapper and command settings could be set to their appropriate values if they are used by the task. The wrapper setting sets a wrapper for the command needed to be run, most commonly commands time
or srun
. The wrapper setting comes from the BatchJob class included from batch.py
inside base.py
wrapper = self.get_task_setting("wrapper")
self.batch = BatchJob(os.environ, wrapper)
cmd = self.get_task_setting("command")
The run
function of the BatchJob class unites these two settings before running them as one in our task.
cmd = self.wrapper + " " + cmd
Handling output
In order to copy files, inside the task.py
file, the fmanager
directive from the deode/toolbox.py
file needs to be used. To create the input for the task, the fmanager.input
function needs to be called.
def input(
validtime=None, # noqa
The fmanager.input
only has two non-optional arguments and providers for symlink, copy, move and ECFS.
The paths used with fmanager
should be put into macros and not hardcoded.
To link for example MASTERODB, one needs to call the function the following way:
self.fmanager.input("@BINDIR@/MASTERODB", "MASTERODB")
To copy or move, one only needs to add a provider_id:
self.fmanager.input("@BINDIR@/MASTERODB", "MASTERODB", provider_id="copy")
To handle output data, the fmanager.output
function needs to be called after the running of the code in a similar way as the input. Example:
self.fmanager.output("ICMSH@CNMEXP@+000?", "@OUTDIR@/ICMSH@CNMEXP@+000?")
. The same providers are available for output as for input.
Submission rules for a task
In order to setup submission options, they need to be added to the config.toml
file needs. One can either add to an already existing submit type, like the default serial
, or create their own submission type. To add SLURM options, a name of the option along with the option itself needs to be added inside the submission.submissiontype.BATCH
WALLTIME = "#SBATCH --time=00:11:00"
QOS = "#SBATCH --qos=np"
NTASKS = "#SBATCH --ntasks=128"
CORES = "#SBATCH --cpus-per-task=4"
MULTITHREAD = "#SBATCH --hint=nomultithread"
NAME = "#SBATCH --job-name=fcast_task"
ACCOUNT = "#SBATCH -A msdeode"
To add environment variables, run modules or arbitrary commands, they need to be added to the submission.submissiontype.ENV
MODULE = "print('My beautiful module')"
OS = "import os"
One can also specify these in a task.exceptions directive:
WALLTIME = "#SBATCH --time=00:11:00"
QOS = "#SBATCH --qos=np"
NTASKS = "#SBATCH --ntasks=128"
CORES = "#SBATCH --cpus-per-task=4"
MULTITHREAD = "#SBATCH --hint=nomultithread"
NAME = "#SBATCH --job-name=fcast_task"
ACCOUNT = "#SBATCH -A msdeode"
MODULE = "print('My beautiful module')"
OS = "import os"
After that is all done, the new task can be ran with:
deode --config-file=/your/config.toml run --task yourtask --template $PWD/deode/templates/stand_alone.py --job $PWD/yourtask.job --troika-config $PWD/config.yml -o $PWD/yourtask.log
If config_file
is specified under [troika]
in config.yml, one can skip the --troika-config
Deode has the capability to add plug-ins. Internally deode itself is also treated as a plug-in, which is always enabled.
Plugin capablilities
In Deode suites and tasks are handled as plugins. The namespaces suites and tasks are searched for possible suites and tasks.
Running your own suite
The configuration setting below allows you to use an alternative suite defintion.
suite_definition = "MySuite"
This should pick up the suite definition MySuite if it’s implementing the SuiteDefinition class from Deode.
Enable your own plug-in
The config file has a plugin_registry key inside the general part. The loaded plug-ins are defined inside the plugins
key in the registry. The loaded plugins are stored as a dictionary, which uses namespaces as keys and paths as values.
An example could be to add the plugin with namespace “example” in location /tmp would be to add:
"example": "/tmp"
In this case it is expected that the namespace “example” is located in /tmp/example
. Suites in /tmp/example/suites
and tasks in /tmp/example/
tasks will be picked up.
Impact models
Impact models can be connected to the workflow in various ways. Here we describe the current implementation and how the hydrological model EHYPE have been connected. This may differ between different models, and in development and operations. For development this method is convenient but for operations, where various components may be distributed over several hosts, AVISO will be the main triggering platform.
General design
The methods dealing with connecting an impact model is defined in deode/tasks/impact.py
. To add a new model we’d first have to introduce a new section in impact.toml
active = false # activates the specific model
arguments = "@ARCHIVE@/ehype.json" # are arguments given to the impcat model start command
config_name = "@ARCHIVE@/ehype.json" # config_name is a (potential) config file to give to the impact model
path = "@EHYPE_PATH@" # path is the path to the impact model start command
task = "StartImpactModels" # task is the task in the workflow where the impact model should start from. Has to be defined in impact.py.
In addition a communicate
section can be used to inform the impact model about date/time, location of data (disk/fdb), file names, output frequency and simlar things. For EHYPE we have the following keys:
archive_1 = "@ARCHIVE@"
archive_2 = "@ECFS_PREFIX@/archive/@ARCHIVE_TIMESTAMP@"
basetime = "@BASETIME@"
file_template = "GRIBPF*h00m00s"
forecast_range = "@FORECAST_RANGE@"
name = "@CASE@_@YMD@_@HH@"
nwp_model = "@CSC@"
ouput_freq = "@FULLPOS_OUTPUT_FREQ@"
Once this is defined we need to write a function in impact.py that executes the impact model start command. For ehype it’s simply
def ehype(path, args):
cmd = f"{path}/deploy_suite.sh {args}"
BatchJob(os.environ, wrapper="").run(cmd)
Finally we need to declare that this particular impact model is available on the host we’re running on. This is done by specifying the path to the installation in the platform
config section. I.e. for atos we currently have
ehype = "/home/snh02/DE_Impact/EHYPE/forecast/pyflow/utils"
With this is in place the impact model is ready for execution, from the workflow perspective.
The configuration settings for EHYPE are described in the example below. The model itself consists of two parts: One continous run to maintain a good initial state and the on-demand part triggered by the above mentioned settings. The activation above will trigger a separate suite following the settings in the communicate section. On atos EHYPE is installed under the sn02 user and execution is available for any user. Results will be found under $SCRATCH/$USER/DE_Impact/EHYPE
Cleaning of experiment
The forecast suite produces a lot of files in the working and output folders. To avoid increased usage of file storage, it is needed to have a cleaning feature, which allows configurable options to delete files.
Each forecast experiment has a start and end dates and cycle length. These settings define the experiment timeline and used folders:
working folder - contains the workings folder of each suite task:
archive folder - contains the forecast result folders:
These folder paths are parameterized by settings in the config file and its include setting files. Here for working folder the time parameters are from the experiment start date. For the archive folder the time parameters are specific for each cycle. Regular usage of suite forecast for different start dates produces a series of specific folders and files in the experiment working and archive folders.
Cleaning task to clean experiment files
It is added an option in the suite_control
setting section of the config file, which allows to add or not an ecflow cleaning task.
do_cleaning = true
To use the cleanig task it is created a ecFlow task which is the last task in the forecast suite. It is triggered after successfully execution of the previous suite tasks.
Cleaning settings are grouped in the cleaning include file, which is referred as a setting in the include setting section of the config file.
cleaning = "include/cleaning.toml"
Cleaning settings are separeted to general default settings and folder specific settings:
active = true - turn on or turn off the cleaning task
dry_run = true - testing mode - to see which files would be deleted without their actual deletion. This could be seen in the task log file.
include = "(.*)" - regular expression which specifies which files to delete. "(.*)" is regular expesion which matches all files
cleaning_delay = "P1D"
cleaning_max_delay = "P2D"
step = "PT6H"
cleaning_delay and cleanig_max_delay are period settings which define the cleaning time interval according to the expiriment start date
step - defines the time moments in the cleaning interval when to clean files
All of the default settings are required. But these values could be changed in the specific folder settings.
Settings for the working folder
Required settings are active
and path
. path
defines the working folder path - the root folder which contains all working files and folders.
Example value of the working path: /ec/res4/scratch/bgmt/deode/CY48t3_AROME/20230916_0000/
active = true
dry_run = true
include = "ELS*"
path = "@WRK@"
Settings for the archive folder
Required settings are active
and path
Example value of the archive folder path is /ec/res4/scratch/bgmt/deode/CY48t3_AROME/archive/2023/09/16/00/
active = true
dry_run = true
include = "GRIBDEOD*"
path = "@ARCHIVE@"
cleaning_delay = "P1D"
step = "PT6H"
The cleaning settings allow to define the cleaning time interval and step and which files to delete.
Some notes about using the FDB archive
Getting an expver
on ATOS run the following commands (Requires the user to be in unix group ifs
module load pifsenv
getNewId -g d1.on-demand-extremes-dt
Note, expver is case-sensitive, so the expver aaaa
and e.g. Aaaa
is not the same.
Preparing the fdb tool
This is to use the fdb command line tool, if you want to read, write or wipe the data on FDB.
export FDB_HOME=/home/fdbdev/destine/
export FDB5_HOME=/usr/local/apps/mars/versions/
module use /appl/local/climatedt/modules
How to list available data
To list available data in fdb, use the fdb list (Here with head -10 to only read the 4 first entries):
fdb list class=d1,expver=aaaa | head -10
Listing for request
How to retrieve archived data from FDB:
fdb read request.mars out.grib
Where the request.mars file looks something like this (Constructed from last line of output of the fdb list above):
class = d1,
dataset = on-demand-extremes-dt,
expver = aaaa,
stream = oper,
date = 20230916,
time = 0000,
type = fc,
step = 6,
param = 146
How to set expver in DEODE Workflow
expver is set in the [fdb.grib_set]
section of the archiving.toml
file like this:
tablesVersion = "32"
expver = "aaaa"
The combination of class
, dataset
, expver
, stream
, date
and time
must be unique for each user (user A
can only archive to fdb folders owned by user A
). This is fixed by using the expver generator explained above.
You also need to enable fdb archiving by setting the active
variable for the relevant archiving tasks to true
. Example for [archiving.hour.fdb.grib2_files]
active = true
inpath = "@ARCHIVE@"
pattern = "GRIBPF*"
How to exclude variables from being archived
This is done by adding values to the archiving.toml
configuration file under the [fdb.negative_rules]
typeOfLevel = ["unknown", "not_found"]
This will exclude all grib-messages where typeOfLevel
is unknown
OR not_found
. The values to filter can either be a single value or list.
Currently on ATOS there is a bug where ECCODES will give an error: ECCODES ERROR : Unable to get typeOfLevel as string (Key/value not found)
, but still run as intended.
How to remove data
Use fdb wipe
To list out what data will be deleted:
fdb wipe class=d1,dataset=on-demand-extremes-dt,expver=JoLa,stream=oper,date=20230916,time=0600
And to actually delete it (add the –doit flag):
fdb wipe class=d1,dataset=on-demand-extremes-dt,expver=JoLa,stream=oper,date=20230916,time=0600 --doit
This is a bit buggy on LUMI as the as the archive.lock file created while clearing the fdb-directory is not removed and as such you can not archive again into the same folder (defined by the combination class,dataset,expver,stream,date,time) without removing this archive.lock file.
Notes about georef
We are using a geohashing algorithm with Base64 string-representation of the hash, and a Hilbert space-filling curves instead of Z-order space-filling curves
The following section was automatically generated running
deode doc config
on 2025-02-17T10:27:31.
Title: Config
Type |
Required |
No |
Additional properties |
Description: Model for validation of deode
’s main config file.
Property |
Type |
Required |
Default |
Title/Description |
object |
Yes |
- |
General Section |
object |
No |
- |
Suite control |
object |
No |
- |
Cleaning old data |
object |
No |
- |
System |
object |
No |
- |
Boundary Section |
object |
No |
- |
Pgd Section |
object |
No |
- |
Fullpos Section |
object |
No |
- |
Troika |
object |
No |
- |
Include Section |
object |
No |
- |
Section for modify grib |
object |
No |
- |
Archiving Section, defined in include/archiving.toml |
object |
No |
- |
CleaningSection |
object |
No |
- |
Domain Section, defined in files under include/domains |
object |
No |
- |
Extract sqlite Section, defined in include/sqlite.toml |
object |
No |
- |
File Templates, defined in include/file_templates.toml |
object |
No |
- |
Impact model settings |
object |
No |
- |
Macros Section, defined in include/macros.toml |
object |
No |
- |
MARS settings, defined in include/mars_settings.toml |
object |
No |
- |
Platform Section, defined in files under include/platform_paths |
object |
No |
- |
Scheduler Section, defined in files under include/scheduler |
object |
No |
- |
Submission Section, defined in files under include/submission |
object |
No |
- |
Vertical Levels, defined in files under include/vertica_levels |
Property Config > general
Title: General Section
Type |
Required |
Yes |
Additional properties |
Description: Model for the ‘general’ section.
Property |
Type |
Required |
Default |
Title/Description |
Combination |
Yes |
- |
Time-Related Entries |
boolean |
No |
- |
Allow usage of static namelists as input for the tasks. The namelist should be located in the directory specified by platform.namelists and named with the convention namelist_{kind}_{task} where kind could be surfex or master and task forecast/pgd or similar. For the extraction of namelist see namelists.md. |
string |
No |
“deode_case” |
Experiment name |
Combination |
No |
“” |
Placeholder for future ensemble or similar need |
string |
No |
“DEOD” |
Experiment short name |
enum (of string) |
No |
- |
Logger output level |
boolean |
No |
- |
SURFEX switch |
boolean |
No |
- |
Do not remove working directories |
enum (of string) |
No |
enum (of string) |
No |
- |
IAL cycle |
enum (of string) |
No |
“nwp” |
Type of extreme event |
string |
No |
- |
Initial file for the forecast object. Normally no need to provide unless there are special requirements or the forecast object is used in stand alone mode. |
string |
No |
- |
Initial surfex file for the forecast object. Normally no need to provide unless there are special requirements or the forecast object is used in stand alone mode. |
object |
No |
- |
Namelist |
object |
No |
- |
Output Settings |
array |
No |
[] |
Sections to remove prior to config merge |
boolean |
No |
false |
Switch on wind farm parameterisation |
Property Config > general > times
Title: Time-Related Entries
Type |
Required |
Yes |
Additional properties |
Description: Model for the ‘general.times’ section.
Property |
Type |
Required |
Default |
Title/Description |
string |
No |
- |
Forecast range |
string |
No |
- |
Start |
string |
No |
- |
End |
array of string |
No |
- |
List |
string |
No |
“PT3H” |
Cycle length defined as duration |
string |
No |
- |
Initial date and time for the current task. |
string |
No |
- |
Final date and time for the current task. |
One of(Option) |
Property Config > general > times > oneOf > item 0
Type |
Required |
No |
Additional properties |
Any of(Option) |
Property Config > general > times > oneOf > item 0 > anyOf > item 0
Type |
Required |
No |
Additional properties |
Must not be
Type |
Required |
No |
Additional properties |
The following properties are required
The following properties are required
Property Config > general > times > oneOf > item 0 > anyOf > item 1
Type |
Required |
No |
Additional properties |
Must not be
Type |
Required |
No |
Additional properties |
Any of(Option) |
Property Config > general > times > oneOf > item 0 > anyOf > item 1 > not > anyOf > item 0
Type |
Required |
No |
Additional properties |
The following properties are required
Property Config > general > times > oneOf > item 0 > anyOf > item 1 > not > anyOf > item 1
Type |
Required |
No |
Additional properties |
The following properties are required
Property Config > general > times > oneOf > item 0 > anyOf > item 1 > not > anyOf > item 2
Type |
Required |
No |
Additional properties |
The following properties are required
The following properties are required
Property Config > general > times > oneOf > item 1
Type |
Required |
No |
Additional properties |
Must not be
Type |
Required |
No |
Additional properties |
Any of(Option) |
Property Config > general > times > oneOf > item 1 > not > anyOf > item 0
Type |
Required |
No |
Additional properties |
The following properties are required
Property Config > general > times > oneOf > item 1 > not > anyOf > item 1
Type |
Required |
No |
Additional properties |
The following properties are required
The following properties are required
Property Config > general > times > forecast_range
Type |
Required |
No |
Format |
Description: Forecast range
Property Config > general > times > start
Type |
Required |
No |
Format |
Description: Start
Property Config > general > times > end
Type |
Required |
No |
Format |
Description: End
Property Config > general > times > list
Type |
Required |
No |
Description: List
Array restrictions |
Min items |
N/A |
Max items |
N/A |
Items unicity |
False |
Additional items |
False |
Tuple validation |
See below |
Each item of this array must be |
Description |
- |
Config > general > times > list > list items
Type |
Required |
No |
Format |
Property Config > general > times > cycle_length
Type |
Required |
No |
Format |
Default |
Description: Cycle length defined as duration
Property Config > general > times > basetime
Type |
Required |
No |
Format |
Description: Initial date and time for the current task.
Property Config > general > times > validtime
Type |
Required |
No |
Format |
Description: Final date and time for the current task.
Property Config > general > accept_static_namelists
Type |
Required |
No |
Description: Allow usage of static namelists as input for the tasks. The namelist should be located in the directory specified by platform.namelists and named with the convention namelist_{kind}_{task} where kind could be surfex or master and task forecast/pgd or similar. For the extraction of namelist see namelists.md.
Property Config > general > case
Type |
Required |
No |
Default |
Description: Experiment name
Property Config > general > realization
Type |
Required |
No |
Additional properties |
Default |
Description: Placeholder for future ensemble or similar need
One of(Option) |
Property Config > general > realization > oneOf > item 0
Type |
Required |
No |
Restrictions |
Max length |
0 |
Property Config > general > realization > oneOf > item 1
Type |
Required |
No |
Restrictions |
Minimum |
≥ 0 |
Property Config > general > cnmexp
Type |
Required |
No |
Default |
Description: Experiment short name
Restrictions |
Min length |
4 |
Max length |
4 |
Property Config > general > loglevel
Type |
Required |
No |
Description: Logger output level
Must be one of:
Property Config > general > surfex
Type |
Required |
No |
Description: SURFEX switch
Property Config > general > keep_workdirs
Type |
Required |
No |
Description: Do not remove working directories
Property Config > general > csc
Type |
Required |
No |
Default |
Description: CSC
Must be one of:
Property Config > general > cycle
Type |
Required |
No |
Description: IAL cycle
Must be one of:
Property Config > general > event_type
Type |
Required |
No |
Default |
Description: Type of extreme event
Must be one of:
Property Config > general > initfile
Type |
Required |
No |
Description: Initial file for the forecast object. Normally no need to provide unless there are special requirements or the forecast object is used in stand alone mode.
Property Config > general > initfile_sfx
Type |
Required |
No |
Description: Initial surfex file for the forecast object. Normally no need to provide unless there are special requirements or the forecast object is used in stand alone mode.
Property Config > general > namelist
Title: Namelist
Type |
Required |
No |
Additional properties |
Description: Namelist settings. Various settings for the forecast namelist that have no other place to go.
Property |
Type |
Required |
Default |
Title/Description |
string |
No |
- |
Reset times for instantaneous fluxes ( e.g. min/max temperature ) |
string |
No |
- |
Time interval for radiation compitations in the model. |
Property Config > general > namelist > nrazts
Type |
Required |
No |
Description: Reset times for instantaneous fluxes ( e.g. min/max temperature )
Property Config > general > namelist > radiation_frequency
Type |
Required |
No |
Description: Time interval for radiation compitations in the model.
Property Config > general > output_settings
Title: Output Settings
Type |
Required |
No |
Additional properties |
Description: Output settings. Specified as duration for any of interval, endtime:interval, starttime:endtime:interval or a list of these options
Property |
Type |
Required |
Default |
Title/Description |
Combination |
No |
- |
- |
Combination |
No |
- |
- |
Combination |
No |
- |
- |
Property Config > general > output_settings > history
Type |
Required |
No |
Additional properties |
Any of(Option) |
Property Config > general > output_settings > history > anyOf > item 0
Type |
Required |
No |
Restrictions |
Max length |
0 |
Property Config > general > output_settings > history > anyOf > item 1
Type |
Required |
No |
Format |
Property Config > general > output_settings > history > anyOf > item 2
Type |
Required |
No |
Array restrictions |
Min items |
N/A |
Max items |
N/A |
Items unicity |
False |
Additional items |
False |
Tuple validation |
See below |
Each item of this array must be |
Description |
- |
Config > general > output_settings > history > anyOf > item 2 > item 2 items
Type |
Required |
No |
Additional properties |
Any of(Option) |
Property Config > general > output_settings > history > anyOf > item 2 > item 2 items > anyOf > item 0
Type |
Required |
No |
Format |
Property Config > general > output_settings > surfex
Type |
Required |
No |
Additional properties |
Any of(Option) |
Property Config > general > output_settings > surfex > anyOf > item 0
Type |
Required |
No |
Restrictions |
Max length |
0 |
Property Config > general > output_settings > surfex > anyOf > item 1
Type |
Required |
No |
Format |
Property Config > general > output_settings > surfex > anyOf > item 2
Type |
Required |
No |
Array restrictions |
Min items |
N/A |
Max items |
N/A |
Items unicity |
False |
Additional items |
False |
Tuple validation |
See below |
Each item of this array must be |
Description |
- |
Config > general > output_settings > surfex > anyOf > item 2 > item 2 items
Type |
Required |
No |
Additional properties |
Any of(Option) |
Property Config > general > output_settings > surfex > anyOf > item 2 > item 2 items > anyOf > item 0
Type |
Required |
No |
Format |
Property Config > general > output_settings > fullpos
Type |
Required |
No |
Additional properties |
Any of(Option) |
Property Config > general > output_settings > fullpos > anyOf > item 0
Type |
Required |
No |
Restrictions |
Max length |
0 |
Property Config > general > output_settings > fullpos > anyOf > item 1
Type |
Required |
No |
Format |
Property Config > general > output_settings > fullpos > anyOf > item 2
Type |
Required |
No |
Array restrictions |
Min items |
N/A |
Max items |
N/A |
Items unicity |
False |
Additional items |
False |
Tuple validation |
See below |
Each item of this array must be |
Description |
- |
Config > general > output_settings > fullpos > anyOf > item 2 > item 2 items
Type |
Required |
No |
Additional properties |
Any of(Option) |
Property Config > general > output_settings > fullpos > anyOf > item 2 > item 2 items > anyOf > item 0
Type |
Required |
No |
Format |
Property Config > general > remove_sections
Type |
Required |
No |
Default |
Description: Sections to remove prior to config merge
Array restrictions |
Min items |
N/A |
Max items |
N/A |
Items unicity |
False |
Additional items |
False |
Tuple validation |
N/A |
Property Config > general > windfarm
Type |
Required |
No |
Default |
Description: Switch on wind farm parameterisation
Property Config > suite_control
Title: Suite control
Type |
Required |
No |
Additional properties |
Description: Suite control options
Property |
Type |
Required |
Default |
Title/Description |
string |
No |
“DeodeSuiteDefinition” |
Suite definition to play in EcFlow |
boolean |
No |
- |
Activate preparation of SOILGRID data as input for PGD |
boolean |
No |
- |
Activate generation of a PGD file |
enum (of string) |
No |
- |
Choose a strategy to achieve initial/initial_sfx files (start: start from interpolated files and then propagate the FG between cycles, restart: start from a previous run and then propagate the FG between cycles, cold_start: always start from interpolated files). |
boolean |
No |
- |
Activates the boundary interpolation |
boolean |
No |
- |
Run marsprep or skip extraction |
boolean |
No |
- |
Activates extraction of selected points to SQLite files for verification. |
boolean |
No |
- |
Activate the generation of PGD and monthly climate files in the suite |
boolean |
No |
- |
Activate the time dependent part of the suite |
boolean |
No |
false |
Do marsprep only for one step before c903 |
boolean |
No |
false |
Do file cleaning |
integer |
No |
1 |
Number of IOmerge tasks |
object |
No |
- |
- |
Property Config > suite_control > suite_definition
Type |
Required |
No |
Default |
Description: Suite definition to play in EcFlow
Property Config > suite_control > do_soil
Type |
Required |
No |
Description: Activate preparation of SOILGRID data as input for PGD
Property Config > suite_control > do_pgd
Type |
Required |
No |
Description: Activate generation of a PGD file
Property Config > suite_control > mode
Type |
Required |
No |
Description: Choose a strategy to achieve initial/initial_sfx files (start: start from interpolated files and then propagate the FG between cycles, restart: start from a previous run and then propagate the FG between cycles, cold_start: always start from interpolated files).
Must be one of:
Property Config > suite_control > interpolate_boundaries
Type |
Required |
No |
Description: Activates the boundary interpolation
Property Config > suite_control > do_marsprep
Type |
Required |
No |
Description: Run marsprep or skip extraction
Property Config > suite_control > do_extractsqlite
Type |
Required |
No |
Description: Activates extraction of selected points to SQLite files for verification.
Property Config > suite_control > create_static_data
Type |
Required |
No |
Description: Activate the generation of PGD and monthly climate files in the suite
Property Config > suite_control > create_time_dependent_suite
Type |
Required |
No |
Description: Activate the time dependent part of the suite
Property Config > suite_control > split_mars
Type |
Required |
No |
Default |
Description: Do marsprep only for one step before c903
Property Config > suite_control > do_cleaning
Type |
Required |
No |
Default |
Description: Do file cleaning
Property Config > suite_control > n_io_merge
Type |
Required |
No |
Default |
Description: Number of IOmerge tasks
Property Config > suite_control > DeodeCleaningSuiteDefinition
Type |
Required |
No |
Additional properties |
Property |
Type |
Required |
Default |
Title/Description |
boolean |
No |
true |
Activate cleaning the scratch data |
boolean |
No |
true |
Activate cleaning the suites |
boolean |
No |
true |
Activate cleaning IFS data |
array of integer |
No |
- |
List of days when cleaning suite will run, 0-6 Sunday-Saturday |
string |
No |
- |
Time to run |
Property Config > suite_control > DeodeCleaningSuiteDefinition > do_clean_scratch_data
Type |
Required |
No |
Default |
Description: Activate cleaning the scratch data
Property Config > suite_control > DeodeCleaningSuiteDefinition > do_clean_suites
Type |
Required |
No |
Default |
Description: Activate cleaning the suites
Property Config > suite_control > DeodeCleaningSuiteDefinition > do_clean_IFS
Type |
Required |
No |
Default |
Description: Activate cleaning IFS data
Property Config > suite_control > DeodeCleaningSuiteDefinition > days_in_week
Type |
Required |
No |
Description: List of days when cleaning suite will run, 0-6 Sunday-Saturday
Array restrictions |
Min items |
N/A |
Max items |
N/A |
Items unicity |
False |
Additional items |
False |
Tuple validation |
See below |
Each item of this array must be |
Description |
- |
Config > suite_control > DeodeCleaningSuiteDefinition > days_in_week > days_in_week items
Type |
Required |
No |
Property Config > suite_control > DeodeCleaningSuiteDefinition > time_to_run
Type |
Required |
No |
Description: Time to run
Restrictions |
Must match regular expression |
Property Config > clean_old_data
Title: Cleaning old data
Type |
Required |
No |
Additional properties |
Property |
Type |
Required |
Default |
Title/Description |
string |
No |
“P14D” |
Age for old data in days |
string |
No |
“P14D” |
Age for old data in days |
string |
No |
“P7D” |
Age for old data in days |
array |
No |
[] |
- |
string |
No |
“/” |
- |
string |
No |
“/” |
- |
string |
No |
“/IFS/(\d{4})/(0[1-9] |
1[0-2])/(0[1-9] |
string |
No |
“deode” |
- |
Property Config > clean_old_data > scratch_data_period
Type |
Required |
No |
Default |
Description: Age for old data in days
Restrictions |
Must match regular expression |
Property Config > clean_old_data > suites_period
Type |
Required |
No |
Default |
Description: Age for old data in days
Restrictions |
Must match regular expression |
Property Config > clean_old_data > IFS_period
Type |
Required |
No |
Default |
Description: Age for old data in days
Restrictions |
Must match regular expression |
Property Config > clean_old_data > ignore
Type |
Required |
No |
Default |
Array restrictions |
Min items |
N/A |
Max items |
N/A |
Items unicity |
False |
Additional items |
False |
Tuple validation |
N/A |
Property Config > clean_old_data > suite_format
Type |
Required |
No |
Default |
Property Config > clean_old_data > scratch_format
Type |
Required |
No |
Default |
Property Config > clean_old_data > ifs_format
Type |
Required |
No |
Default |
`”/IFS/(\d{4})/(0[1-9] |
Property Config > clean_old_data > scratch_ext
Type |
Required |
No |
Default |
Property Config > system
Title: System
Type |
Required |
No |
Additional properties |
Description: DEODE system specific path settings
Property |
Type |
Required |
Default |
Title/Description |
string |
No |
- |
Name template for input initial surfex file for prep |
string |
No |
- |
Name template for input boundary files |
string |
No |
- |
Location of input intial file for surfex |
string |
No |
- |
Location of input boundaries |
string |
No |
“@WRK@” |
Location of boundaries on the current domain, i.e. the output directory of e927 |
string |
No |
- |
Location of generated/used climate files (PGD/monthly files) |
string |
No |
- |
Location of binaries |
string |
No |
- |
Location of host model climate files used for e927/c903 |
string |
No |
“@CASEDIR@/@YYYY@@MM@@DD@_@HH@@mm@/” |
Location of date specific working directory |
string |
No |
- |
Path to the fullpos yml config file |
string |
No |
“@YYYY@/@MM@/@DD@/@HH@/” |
Relative path of date specific archive |
string |
No |
Absolute path of date specific archive |
string |
No |
- |
Location of collected logfiles |
string |
No |
“@DEODE_HOME@/data/namelists/@CYCLE@” |
Path to static namelists |
string |
No |
- |
Location input files extracted from MARS by Marsprep |
string |
No |
- |
Path to SFC files needed for c903, which are not in MARS |
string |
No |
“@CASE@” |
Name of the previous experiment |
string |
No |
“@CYCLE@/sfx.json” |
Path to the surfex json config file |
string |
No |
“@CYCLE@/forecast.json” |
Path to the forecast json config file |
string |
No |
“@CYCLE@/c903.json” |
Path to the c903 json config file |
Property Config > system > bdfile_sfx_template
Type |
Required |
No |
Description: Name template for input initial surfex file for prep
Property Config > system > bdfile_template
Type |
Required |
No |
Description: Name template for input boundary files
Property Config > system > bddir_sfx
Type |
Required |
No |
Description: Location of input intial file for surfex
Property Config > system > bddir
Type |
Required |
No |
Description: Location of input boundaries
Property Config > system > intp_bddir
Type |
Required |
No |
Default |
Description: Location of boundaries on the current domain, i.e. the output directory of e927
Property Config > system > climdir
Type |
Required |
No |
Description: Location of generated/used climate files (PGD/monthly files)
Property Config > system > bindir
Type |
Required |
No |
Description: Location of binaries
Property Config > system > bdclimdir
Type |
Required |
No |
Description: Location of host model climate files used for e927/c903
Property Config > system > wrk
Type |
Required |
No |
Default |
Description: Location of date specific working directory
Property Config > system > fullpos_config_file
Type |
Required |
No |
Description: Path to the fullpos yml config file
Property Config > system > archive_timestamp
Type |
Required |
No |
Default |
Description: Relative path of date specific archive
Property Config > system > archive
Type |
Required |
No |
Default |
Description: Absolute path of date specific archive
Property Config > system > logs
Type |
Required |
No |
Description: Location of collected logfiles
Property Config > system > namelists
Type |
Required |
No |
Default |
Description: Path to static namelists
Property Config > system > marsdir
Type |
Required |
No |
Description: Location input files extracted from MARS by Marsprep
Property Config > system > global_sfcdir
Type |
Required |
No |
Description: Path to SFC files needed for c903, which are not in MARS
Property Config > system > prev_case
Type |
Required |
No |
Default |
Description: Name of the previous experiment
Property Config > system > sfx_input_definition
Type |
Required |
No |
Default |
Description: Path to the surfex json config file
Property Config > system > forecast_input_definition
Type |
Required |
No |
Default |
Description: Path to the forecast json config file
Property Config > system > c903_input_definition
Type |
Required |
No |
Default |
Description: Path to the c903 json config file
Property Config > boundaries
Title: Boundary Section
Type |
Required |
No |
Additional properties |
Description: Settings for control of boundary treatment.
Property |
Type |
Required |
Default |
Title/Description |
string |
No |
- |
Boundary interval |
string |
No |
- |
Shift of boundary initial time. E.g. ‘PT3H’ would mean use 3H old boundaries |
number |
No |
- |
Number of interpolate tasks run in parallel |
enum (of string) |
No |
- |
Coupling model |
boolean |
No |
- |
Value of TFP_Q%LLGP in domain namelist for c903. True for gridpoint humidity. |
enum (of string) |
No |
- |
Selection |
string |
No |
- |
The number of members in ensemble if selection is IFSENS, else empty string. |
boolean |
No |
- |
Set to true if the host model runs with surfex |
Property Config > boundaries > bdint
Type |
Required |
No |
Format |
Description: Boundary interval
Property Config > boundaries > bdshift
Type |
Required |
No |
Format |
Description: Shift of boundary initial time. E.g. ‘PT3H’ would mean use 3H old boundaries
Property Config > boundaries > max_interpolation_tasks
Type |
Required |
No |
Description: Number of interpolate tasks run in parallel
Property Config > boundaries > bdmodel
Type |
Required |
No |
Description: Coupling model
Must be one of:
Property Config > boundaries > humi_gp
Type |
Required |
No |
Description: Value of TFP_Q%LLGP in domain namelist for c903. True for gridpoint humidity.
Property Config > boundaries > ifs.selection
Type |
Required |
No |
Description: Selection
Must be one of:
Property Config > boundaries > ifs.bdmember
Type |
Required |
No |
Description: The number of members in ensemble if selection is IFSENS, else empty string.
Property Config > boundaries > bd_has_surfex
Type |
Required |
No |
Description: Set to true if the host model runs with surfex
Property Config > pgd
Title: Pgd Section
Type |
Required |
No |
Additional properties |
Description: Settings for control of Pgd selection.
Property |
Type |
Required |
Default |
Title/Description |
integer |
No |
3 |
Number of patches for surfex variables |
boolean |
No |
true |
Option for using one decade |
boolean |
No |
false |
Option to use Open Street map input data |
Property Config > pgd > npatch
Title: Number of patches for surfex variables
Type |
Required |
No |
Default |
Property Config > pgd > one_decade
Title: Option for using one decade
Type |
Required |
No |
Default |
Property Config > pgd > use_osm
Title: Option to use Open Street map input data
Type |
Required |
No |
Default |
Property Config > fullpos
Title: Fullpos Section
Type |
Required |
No |
Additional properties |
Description: Settings for control of fullpos selection.
Property |
Type |
Required |
Default |
Title/Description |
string |
No |
“@DEODE_HOME@/data/namelist_generation_input/@CYCLE@/fullpos” |
Path to fullpos config files |
array of string |
No |
[“rules”, “namfpc_header”] |
List of mandatory rules |
object |
No |
- |
List of selections to include |
string |
No |
Name of your domain as used by fullpos |
Property Config > fullpos > config_path
Title: Path to fullpos config files
Type |
Required |
No |
Default |
Property Config > fullpos > main
Type |
Required |
No |
Default |
Description: List of mandatory rules
Array restrictions |
Min items |
N/A |
Max items |
N/A |
Items unicity |
False |
Additional items |
False |
Tuple validation |
See below |
Each item of this array must be |
Description |
- |
Config > fullpos > main > main items
Type |
Required |
No |
Property Config > fullpos > selection
Type |
Required |
No |
Additional properties |
Description: List of selections to include
Property Config > fullpos > selection > additionalProperties
Type |
Required |
No |
Array restrictions |
Min items |
N/A |
Max items |
N/A |
Items unicity |
False |
Additional items |
False |
Tuple validation |
See below |
Each item of this array must be |
Description |
- |
Config > fullpos > selection > additionalProperties > additionalProperties items
Type |
Required |
No |
Property Config > fullpos > domain_name
Type |
Required |
No |
Default |
Description: Name of your domain as used by fullpos
Restrictions |
Max length |
20 |
Property Config > troika
Title: Troika
Type |
Required |
No |
Additional properties |
Description: DEODE system specific path settings
Property |
Type |
Required |
Default |
Title/Description |
string |
No |
“@DEODE_HOME@/data/config_files/troika.yml” |
Troika config file |
string |
No |
“troika” |
Troika command, allows to specify troika with full path |
Property Config > troika > config_file
Type |
Required |
No |
Default |
Description: Troika config file
Property Config > troika > troika
Type |
Required |
No |
Default |
Description: Troika command, allows to specify troika with full path
Property Config > include
Title: Include Section
Type |
Required |
No |
Additional properties |
Description: Sections to be included from other config files. Specified as ‘key = val’ pairs, where the keys are the section names and the vals are the paths to the files containing them.
Property Config > gribmodify
Title: Section for modify grib
Type |
Required |
No |
Additional properties |
Description: Rules for modify grib to get total prcipitation
Property |
Type |
Required |
Default |
Title/Description |
object |
No |
- |
Total precpipation |
object |
No |
- |
Total snow |
object |
No |
- |
Total rain |
Property Config > gribmodify > 3
Title: Total precpipation
Type |
Required |
No |
Additional properties |
Description: shortName for the total precipitation.
Property |
Type |
Required |
Default |
Title/Description |
array of string |
No |
- |
Input parameters |
string |
No |
- |
Operator |
string |
No |
- |
Output parameter |
Property Config > gribmodify > 3 > input
Title: Input parameters
Type |
Required |
No |
Description: List of parameters
Array restrictions |
Min items |
N/A |
Max items |
N/A |
Items unicity |
False |
Additional items |
False |
Tuple validation |
See below |
Each item of this array must be |
Description |
- |
Config > gribmodify > 3 > input > input items
Type |
Required |
No |
Property Config > gribmodify > 3 > operator
Title: Operator
Type |
Required |
No |
Description: Operator for compute the new field from input parameters
Property Config > gribmodify > 3 > output
Title: Output parameter
Type |
Required |
No |
Description: shortName of output parameter.
Property Config > gribmodify > 2
Title: Total snow
Type |
Required |
No |
Additional properties |
Description: shortName for the total precipitation.
Property |
Type |
Required |
Default |
Title/Description |
array of string |
No |
- |
Input parameters |
string |
No |
- |
Operator |
string |
No |
- |
Output parameter |
Property Config > gribmodify > 2 > input
Title: Input parameters
Type |
Required |
No |
Description: List of parameters
Array restrictions |
Min items |
N/A |
Max items |
N/A |
Items unicity |
False |
Additional items |
False |
Tuple validation |
See below |
Each item of this array must be |
Description |
- |
Config > gribmodify > 2 > input > input items
Type |
Required |
No |
Property Config > gribmodify > 2 > operator
Title: Operator
Type |
Required |
No |
Description: Operator for compute the new field from input parameters
Property Config > gribmodify > 2 > output
Title: Output parameter
Type |
Required |
No |
Description: shortName of output parameter.
Property Config > gribmodify > 1
Title: Total rain
Type |
Required |
No |
Additional properties |
Description: shortName for the total precipitation.
Property |
Type |
Required |
Default |
Title/Description |
array of string |
No |
- |
Input parameters |
string |
No |
- |
Operator |
string |
No |
- |
Output parameter |
Property Config > gribmodify > 1 > input
Title: Input parameters
Type |
Required |
No |
Description: List of parameters
Array restrictions |
Min items |
N/A |
Max items |
N/A |
Items unicity |
False |
Additional items |
False |
Tuple validation |
See below |
Each item of this array must be |
Description |
- |
Config > gribmodify > 1 > input > input items
Type |
Required |
No |
Property Config > gribmodify > 1 > operator
Title: Operator
Type |
Required |
No |
Description: Operator for compute the new field from input parameters
Property Config > gribmodify > 1 > output
Title: Output parameter
Type |
Required |
No |
Description: shortName of output parameter.
Property Config > archiving
Title: Archiving Section, defined in include/archiving.toml
Type |
Required |
No |
Additional properties |
Description: Archiving settings for ATOS to ECFS. Locations, and time intervals to archive for each file type
Property |
Type |
Required |
Default |
Title/Description |
object |
No |
- |
Path prefixes |
Property Config > archiving > prefix
Title: Path prefixes
Type |
Required |
No |
Additional properties |
Description: Prefix to prepend paths. Like ‘ec:/user/ for ecfs on atos or ‘user@host:’ for scp
Property |
Type |
Required |
Default |
Title/Description |
string |
No |
- |
Prefix to use for available archive types. Define one per type where applicable. |
Property Config > archiving > prefix > archive_type
Type |
Required |
No |
Description: Prefix to use for available archive types. Define one per type where applicable.
Property Config > cleaning
Title: CleaningSection
Type |
Required |
No |
Additional properties |
Description: Model for validation of the cleaning configuration.
Property |
Type |
Required |
Default |
Title/Description |
Combination |
Yes |
- |
- |
object |
No |
- |
- |
Property Config > cleaning > defaults
Type |
Required |
Yes |
Additional properties |
Property |
Type |
Required |
Default |
Title/Description |
string |
No |
- |
regular experssion according to it which files to clean |
number |
No |
- |
number of cycle_length periods with which the cleaning is shifted to the experiment start day to the past. |
string |
No |
- |
time period with which the cleaning is shifted to the experiment start day to the past. Should be a multiple of general.times.cycle_length. |
string |
No |
- |
time period which defines the cleaning according to the cleaning_delay to the past. Should be a multiple of general.times.cycle_length. |
string |
No |
- |
time step which determines moments when to make a cleaning, should be a multiple of general.times.cycle_length. |
boolean |
No |
- |
Activate cleaning files |
boolean |
No |
- |
test cleaning without to delete files |
One of(Option) |
Property Config > cleaning > defaults > oneOf > item 0
Type |
Required |
No |
Additional properties |
The following properties are required
Property Config > cleaning > defaults > oneOf > item 1
Type |
Required |
No |
Additional properties |
The following properties are required
Property Config > cleaning > defaults > include
Type |
Required |
No |
Description: regular experssion according to it which files to clean
Property Config > cleaning > defaults > ncycles_delay
Type |
Required |
No |
Description: number of cycle_length periods with which the cleaning is shifted to the experiment start day to the past.
Property Config > cleaning > defaults > cleaning_delay
Type |
Required |
No |
Format |
Description: time period with which the cleaning is shifted to the experiment start day to the past. Should be a multiple of general.times.cycle_length.
Property Config > cleaning > defaults > cleaning_max_delay
Type |
Required |
No |
Format |
Description: time period which defines the cleaning according to the cleaning_delay to the past. Should be a multiple of general.times.cycle_length.
Property Config > cleaning > defaults > step
Type |
Required |
No |
Format |
Description: time step which determines moments when to make a cleaning, should be a multiple of general.times.cycle_length.
Property Config > cleaning > defaults > active
Type |
Required |
No |
Description: Activate cleaning files
Property Config > cleaning > defaults > dry_run
Type |
Required |
No |
Description: test cleaning without to delete files
Property Config > cleaning > Cleaning_example
Type |
Required |
No |
Additional properties |
Property |
Type |
Required |
Default |
Title/Description |
string |
Yes |
- |
path to the folder where files will be cleaned |
string |
No |
“(.*)” |
regular expression for files to select for cleaning |
string |
No |
- |
regular expression for files to explicitly exclude from cleaning |
number |
No |
- |
number of cycle_length periods with which the cleaning is shifted to the experiment start day to the past. |
string |
No |
- |
time period with which the cleaning is shifted to the experiment start day to the past. Should be a multiple of general.times.cycle_length. |
string |
No |
- |
time period which defines the cleaning according to the cleaning_delay to the past. Should be a multiple of general.times.cycle_length. |
string |
No |
- |
time step which determines moments when to make a cleaning, should be a multiple of general.times.cycle_length. |
boolean |
No |
- |
Activate cleaning files |
boolean |
No |
- |
test cleaning without to delete files |
Property Config > cleaning > Cleaning_example > path
Type |
Required |
Yes |
Description: path to the folder where files will be cleaned
Property Config > cleaning > Cleaning_example > include
Type |
Required |
No |
Default |
Description: regular expression for files to select for cleaning
Property Config > cleaning > Cleaning_example > exclude
Type |
Required |
No |
Description: regular expression for files to explicitly exclude from cleaning
Property Config > cleaning > Cleaning_example > ncycles_delay
Type |
Required |
No |
Description: number of cycle_length periods with which the cleaning is shifted to the experiment start day to the past.
Property Config > cleaning > Cleaning_example > cleaning_delay
Type |
Required |
No |
Format |
Description: time period with which the cleaning is shifted to the experiment start day to the past. Should be a multiple of general.times.cycle_length.
Property Config > cleaning > Cleaning_example > cleaning_max_delay
Type |
Required |
No |
Format |
Description: time period which defines the cleaning according to the cleaning_delay to the past. Should be a multiple of general.times.cycle_length.
Property Config > cleaning > Cleaning_example > step
Type |
Required |
No |
Format |
Description: time step which determines moments when to make a cleaning, should be a multiple of general.times.cycle_length.
Property Config > cleaning > Cleaning_example > active
Type |
Required |
No |
Description: Activate cleaning files
Property Config > cleaning > Cleaning_example > dry_run
Type |
Required |
No |
Description: test cleaning without to delete files
Property Config > domain
Title: Domain Section, defined in files under include/domains
Type |
Required |
No |
Additional properties |
Description: Model for validation of the data in the ‘domain’ section of the config file.
Property |
Type |
Required |
Default |
Title/Description |
enum (of string) |
No |
- |
Select truncation type |
enum (of string) |
No |
“” |
Select truncation type for orographic_smoothing |
enum (of string) |
No |
“truncation” |
Orographic smoothing method |
string |
No |
- |
Name of your domain |
Combination |
No |
“” |
Sequence number for domain |
number |
No |
- |
Number of grid points zonally |
number |
No |
- |
Number of grid points meridionally |
number |
No |
- |
Zonal grid size in meters |
number |
No |
- |
Meridional grid size in meters |
number |
No |
11 |
Zonal extension zone |
number |
No |
11 |
Meridional extension zone |
number |
No |
-1 |
Meridional coupling zone width |
number |
No |
-1 |
Zonal coupling zone width |
number |
No |
- |
Model time step in seconds |
number |
No |
- |
Domain center longitude |
number |
No |
- |
Domain center latitude |
Combination |
No |
“” |
Longitude of center of projection |
Combination |
No |
“” |
Latitude of center of projection |
number |
No |
0.0 |
Rotation parameter for the conformal projection |
object |
No |
{“linear”: true, “quadratic”: false, “cubic”: false, “custom”: true} |
Defines for which gridypes spectral smoothing is applied when activated |
object |
No |
{“linear”: “quadratic”, “quadratic”: “quadratic”, “cubic”: “cubic”, “custom”: “custom”} |
Defines default gridtype_oro mapping when truncation smoothing is applied. |
Property Config > domain > gridtype
Type |
Required |
No |
Description: Select truncation type
Must be one of:
Property Config > domain > gridtype_oro
Type |
Required |
No |
Default |
Description: Select truncation type for orographic_smoothing
Must be one of:
Property Config > domain > orographic_smoothing_method
Type |
Required |
No |
Default |
Description: Orographic smoothing method
Must be one of:
Property Config > domain > name
Type |
Required |
No |
Description: Name of your domain
Property Config > domain > number
Type |
Required |
No |
Additional properties |
Default |
Description: Sequence number for domain
One of(Option) |
Property Config > domain > number > oneOf > item 0
Type |
Required |
No |
Restrictions |
Max length |
0 |
Property Config > domain > number > oneOf > item 1
Type |
Required |
No |
Restrictions |
Minimum |
≥ 0 |
Property Config > domain > nimax
Type |
Required |
No |
Description: Number of grid points zonally
Restrictions |
Minimum |
≥ 0 |
Property Config > domain > njmax
Type |
Required |
No |
Description: Number of grid points meridionally
Restrictions |
Minimum |
≥ 0 |
Property Config > domain > xdx
Type |
Required |
No |
Description: Zonal grid size in meters
Restrictions |
Minimum |
≥ 0 |
Property Config > domain > xdy
Type |
Required |
No |
Description: Meridional grid size in meters
Restrictions |
Minimum |
≥ 0 |
Property Config > domain > ilone
Type |
Required |
No |
Default |
Description: Zonal extension zone
Restrictions |
Minimum |
≥ 0 |
Property Config > domain > ilate
Type |
Required |
No |
Default |
Description: Meridional extension zone
Restrictions |
Minimum |
≥ 0 |
Property Config > domain > nbzong
Type |
Required |
No |
Default |
Description: Meridional coupling zone width
Restrictions |
Minimum |
≥ -1 |
Property Config > domain > nbzonl
Type |
Required |
No |
Default |
Description: Zonal coupling zone width
Restrictions |
Minimum |
≥ -1 |
Property Config > domain > tstep
Type |
Required |
No |
Description: Model time step in seconds
Property Config > domain > xloncen
Type |
Required |
No |
Description: Domain center longitude
Restrictions |
Minimum |
≥ -180 |
Maximum |
≤ 180 |
Property Config > domain > xlatcen
Type |
Required |
No |
Description: Domain center latitude
Restrictions |
Minimum |
≥ -90 |
Maximum |
≤ 90 |
Property Config > domain > xlon0
Type |
Required |
No |
Additional properties |
Default |
Description: Longitude of center of projection
One of(Option) |
Property Config > domain > xlon0 > oneOf > item 0
Type |
Required |
No |
Restrictions |
Max length |
0 |
Property Config > domain > xlon0 > oneOf > item 1
Type |
Required |
No |
Restrictions |
Minimum |
≥ -180 |
Maximum |
≤ 180 |
Property Config > domain > xlat0
Type |
Required |
No |
Additional properties |
Default |
Description: Latitude of center of projection
One of(Option) |
Property Config > domain > xlat0 > oneOf > item 0
Type |
Required |
No |
Restrictions |
Max length |
0 |
Property Config > domain > xlat0 > oneOf > item 1
Type |
Required |
No |
Restrictions |
Minimum |
≥ -90 |
Maximum |
≤ 90 |
Property Config > domain > xbeta
Type |
Required |
No |
Default |
Description: Rotation parameter for the conformal projection
Property Config > domain > spectral_smoothing_by_gridtype
Type |
Required |
No |
Additional properties |
Default |
Description: Defines for which gridypes spectral smoothing is applied when activated
Property Config > domain > truncation_by_gridtype
Type |
Required |
No |
Additional properties |
Default |
Description: Defines default gridtype_oro mapping when truncation smoothing is applied.
Property Config > extractsqlite
Title: Extract sqlite Section, defined in include/sqlite.toml
Type |
Required |
No |
Additional properties |
Description: Model for validation of the data in the ‘sqlite’ section of the config file.
Property |
Type |
Required |
Default |
Title/Description |
string |
No |
“@DEODE_HOME@/data/sqlite/param_list_@CSC@.json” |
List of parameters to extract |
string |
No |
“@CASE@” |
Model name used in the sqlite tables |
string |
No |
“@ARCHIVE_ROOT@/sqlite/” |
Path to generated sqlite files |
string |
No |
File name template for generated sqlite files |
string |
No |
“@DEODE_HOME@/data/sqlite/station_list_default.csv” |
Station list used for extraction |
string |
No |
“PT1H” |
Temporal selection. Same syntax as for output_settings. Leave empty to inherit the fullpos settings. |
Property Config > extractsqlite > parameter_list
Type |
Required |
No |
Default |
Description: List of parameters to extract
Property Config > extractsqlite > sqlite_model_name
Type |
Required |
No |
Default |
Description: Model name used in the sqlite tables
Property Config > extractsqlite > sqlite_path
Type |
Required |
No |
Default |
Description: Path to generated sqlite files
Property Config > extractsqlite > sqlite_template
Type |
Required |
No |
Default |
Description: File name template for generated sqlite files
Property Config > extractsqlite > station_list
Type |
Required |
No |
Default |
Description: Station list used for extraction
Property Config > extractsqlite > selection
Type |
Required |
No |
Default |
Description: Temporal selection. Same syntax as for output_settings. Leave empty to inherit the fullpos settings.
Property Config > file_templates
Title: File Templates, defined in include/file_templates.toml
Type |
Required |
No |
Additional properties |
Description: Templates for file names. Each item contains of an archive and a model key where archive is the name template for files in the archive and model the name expected as input/output of the IAL code.
Property |
Type |
Required |
Default |
Title/Description |
object |
No |
- |
Duration |
object |
No |
- |
Fullpos |
object |
No |
- |
History |
object |
No |
- |
object |
No |
- |
Preliminary PGD |
object |
No |
- |
Host PGD |
object |
No |
- |
Surfex |
Property Config > file_templates > duration
Title: Duration
Type |
Required |
No |
Additional properties |
Description: Time stamp templates for output files
Property |
Type |
Required |
Default |
Title/Description |
string |
No |
“@LLLH@h@LM@m@LS@s” |
File template as stored in the archive |
string |
No |
“@LLLH@:@LM@:@LS@” |
File template as used by the model |
Property Config > file_templates > duration > archive
Type |
Required |
No |
Default |
Description: File template as stored in the archive
Property Config > file_templates > duration > model
Type |
Required |
No |
Default |
Description: File template as used by the model
Property Config > file_templates > fullpos
Title: Fullpos
Type |
Required |
No |
Additional properties |
Description: File name templates for fullpos files
Property |
Type |
Required |
Default |
Title/Description |
string |
No |
File template as stored in the archive |
string |
No |
File template as used by the model |
Property Config > file_templates > fullpos > archive
Type |
Required |
No |
Default |
Description: File template as stored in the archive
Property Config > file_templates > fullpos > model
Type |
Required |
No |
Default |
Description: File template as used by the model
Property Config > file_templates > history
Title: History
Type |
Required |
No |
Additional properties |
Description: File name templates for history files
Property |
Type |
Required |
Default |
Title/Description |
string |
No |
File template as stored in the archive |
string |
No |
File template as used by the model |
Property Config > file_templates > history > archive
Type |
Required |
No |
Default |
Description: File template as stored in the archive
Property Config > file_templates > history > model
Type |
Required |
No |
Default |
Description: File template as used by the model
Property Config > file_templates > pgd
Title: PGD
Type |
Required |
No |
Additional properties |
Description: File name templates for final PGD files
Property |
Type |
Required |
Default |
Title/Description |
string |
No |
“Const.Clim@ONE_DECADE@.sfx” |
File template as stored in the archive |
string |
No |
“Const.Clim.sfx” |
File template as used by the model |
Property Config > file_templates > pgd > archive
Type |
Required |
No |
Default |
Description: File template as stored in the archive
Property Config > file_templates > pgd > model
Type |
Required |
No |
Default |
Description: File template as used by the model
Property Config > file_templates > pgd_prel
Title: Preliminary PGD
Type |
Required |
No |
Additional properties |
Description: File name templates for the preliminary PGD files
Property |
Type |
Required |
Default |
Title/Description |
string |
No |
“PGD_prel@ONE_DECADE@.fa” |
File template as stored in the archive |
string |
No |
“PGD_prel.fa” |
File template as used by the model |
Property Config > file_templates > pgd_prel > archive
Type |
Required |
No |
Default |
Description: File template as stored in the archive
Property Config > file_templates > pgd_prel > model
Type |
Required |
No |
Default |
Description: File template as used by the model
Property Config > file_templates > pgd_host
Title: Host PGD
Type |
Required |
No |
Additional properties |
Description: File name templates for potential PGD files from the host model. Used if host_surfex=true
Property |
Type |
Required |
Default |
Title/Description |
string |
No |
“Const.Clim@ONE_DECADE@.sfx” |
File template as stored in the archive |
string |
No |
“Const.Clim.sfx” |
File template as used by the model |
Property Config > file_templates > pgd_host > archive
Type |
Required |
No |
Default |
Description: File template as stored in the archive
Property Config > file_templates > pgd_host > model
Type |
Required |
No |
Default |
Description: File template as used by the model
Property Config > file_templates > surfex
Title: Surfex
Type |
Required |
No |
Additional properties |
Description: File name templates for surfex output files
Property |
Type |
Required |
Default |
Title/Description |
string |
No |
File template as stored in the archive |
string |
No |
File template as used by the model |
Property Config > file_templates > surfex > archive
Type |
Required |
No |
Default |
Description: File template as stored in the archive
Property Config > file_templates > surfex > model
Type |
Required |
No |
Default |
Description: File template as used by the model
Property Config > impact
Title: Impact model settings
Type |
Required |
No |
Additional properties |
Description: Defines settings for arbitrary impact models
Property |
Type |
Required |
Default |
Title/Description |
object |
No |
- |
Settings for EHYPE |
Property Config > impact > ehype
Title: Settings for EHYPE
Type |
Required |
No |
Additional properties |
Property |
Type |
Required |
Default |
Title/Description |
boolean |
No |
“false” |
Activates this impact model |
string |
No |
- |
Arguments to send to the impact model start command |
string |
No |
- |
Name of the output config file aimed for the particular impact model |
string |
No |
- |
Path to the impact model start command. Preferably defined in the platform section and used as a macro here |
string |
No |
- |
Which of the dedicated tasks the impact model should be started from. Has to be defined in impact.py |
object |
No |
- |
Impact model specific config settings |
Property Config > impact > ehype > active
Type |
Required |
No |
Default |
Description: Activates this impact model
Property Config > impact > ehype > arguments
Type |
Required |
No |
Description: Arguments to send to the impact model start command
Property Config > impact > ehype > config_name
Type |
Required |
No |
Description: Name of the output config file aimed for the particular impact model
Property Config > impact > ehype > path
Type |
Required |
No |
Description: Path to the impact model start command. Preferably defined in the platform section and used as a macro here
Property Config > impact > ehype > task
Type |
Required |
No |
Description: Which of the dedicated tasks the impact model should be started from. Has to be defined in impact.py
Property Config > impact > ehype > communicate
Type |
Required |
No |
Additional properties |
Description: Impact model specific config settings
Property |
Type |
Required |
Default |
Title/Description |
string |
No |
- |
Location of data |
string |
No |
- |
Primary location of data (future implementation) |
string |
No |
- |
Secondary location of data (future implementation) |
Combination |
No |
- |
Initial time |
string |
No |
- |
Pattern for input files to search for |
Combination |
No |
- |
data availability frequncy in duration syntax |
Combination |
No |
- |
Leadtime in duration syntax |
string |
No |
- |
Name of the generated EHYPE suite |
Combination |
No |
- |
CSC name |
object |
No |
- |
- |
Property Config > impact > ehype > communicate > archive
Type |
Required |
No |
Description: Location of data
Property Config > impact > ehype > communicate > archive_1
Type |
Required |
No |
Description: Primary location of data (future implementation)
Property Config > impact > ehype > communicate > archive_2
Type |
Required |
No |
Description: Secondary location of data (future implementation)
Property Config > impact > ehype > communicate > basetime
Type |
Required |
No |
Description: Initial time
One of(Option) |
Property Config > impact > ehype > communicate > basetime > oneOf > item 0
Type |
Required |
No |
Format |
Additional properties |
Property Config > impact > ehype > communicate > basetime > oneOf > item 1
Type |
Required |
No |
Additional properties |
Restrictions |
Must match regular expression |
Property Config > impact > ehype > communicate > file_pattern
Type |
Required |
No |
Description: Pattern for input files to search for
Property Config > impact > ehype > communicate > output_frequency
Type |
Required |
No |
Description: data availability frequncy in duration syntax
One of(Option) |
Property Config > impact > ehype > communicate > output_frequency > oneOf > item 0
Type |
Required |
No |
Additional properties |
Restrictions |
Must match regular expression |
Property Config > impact > ehype > communicate > output_frequency > oneOf > item 1
Type |
Required |
No |
Additional properties |
Restrictions |
Must match regular expression |
Property Config > impact > ehype > communicate > forecast_range
Type |
Required |
No |
Description: Leadtime in duration syntax
One of(Option) |
Property Config > impact > ehype > communicate > forecast_range > oneOf > item 0
Type |
Required |
No |
Additional properties |
Restrictions |
Must match regular expression |
Property Config > impact > ehype > communicate > forecast_range > oneOf > item 1
Type |
Required |
No |
Additional properties |
Restrictions |
Must match regular expression |
Property Config > impact > ehype > communicate > name
Type |
Required |
No |
Description: Name of the generated EHYPE suite
Property Config > impact > ehype > communicate > nwp_model
Type |
Required |
No |
Description: CSC name
One of(Option) |
Property Config > impact > ehype > communicate > nwp_model > oneOf > item 0
Type |
Required |
No |
Must be one of:
Property Config > impact > ehype > communicate > nwp_model > oneOf > item 1
Type |
Required |
No |
Additional properties |
Restrictions |
Must match regular expression |
Property Config > impact > ehype > communicate > additionalProperties
Type |
Required |
No |
Additional properties |
Property Config > macros
Title: Macros Section, defined in include/macros.toml
Type |
Required |
No |
Additional properties |
Description: Model for the ‘macros’ section.
Property |
Type |
Required |
Default |
Title/Description |
array |
No |
- |
Turns any string config to a macro, use a dict to rename an attribute. |
array of string |
No |
- |
Turns a full config section to a macro |
array of string |
No |
- |
Environment variables used as macros |
object |
No |
- |
User defined macros, intended to use when using the Deode-Workflow as a package |
Property Config > macros > gen_macros
Type |
Required |
No |
Description: Turns any string config to a macro, use a dict to rename an attribute.
Array restrictions |
Min items |
N/A |
Max items |
N/A |
Items unicity |
False |
Additional items |
False |
Tuple validation |
See below |
Each item of this array must be |
Description |
- |
Config > macros > gen_macros > gen_macros items
Type |
Required |
No |
Additional properties |
Any of(Option) |
Property Config > macros > gen_macros > gen_macros items > anyOf > item 0
Type |
Required |
No |
Property Config > macros > gen_macros > gen_macros items > anyOf > item 1
Type |
Required |
No |
Additional properties |
Property Config > macros > group_macros
Type |
Required |
No |
Description: Turns a full config section to a macro
Array restrictions |
Min items |
N/A |
Max items |
N/A |
Items unicity |
False |
Additional items |
False |
Tuple validation |
See below |
Each item of this array must be |
Description |
- |
Config > macros > group_macros > group_macros items
Type |
Required |
No |
Property Config > macros > os_macros
Type |
Required |
No |
Description: Environment variables used as macros
Array restrictions |
Min items |
N/A |
Max items |
N/A |
Items unicity |
False |
Additional items |
False |
Tuple validation |
See below |
Each item of this array must be |
Description |
- |
Config > macros > os_macros > os_macros items
Type |
Required |
No |
Property Config > macros > user_macros
Type |
Required |
No |
Additional properties |
Description: User defined macros, intended to use when using the Deode-Workflow as a package
Property |
Type |
Required |
Default |
Title/Description |
array |
No |
- |
Turns any string config to a macro, use a dict to rename an attribute. |
array of string |
No |
- |
Turns a full config section to a macro |
array of string |
No |
- |
Turns a full config section to a macro |
array of string |
No |
- |
Environment variables used as macros |
Property Config > macros > user_macros > gen_macros
Type |
Required |
No |
Description: Turns any string config to a macro, use a dict to rename an attribute.
Array restrictions |
Min items |
N/A |
Max items |
N/A |
Items unicity |
False |
Additional items |
False |
Tuple validation |
See below |
Each item of this array must be |
Description |
- |
Config > macros > user_macros > gen_macros > gen_macros items
Type |
Required |
No |
Additional properties |
Any of(Option) |
Property Config > macros > user_macros > gen_macros > gen_macros items > anyOf > item 0
Type |
Required |
No |
Property Config > macros > user_macros > gen_macros > gen_macros items > anyOf > item 1
Type |
Required |
No |
Additional properties |
Property Config > macros > user_macros > group_macros
Type |
Required |
No |
Description: Turns a full config section to a macro
Array restrictions |
Min items |
N/A |
Max items |
N/A |
Items unicity |
False |
Additional items |
False |
Tuple validation |
See below |
Each item of this array must be |
Description |
- |
Config > macros > user_macros > group_macros > group_macros items
Type |
Required |
No |
Property Config > macros > user_macros > ignore
Type |
Required |
No |
Description: Turns a full config section to a macro
Array restrictions |
Min items |
N/A |
Max items |
N/A |
Items unicity |
False |
Additional items |
False |
Tuple validation |
See below |
Each item of this array must be |
Description |
- |
Config > macros > user_macros > ignore > ignore items
Type |
Required |
No |
Property Config > macros > user_macros > os_macros
Type |
Required |
No |
Description: Environment variables used as macros
Array restrictions |
Min items |
N/A |
Max items |
N/A |
Items unicity |
False |
Additional items |
False |
Tuple validation |
See below |
Each item of this array must be |
Description |
- |
Config > macros > user_macros > os_macros > os_macros items
Type |
Required |
No |
Property Config > mars
Title: MARS settings, defined in include/mars_settings.toml
Type |
Required |
No |
Additional properties |
Description: Options for MARS extraction, for RD DT data check here for more details.
Property |
Type |
Required |
Default |
Title/Description |
object |
No |
- |
Operational HRES |
object |
No |
- |
Operational ensemble forecasts |
object |
No |
- |
Global DT near real-time runs on ATOS based on CY48r1 |
object |
No |
- |
Global DT near real-time runs on ATOS based on CY49r1 |
object |
No |
- |
Global DT runs on ATOS but starting at 12Z |
object |
No |
- |
Paris RDP case Tco2559 |
object |
No |
- |
Paris RDP case Tco3999 with Urban scheme |
object |
No |
- |
Paris RDP case Tco3999 without Urban scheme |
object |
No |
- |
AQ winter case over central Europe |
object |
No |
- |
Global DT near real-time runs on LUMI |
Property Config > mars > HRES
Title: Operational HRES
Type |
Required |
No |
Additional properties |
Description: Parameters for oper data
Property |
Type |
Required |
Default |
Title/Description |
string |
No |
“PT0H” |
Boundary model cycle start hour. Required to be set if bdcycle_start % bdcycle != 0 |
string |
No |
- |
Class of expver |
object |
No |
- |
Dictionary (date:levels), with dates of change in the number of levels. |
object |
No |
- |
Dictionary (date:resolution), with dates of change in the resolution. |
string |
No |
- |
Boundary model cycle interval |
string |
No |
- |
Date from when are data available in Mars |
string |
No |
- |
List of parameters for grid point data, for detailed information about the parameters check here |
string |
No |
- |
List of constant field parameters for grid point data, for detailed information about the parameters check here |
string |
No |
- |
Parameters for grid point sea data, for detailed information about the parameters check here |
string |
No |
- |
Parameters for grid point soil data, for detailed information about the parameters check here |
object |
No |
- |
Grid parameter for mars request of GG1 fields |
string |
No |
- |
Grid parameter for mars request of model level fields |
string |
No |
- |
Parameters for spectral harmonic data, for detailed information about the parameters check here |
string |
No |
- |
Geopotential on ground, for detailed information about the parameters check here |
string |
No |
- |
Upper air grid point parameters, for detailed information about the parameters check here |
string |
No |
- |
Type for geopotential |
string |
No |
- |
Type for geopotential in gridpoint |
object |
No |
- |
Dictionary (run:stream) to use the right stream for a given run. |
Property Config > mars > HRES > ifs_cycle_start
Type |
Required |
No |
Default |
Description: Boundary model cycle start hour. Required to be set if bdcycle_start % bdcycle != 0
Restrictions |
Must match regular expression |
Property Config > mars > HRES > class
Type |
Required |
No |
Description: Class of expver
Property Config > mars > HRES > levelist
Type |
Required |
No |
Additional properties |
Description: Dictionary (date:levels), with dates of change in the number of levels.
Property Config > mars > HRES > grid
Type |
Required |
No |
Additional properties |
Description: Dictionary (date:resolution), with dates of change in the resolution.
Property Config > mars > HRES > ifs_cycle_length
Type |
Required |
No |
Description: Boundary model cycle interval
Restrictions |
Must match regular expression |
Property Config > mars > HRES > start_date
Type |
Required |
No |
Format |
Description: Date from when are data available in Mars
Property Config > mars > HRES > GG
Type |
Required |
No |
Description: List of parameters for grid point data, for detailed information about the parameters check here
Property Config > mars > HRES > GG1
Type |
Required |
No |
Description: List of constant field parameters for grid point data, for detailed information about the parameters check here
Property Config > mars > HRES > GG_sea
Type |
Required |
No |
Description: Parameters for grid point sea data, for detailed information about the parameters check here
Property Config > mars > HRES > GG_soil
Type |
Required |
No |
Description: Parameters for grid point soil data, for detailed information about the parameters check here
Property Config > mars > HRES > grid_GG1
Type |
Required |
No |
Additional properties |
Description: Grid parameter for mars request of GG1 fields
Property Config > mars > HRES > grid_ML
Type |
Required |
No |
Description: Grid parameter for mars request of model level fields
Property Config > mars > HRES > SH
Type |
Required |
No |
Description: Parameters for spectral harmonic data, for detailed information about the parameters check here
Property Config > mars > HRES > SHZ
Type |
Required |
No |
Description: Geopotential on ground, for detailed information about the parameters check here
Property Config > mars > HRES > UA
Type |
Required |
No |
Description: Upper air grid point parameters, for detailed information about the parameters check here
Property Config > mars > HRES > SHZ_type
Type |
Required |
No |
Description: Type for geopotential
Property Config > mars > HRES > GGZ_type
Type |
Required |
No |
Description: Type for geopotential in gridpoint
Property Config > mars > HRES > stream
Type |
Required |
No |
Additional properties |
Description: Dictionary (run:stream) to use the right stream for a given run.
Property Config > mars > IFSENS
Title: Operational ensemble forecasts
Type |
Required |
No |
Additional properties |
Description: Parameters for oper data
Property |
Type |
Required |
Default |
Title/Description |
string |
No |
“PT0H” |
Boundary model cycle start hour. Required to be set if bdcycle_start % bdcycle != 0 |
string |
No |
- |
Class of expver |
string |
No |
- |
Dictionary (date:levels), with dates of change in the number of levels. |
object |
No |
- |
Dictionary (date:resolution), with dates of change in the resolution. |
string |
No |
- |
Boundary model cycle interval |
string |
No |
- |
Date from when are data available in Mars. Note that IFSENS is only stored for a limited amount of time. |
string |
No |
- |
List of parameters for grid point data, for detailed information about the parameters check here |
string |
No |
- |
List of constant field parameters for grid point data, for detailed information about the parameters check here |
string |
No |
- |
Parameters for grid point sea data, for detailed information about the parameters check here |
string |
No |
- |
Parameters for grid point soil data, for detailed information about the parameters check here |
object |
No |
- |
Grid parameter for mars request of GG1 fields |
string |
No |
- |
Grid parameter for mars request of model level fields |
string |
No |
- |
Parameters for spectral harmonic data, for detailed information about the parameters check here |
string |
No |
- |
Geopotential on ground, for detailed information about the parameters check here |
string |
No |
- |
Upper air grid point parameters, for detailed information about the parameters check here |
string |
No |
- |
Type for geopotential |
string |
No |
- |
MARS stream |
Property Config > mars > IFSENS > ifs_cycle_start
Type |
Required |
No |
Default |
Description: Boundary model cycle start hour. Required to be set if bdcycle_start % bdcycle != 0
Restrictions |
Must match regular expression |
Property Config > mars > IFSENS > class
Type |
Required |
No |
Description: Class of expver
Property Config > mars > IFSENS > levelist
Type |
Required |
No |
Description: Dictionary (date:levels), with dates of change in the number of levels.
Property Config > mars > IFSENS > grid
Type |
Required |
No |
Additional properties |
Description: Dictionary (date:resolution), with dates of change in the resolution.
Property Config > mars > IFSENS > ifs_cycle_length
Type |
Required |
No |
Description: Boundary model cycle interval
Restrictions |
Must match regular expression |
Property Config > mars > IFSENS > start_date
Type |
Required |
No |
Format |
Description: Date from when are data available in Mars. Note that IFSENS is only stored for a limited amount of time.
Property Config > mars > IFSENS > GG
Type |
Required |
No |
Description: List of parameters for grid point data, for detailed information about the parameters check here
Property Config > mars > IFSENS > GG1
Type |
Required |
No |
Description: List of constant field parameters for grid point data, for detailed information about the parameters check here
Property Config > mars > IFSENS > GG_sea
Type |
Required |
No |
Description: Parameters for grid point sea data, for detailed information about the parameters check here
Property Config > mars > IFSENS > GG_soil
Type |
Required |
No |
Description: Parameters for grid point soil data, for detailed information about the parameters check here
Property Config > mars > IFSENS > grid_GG1
Type |
Required |
No |
Additional properties |
Description: Grid parameter for mars request of GG1 fields
Property Config > mars > IFSENS > grid_ML
Type |
Required |
No |
Description: Grid parameter for mars request of model level fields
Property Config > mars > IFSENS > SH
Type |
Required |
No |
Description: Parameters for spectral harmonic data, for detailed information about the parameters check here
Property Config > mars > IFSENS > SHZ
Type |
Required |
No |
Description: Geopotential on ground, for detailed information about the parameters check here
Property Config > mars > IFSENS > UA
Type |
Required |
No |
Description: Upper air grid point parameters, for detailed information about the parameters check here
Property Config > mars > IFSENS > SHZ_type
Type |
Required |
No |
Description: Type for geopotential
Property Config > mars > IFSENS > stream
Type |
Required |
No |
Description: MARS stream
Property Config > mars > ATOS_DT
Title: Global DT near real-time runs on ATOS based on CY48r1
Type |
Required |
No |
Additional properties |
Description: Parameters for global DT data
Property |
Type |
Required |
Default |
Title/Description |
string |
No |
“PT0H” |
Boundary model cycle start hour. Required to be set if bdcycle_start % bdcycle != 0 |
string |
No |
- |
Other section to copy settings from if not given here |
string |
No |
- |
Class of expver |
string |
No |
- |
Dictionary (date:levels), with dates of change in the number of levels. |
string |
No |
- |
Dictionary (date:resolution), with dates of change in the resolution. |
string |
No |
- |
Boundary model cycle interval |
string |
No |
- |
Date from when are data available in Mars |
string |
No |
- |
List of parameters for grid point data, for detailed information about the parameters check here |
string |
No |
- |
Parameters for grid point sea data, for detailed information about the parameters check here |
enum (of string) |
No |
- |
Truncation for static RD data |
string |
No |
- |
Grid parameter for mars request of model level fields |
string |
No |
- |
Parameters for spectral harmonic data, for detailed information about the parameters check here |
string |
No |
- |
Geopotential on ground, for detailed information about the parameters check here |
string |
No |
- |
Upper air grid point parameters, for detailed information about the parameters check here |
string |
No |
- |
Type for geopotential |
string |
No |
- |
Type for geopotential in gridpoint |
Combination |
No |
- |
MARS stream or dictionary (run:stream) to use the right stream for a given run. |
Property Config > mars > ATOS_DT > ifs_cycle_start
Type |
Required |
No |
Default |
Description: Boundary model cycle start hour. Required to be set if bdcycle_start % bdcycle != 0
Restrictions |
Must match regular expression |
Property Config > mars > ATOS_DT > default
Type |
Required |
No |
Description: Other section to copy settings from if not given here
Property Config > mars > ATOS_DT > class
Type |
Required |
No |
Description: Class of expver
Property Config > mars > ATOS_DT > levelist
Type |
Required |
No |
Description: Dictionary (date:levels), with dates of change in the number of levels.
Property Config > mars > ATOS_DT > grid
Type |
Required |
No |
Description: Dictionary (date:resolution), with dates of change in the resolution.
Property Config > mars > ATOS_DT > ifs_cycle_length
Type |
Required |
No |
Description: Boundary model cycle interval
Restrictions |
Must match regular expression |
Property Config > mars > ATOS_DT > start_date
Type |
Required |
No |
Format |
Description: Date from when are data available in Mars
Property Config > mars > ATOS_DT > GG
Type |
Required |
No |
Description: List of parameters for grid point data, for detailed information about the parameters check here
Property Config > mars > ATOS_DT > GG_sea
Type |
Required |
No |
Description: Parameters for grid point sea data, for detailed information about the parameters check here
Property Config > mars > ATOS_DT > tco
Type |
Required |
No |
Description: Truncation for static RD data
Must be one of:
Property Config > mars > ATOS_DT > grid_ML
Type |
Required |
No |
Description: Grid parameter for mars request of model level fields
Property Config > mars > ATOS_DT > SH
Type |
Required |
No |
Description: Parameters for spectral harmonic data, for detailed information about the parameters check here
Property Config > mars > ATOS_DT > SHZ
Type |
Required |
No |
Description: Geopotential on ground, for detailed information about the parameters check here
Property Config > mars > ATOS_DT > UA
Type |
Required |
No |
Description: Upper air grid point parameters, for detailed information about the parameters check here
Property Config > mars > ATOS_DT > SHZ_type
Type |
Required |
No |
Description: Type for geopotential
Property Config > mars > ATOS_DT > GGZ_type
Type |
Required |
No |
Description: Type for geopotential in gridpoint
Property Config > mars > ATOS_DT > stream
Type |
Required |
No |
Additional properties |
Description: MARS stream or dictionary (run:stream) to use the right stream for a given run.
Any of(Option) |
Property Config > mars > ATOS_DT > stream > anyOf > item 0
Type |
Required |
No |
Property Config > mars > ATOS_DT > stream > anyOf > item 1
Type |
Required |
No |
Additional properties |
Property Config > mars > atos_bologna_DT
Title: Global DT near real-time runs on ATOS based on CY49r1
Type |
Required |
No |
Additional properties |
Description: Parameters for global DT data
Property |
Type |
Required |
Default |
Title/Description |
string |
No |
“PT0H” |
Boundary model cycle start hour. Required to be set if bdcycle_start % bdcycle != 0 |
string |
No |
- |
Other section to copy settings from if not given here |
string |
No |
- |
Class of expver |
string |
No |
- |
Dictionary (date:levels), with dates of change in the number of levels. |
string |
No |
- |
Dictionary (date:resolution), with dates of change in the resolution. |
string |
No |
- |
Boundary model cycle interval |
string |
No |
- |
Date from when are data available in Mars |
string |
No |
- |
List of parameters for grid point data, for detailed information about the parameters check here |
string |
No |
- |
Parameters for grid point sea data, for detailed information about the parameters check here |
enum (of string) |
No |
- |
Truncation for static RD data |
string |
No |
- |
Grid parameter for mars request of model level fields |
string |
No |
- |
Parameters for spectral harmonic data, for detailed information about the parameters check here |
string |
No |
- |
Geopotential on ground, for detailed information about the parameters check here |
string |
No |
- |
Upper air grid point parameters, for detailed information about the parameters check here |
string |
No |
- |
Type for geopotential |
string |
No |
- |
Type for geopotential in gridpoint |
Combination |
No |
- |
MARS stream or dictionary (run:stream) to use the right stream for a given run. |
Property Config > mars > atos_bologna_DT > ifs_cycle_start
Type |
Required |
No |
Default |
Description: Boundary model cycle start hour. Required to be set if bdcycle_start % bdcycle != 0
Restrictions |
Must match regular expression |
Property Config > mars > atos_bologna_DT > default
Type |
Required |
No |
Description: Other section to copy settings from if not given here
Property Config > mars > atos_bologna_DT > class
Type |
Required |
No |
Description: Class of expver
Property Config > mars > atos_bologna_DT > levelist
Type |
Required |
No |
Description: Dictionary (date:levels), with dates of change in the number of levels.
Property Config > mars > atos_bologna_DT > grid
Type |
Required |
No |
Description: Dictionary (date:resolution), with dates of change in the resolution.
Property Config > mars > atos_bologna_DT > ifs_cycle_length
Type |
Required |
No |
Description: Boundary model cycle interval
Restrictions |
Must match regular expression |
Property Config > mars > atos_bologna_DT > start_date
Type |
Required |
No |
Format |
Description: Date from when are data available in Mars
Property Config > mars > atos_bologna_DT > GG
Type |
Required |
No |
Description: List of parameters for grid point data, for detailed information about the parameters check here
Property Config > mars > atos_bologna_DT > GG_sea
Type |
Required |
No |
Description: Parameters for grid point sea data, for detailed information about the parameters check here
Property Config > mars > atos_bologna_DT > tco
Type |
Required |
No |
Description: Truncation for static RD data
Must be one of:
Property Config > mars > atos_bologna_DT > grid_ML
Type |
Required |
No |
Description: Grid parameter for mars request of model level fields
Property Config > mars > atos_bologna_DT > SH
Type |
Required |
No |
Description: Parameters for spectral harmonic data, for detailed information about the parameters check here
Property Config > mars > atos_bologna_DT > SHZ
Type |
Required |
No |
Description: Geopotential on ground, for detailed information about the parameters check here
Property Config > mars > atos_bologna_DT > UA
Type |
Required |
No |
Description: Upper air grid point parameters, for detailed information about the parameters check here
Property Config > mars > atos_bologna_DT > SHZ_type
Type |
Required |
No |
Description: Type for geopotential
Property Config > mars > atos_bologna_DT > GGZ_type
Type |
Required |
No |
Description: Type for geopotential in gridpoint
Property Config > mars > atos_bologna_DT > stream
Type |
Required |
No |
Additional properties |
Description: MARS stream or dictionary (run:stream) to use the right stream for a given run.
Any of(Option) |
Property Config > mars > atos_bologna_DT > stream > anyOf > item 0
Type |
Required |
No |
Property Config > mars > atos_bologna_DT > stream > anyOf > item 1
Type |
Required |
No |
Additional properties |
Property Config > mars > DT12
Title: Global DT runs on ATOS but starting at 12Z
Type |
Required |
No |
Additional properties |
Description: Parameters for global DT data
Property |
Type |
Required |
Default |
Title/Description |
string |
No |
“PT0H” |
Boundary model cycle start hour. Required to be set if bdcycle_start % bdcycle != 0 |
string |
No |
- |
Other section to copy settings from if not given here |
string |
No |
- |
Class of expver |
string |
No |
- |
Dictionary (date:levels), with dates of change in the number of levels. |
string |
No |
- |
Dictionary (date:resolution), with dates of change in the resolution. |
string |
No |
- |
Boundary model cycle interval |
string |
No |
- |
Date from when are data available in Mars |
string |
No |
- |
List of parameters for grid point data, for detailed information about the parameters check here |
string |
No |
- |
Parameters for grid point sea data, for detailed information about the parameters check here |
enum (of string) |
No |
- |
Truncation for static RD data |
string |
No |
- |
Grid parameter for mars request of model level fields |
string |
No |
- |
Parameters for spectral harmonic data, for detailed information about the parameters check here |
string |
No |
- |
Geopotential on ground, for detailed information about the parameters check here |
string |
No |
- |
Upper air grid point parameters, for detailed information about the parameters check here |
string |
No |
- |
Type for geopotential |
string |
No |
- |
Type for geopotential in gridpoint |
Combination |
No |
- |
MARS stream or dictionary (run:stream) to use the right stream for a given run. |
Property Config > mars > DT12 > ifs_cycle_start
Type |
Required |
No |
Default |
Description: Boundary model cycle start hour. Required to be set if bdcycle_start % bdcycle != 0
Restrictions |
Must match regular expression |
Property Config > mars > DT12 > default
Type |
Required |
No |
Description: Other section to copy settings from if not given here
Property Config > mars > DT12 > class
Type |
Required |
No |
Description: Class of expver
Property Config > mars > DT12 > levelist
Type |
Required |
No |
Description: Dictionary (date:levels), with dates of change in the number of levels.
Property Config > mars > DT12 > grid
Type |
Required |
No |
Description: Dictionary (date:resolution), with dates of change in the resolution.
Property Config > mars > DT12 > ifs_cycle_length
Type |
Required |
No |
Description: Boundary model cycle interval
Restrictions |
Must match regular expression |
Property Config > mars > DT12 > start_date
Type |
Required |
No |
Format |
Description: Date from when are data available in Mars
Property Config > mars > DT12 > GG
Type |
Required |
No |
Description: List of parameters for grid point data, for detailed information about the parameters check here
Property Config > mars > DT12 > GG_sea
Type |
Required |
No |
Description: Parameters for grid point sea data, for detailed information about the parameters check here
Property Config > mars > DT12 > tco
Type |
Required |
No |
Description: Truncation for static RD data
Must be one of:
Property Config > mars > DT12 > grid_ML
Type |
Required |
No |
Description: Grid parameter for mars request of model level fields
Property Config > mars > DT12 > SH
Type |
Required |
No |
Description: Parameters for spectral harmonic data, for detailed information about the parameters check here
Property Config > mars > DT12 > SHZ
Type |
Required |
No |
Description: Geopotential on ground, for detailed information about the parameters check here
Property Config > mars > DT12 > UA
Type |
Required |
No |
Description: Upper air grid point parameters, for detailed information about the parameters check here
Property Config > mars > DT12 > SHZ_type
Type |
Required |
No |
Description: Type for geopotential
Property Config > mars > DT12 > GGZ_type
Type |
Required |
No |
Description: Type for geopotential in gridpoint
Property Config > mars > DT12 > stream
Type |
Required |
No |
Additional properties |
Description: MARS stream or dictionary (run:stream) to use the right stream for a given run.
Any of(Option) |
Property Config > mars > DT12 > stream > anyOf > item 0
Type |
Required |
No |
Property Config > mars > DT12 > stream > anyOf > item 1
Type |
Required |
No |
Additional properties |
Property Config > mars > i5qp
Title: Paris RDP case Tco2559
Type |
Required |
No |
Additional properties |
Description: Parameters for global DT data
Property |
Type |
Required |
Default |
Title/Description |
string |
No |
“PT0H” |
Boundary model cycle start hour. Required to be set if bdcycle_start % bdcycle != 0 |
string |
No |
- |
Other section to copy settings from if not given here |
string |
No |
- |
Class of expver |
string |
No |
- |
Dictionary (date:levels), with dates of change in the number of levels. |
string |
No |
- |
Dictionary (date:resolution), with dates of change in the resolution. |
string |
No |
- |
Boundary model cycle interval |
string |
No |
- |
Date from when are data available in Mars |
string |
No |
- |
List of parameters for grid point data, for detailed information about the parameters check here |
string |
No |
- |
Parameters for grid point sea data, for detailed information about the parameters check here |
enum (of string) |
No |
- |
Truncation for static RD data |
string |
No |
- |
Grid parameter for mars request of model level fields |
string |
No |
- |
Parameters for spectral harmonic data, for detailed information about the parameters check here |
string |
No |
- |
Geopotential on ground, for detailed information about the parameters check here |
string |
No |
- |
Upper air grid point parameters, for detailed information about the parameters check here |
string |
No |
- |
Type for geopotential |
string |
No |
- |
Type for geopotential in gridpoint |
Combination |
No |
- |
MARS stream or dictionary (run:stream) to use the right stream for a given run. |
Property Config > mars > i5qp > ifs_cycle_start
Type |
Required |
No |
Default |
Description: Boundary model cycle start hour. Required to be set if bdcycle_start % bdcycle != 0
Restrictions |
Must match regular expression |
Property Config > mars > i5qp > default
Type |
Required |
No |
Description: Other section to copy settings from if not given here
Property Config > mars > i5qp > class
Type |
Required |
No |
Description: Class of expver
Property Config > mars > i5qp > levelist
Type |
Required |
No |
Description: Dictionary (date:levels), with dates of change in the number of levels.
Property Config > mars > i5qp > grid
Type |
Required |
No |
Description: Dictionary (date:resolution), with dates of change in the resolution.
Property Config > mars > i5qp > ifs_cycle_length
Type |
Required |
No |
Description: Boundary model cycle interval
Restrictions |
Must match regular expression |
Property Config > mars > i5qp > start_date
Type |
Required |
No |
Format |
Description: Date from when are data available in Mars
Property Config > mars > i5qp > GG
Type |
Required |
No |
Description: List of parameters for grid point data, for detailed information about the parameters check here
Property Config > mars > i5qp > GG_sea
Type |
Required |
No |
Description: Parameters for grid point sea data, for detailed information about the parameters check here
Property Config > mars > i5qp > tco
Type |
Required |
No |
Description: Truncation for static RD data
Must be one of:
Property Config > mars > i5qp > grid_ML
Type |
Required |
No |
Description: Grid parameter for mars request of model level fields
Property Config > mars > i5qp > SH
Type |
Required |
No |
Description: Parameters for spectral harmonic data, for detailed information about the parameters check here
Property Config > mars > i5qp > SHZ
Type |
Required |
No |
Description: Geopotential on ground, for detailed information about the parameters check here
Property Config > mars > i5qp > UA
Type |
Required |
No |
Description: Upper air grid point parameters, for detailed information about the parameters check here
Property Config > mars > i5qp > SHZ_type
Type |
Required |
No |
Description: Type for geopotential
Property Config > mars > i5qp > GGZ_type
Type |
Required |
No |
Description: Type for geopotential in gridpoint
Property Config > mars > i5qp > stream
Type |
Required |
No |
Additional properties |
Description: MARS stream or dictionary (run:stream) to use the right stream for a given run.
Any of(Option) |
Property Config > mars > i5qp > stream > anyOf > item 0
Type |
Required |
No |
Property Config > mars > i5qp > stream > anyOf > item 1
Type |
Required |
No |
Additional properties |
Property Config > mars > i7u4
Title: Paris RDP case Tco3999 with Urban scheme
Type |
Required |
No |
Additional properties |
Description: Parameters for global DT data
Property |
Type |
Required |
Default |
Title/Description |
string |
No |
“PT0H” |
Boundary model cycle start hour. Required to be set if bdcycle_start % bdcycle != 0 |
string |
No |
- |
Other section to copy settings from if not given here |
string |
No |
- |
Class of expver |
string |
No |
- |
Dictionary (date:levels), with dates of change in the number of levels. |
string |
No |
- |
Dictionary (date:resolution), with dates of change in the resolution. |
string |
No |
- |
Boundary model cycle interval |
string |
No |
- |
Date from when are data available in Mars |
string |
No |
- |
List of parameters for grid point data, for detailed information about the parameters check here |
string |
No |
- |
Parameters for grid point sea data, for detailed information about the parameters check here |
enum (of string) |
No |
- |
Truncation for static RD data |
string |
No |
- |
Grid parameter for mars request of model level fields |
string |
No |
- |
Parameters for spectral harmonic data, for detailed information about the parameters check here |
string |
No |
- |
Geopotential on ground, for detailed information about the parameters check here |
string |
No |
- |
Upper air grid point parameters, for detailed information about the parameters check here |
string |
No |
- |
Type for geopotential |
string |
No |
- |
Type for geopotential in gridpoint |
Combination |
No |
- |
MARS stream or dictionary (run:stream) to use the right stream for a given run. |
Property Config > mars > i7u4 > ifs_cycle_start
Type |
Required |
No |
Default |
Description: Boundary model cycle start hour. Required to be set if bdcycle_start % bdcycle != 0
Restrictions |
Must match regular expression |
Property Config > mars > i7u4 > default
Type |
Required |
No |
Description: Other section to copy settings from if not given here
Property Config > mars > i7u4 > class
Type |
Required |
No |
Description: Class of expver
Property Config > mars > i7u4 > levelist
Type |
Required |
No |
Description: Dictionary (date:levels), with dates of change in the number of levels.
Property Config > mars > i7u4 > grid
Type |
Required |
No |
Description: Dictionary (date:resolution), with dates of change in the resolution.
Property Config > mars > i7u4 > ifs_cycle_length
Type |
Required |
No |
Description: Boundary model cycle interval
Restrictions |
Must match regular expression |
Property Config > mars > i7u4 > start_date
Type |
Required |
No |
Format |
Description: Date from when are data available in Mars
Property Config > mars > i7u4 > GG
Type |
Required |
No |
Description: List of parameters for grid point data, for detailed information about the parameters check here
Property Config > mars > i7u4 > GG_sea
Type |
Required |
No |
Description: Parameters for grid point sea data, for detailed information about the parameters check here
Property Config > mars > i7u4 > tco
Type |
Required |
No |
Description: Truncation for static RD data
Must be one of:
Property Config > mars > i7u4 > grid_ML
Type |
Required |
No |
Description: Grid parameter for mars request of model level fields
Property Config > mars > i7u4 > SH
Type |
Required |
No |
Description: Parameters for spectral harmonic data, for detailed information about the parameters check here
Property Config > mars > i7u4 > SHZ
Type |
Required |
No |
Description: Geopotential on ground, for detailed information about the parameters check here
Property Config > mars > i7u4 > UA
Type |
Required |
No |
Description: Upper air grid point parameters, for detailed information about the parameters check here
Property Config > mars > i7u4 > SHZ_type
Type |
Required |
No |
Description: Type for geopotential
Property Config > mars > i7u4 > GGZ_type
Type |
Required |
No |
Description: Type for geopotential in gridpoint
Property Config > mars > i7u4 > stream
Type |
Required |
No |
Additional properties |
Description: MARS stream or dictionary (run:stream) to use the right stream for a given run.
Any of(Option) |
Property Config > mars > i7u4 > stream > anyOf > item 0
Type |
Required |
No |
Property Config > mars > i7u4 > stream > anyOf > item 1
Type |
Required |
No |
Additional properties |
Property Config > mars > i7ye
Title: Paris RDP case Tco3999 without Urban scheme
Type |
Required |
No |
Additional properties |
Description: Parameters for global DT data
Property |
Type |
Required |
Default |
Title/Description |
string |
No |
“PT0H” |
Boundary model cycle start hour. Required to be set if bdcycle_start % bdcycle != 0 |
string |
No |
- |
Other section to copy settings from if not given here |
string |
No |
- |
Class of expver |
string |
No |
- |
Dictionary (date:levels), with dates of change in the number of levels. |
string |
No |
- |
Dictionary (date:resolution), with dates of change in the resolution. |
string |
No |
- |
Boundary model cycle interval |
string |
No |
- |
Date from when are data available in Mars |
string |
No |
- |
List of parameters for grid point data, for detailed information about the parameters check here |
string |
No |
- |
Parameters for grid point sea data, for detailed information about the parameters check here |
enum (of string) |
No |
- |
Truncation for static RD data |
string |
No |
- |
Grid parameter for mars request of model level fields |
string |
No |
- |
Parameters for spectral harmonic data, for detailed information about the parameters check here |
string |
No |
- |
Geopotential on ground, for detailed information about the parameters check here |
string |
No |
- |
Upper air grid point parameters, for detailed information about the parameters check here |
string |
No |
- |
Type for geopotential |
string |
No |
- |
Type for geopotential in gridpoint |
Combination |
No |
- |
MARS stream or dictionary (run:stream) to use the right stream for a given run. |
Property Config > mars > i7ye > ifs_cycle_start
Type |
Required |
No |
Default |
Description: Boundary model cycle start hour. Required to be set if bdcycle_start % bdcycle != 0
Restrictions |
Must match regular expression |
Property Config > mars > i7ye > default
Type |
Required |
No |
Description: Other section to copy settings from if not given here
Property Config > mars > i7ye > class
Type |
Required |
No |
Description: Class of expver
Property Config > mars > i7ye > levelist
Type |
Required |
No |
Description: Dictionary (date:levels), with dates of change in the number of levels.
Property Config > mars > i7ye > grid
Type |
Required |
No |
Description: Dictionary (date:resolution), with dates of change in the resolution.
Property Config > mars > i7ye > ifs_cycle_length
Type |
Required |
No |
Description: Boundary model cycle interval
Restrictions |
Must match regular expression |
Property Config > mars > i7ye > start_date
Type |
Required |
No |
Format |
Description: Date from when are data available in Mars
Property Config > mars > i7ye > GG
Type |
Required |
No |
Description: List of parameters for grid point data, for detailed information about the parameters check here
Property Config > mars > i7ye > GG_sea
Type |
Required |
No |
Description: Parameters for grid point sea data, for detailed information about the parameters check here
Property Config > mars > i7ye > tco
Type |
Required |
No |
Description: Truncation for static RD data
Must be one of:
Property Config > mars > i7ye > grid_ML
Type |
Required |
No |
Description: Grid parameter for mars request of model level fields
Property Config > mars > i7ye > SH
Type |
Required |
No |
Description: Parameters for spectral harmonic data, for detailed information about the parameters check here
Property Config > mars > i7ye > SHZ
Type |
Required |
No |
Description: Geopotential on ground, for detailed information about the parameters check here
Property Config > mars > i7ye > UA
Type |
Required |
No |
Description: Upper air grid point parameters, for detailed information about the parameters check here
Property Config > mars > i7ye > SHZ_type
Type |
Required |
No |
Description: Type for geopotential
Property Config > mars > i7ye > GGZ_type
Type |
Required |
No |
Description: Type for geopotential in gridpoint
Property Config > mars > i7ye > stream
Type |
Required |
No |
Additional properties |
Description: MARS stream or dictionary (run:stream) to use the right stream for a given run.
Any of(Option) |
Property Config > mars > i7ye > stream > anyOf > item 0
Type |
Required |
No |
Property Config > mars > i7ye > stream > anyOf > item 1
Type |
Required |
No |
Additional properties |
Property Config > mars > i8hy
Title: AQ winter case over central Europe
Type |
Required |
No |
Additional properties |
Description: Parameters for global DT data
Property |
Type |
Required |
Default |
Title/Description |
string |
No |
“PT0H” |
Boundary model cycle start hour. Required to be set if bdcycle_start % bdcycle != 0 |
string |
No |
- |
Other section to copy settings from if not given here |
string |
No |
- |
Class of expver |
string |
No |
- |
Dictionary (date:levels), with dates of change in the number of levels. |
string |
No |
- |
Dictionary (date:resolution), with dates of change in the resolution. |
string |
No |
- |
Boundary model cycle interval |
string |
No |
- |
Date from when are data available in Mars |
string |
No |
- |
List of parameters for grid point data, for detailed information about the parameters check here |
string |
No |
- |
Parameters for grid point sea data, for detailed information about the parameters check here |
enum (of string) |
No |
- |
Truncation for static RD data |
string |
No |
- |
Grid parameter for mars request of model level fields |
string |
No |
- |
Parameters for spectral harmonic data, for detailed information about the parameters check here |
string |
No |
- |
Geopotential on ground, for detailed information about the parameters check here |
string |
No |
- |
Upper air grid point parameters, for detailed information about the parameters check here |
string |
No |
- |
Type for geopotential |
string |
No |
- |
Type for geopotential in gridpoint |
Combination |
No |
- |
MARS stream or dictionary (run:stream) to use the right stream for a given run. |
Property Config > mars > i8hy > ifs_cycle_start
Type |
Required |
No |
Default |
Description: Boundary model cycle start hour. Required to be set if bdcycle_start % bdcycle != 0
Restrictions |
Must match regular expression |
Property Config > mars > i8hy > default
Type |
Required |
No |
Description: Other section to copy settings from if not given here
Property Config > mars > i8hy > class
Type |
Required |
No |
Description: Class of expver
Property Config > mars > i8hy > levelist
Type |
Required |
No |
Description: Dictionary (date:levels), with dates of change in the number of levels.
Property Config > mars > i8hy > grid
Type |
Required |
No |
Description: Dictionary (date:resolution), with dates of change in the resolution.
Property Config > mars > i8hy > ifs_cycle_length
Type |
Required |
No |
Description: Boundary model cycle interval
Restrictions |
Must match regular expression |
Property Config > mars > i8hy > start_date
Type |
Required |
No |
Format |
Description: Date from when are data available in Mars
Property Config > mars > i8hy > GG
Type |
Required |
No |
Description: List of parameters for grid point data, for detailed information about the parameters check here
Property Config > mars > i8hy > GG_sea
Type |
Required |
No |
Description: Parameters for grid point sea data, for detailed information about the parameters check here
Property Config > mars > i8hy > tco
Type |
Required |
No |
Description: Truncation for static RD data
Must be one of:
Property Config > mars > i8hy > grid_ML
Type |
Required |
No |
Description: Grid parameter for mars request of model level fields
Property Config > mars > i8hy > SH
Type |
Required |
No |
Description: Parameters for spectral harmonic data, for detailed information about the parameters check here
Property Config > mars > i8hy > SHZ
Type |
Required |
No |
Description: Geopotential on ground, for detailed information about the parameters check here
Property Config > mars > i8hy > UA
Type |
Required |
No |
Description: Upper air grid point parameters, for detailed information about the parameters check here
Property Config > mars > i8hy > SHZ_type
Type |
Required |
No |
Description: Type for geopotential
Property Config > mars > i8hy > GGZ_type
Type |
Required |
No |
Description: Type for geopotential in gridpoint
Property Config > mars > i8hy > stream
Type |
Required |
No |
Additional properties |
Description: MARS stream or dictionary (run:stream) to use the right stream for a given run.
Any of(Option) |
Property Config > mars > i8hy > stream > anyOf > item 0
Type |
Required |
No |
Property Config > mars > i8hy > stream > anyOf > item 1
Type |
Required |
No |
Additional properties |
Property Config > mars > lumi_DT
Title: Global DT near real-time runs on LUMI
Type |
Required |
No |
Additional properties |
Description: Parameters for global DT data
Property |
Type |
Required |
Default |
Title/Description |
string |
No |
“PT0H” |
Boundary model cycle start hour. Required to be set if bdcycle_start % bdcycle != 0 |
string |
No |
- |
Other section to copy settings from if not given here |
string |
No |
- |
Class of expver |
string |
No |
- |
Dictionary (date:levels), with dates of change in the number of levels. |
string |
No |
- |
Dictionary (date:resolution), with dates of change in the resolution. |
string |
No |
- |
Boundary model cycle interval |
string |
No |
- |
Date from when are data available in Mars |
string |
No |
- |
List of parameters for grid point data, for detailed information about the parameters check here |
string |
No |
- |
Parameters for grid point sea data, for detailed information about the parameters check here |
enum (of string) |
No |
- |
Truncation for static RD data |
string |
No |
- |
Grid parameter for mars request of model level fields |
string |
No |
- |
Parameters for spectral harmonic data, for detailed information about the parameters check here |
string |
No |
- |
Geopotential on ground, for detailed information about the parameters check here |
string |
No |
- |
Upper air grid point parameters, for detailed information about the parameters check here |
string |
No |
- |
Type for geopotential |
string |
No |
- |
Type for geopotential in gridpoint |
Combination |
No |
- |
MARS stream or dictionary (run:stream) to use the right stream for a given run. |
Property Config > mars > lumi_DT > ifs_cycle_start
Type |
Required |
No |
Default |
Description: Boundary model cycle start hour. Required to be set if bdcycle_start % bdcycle != 0
Restrictions |
Must match regular expression |
Property Config > mars > lumi_DT > default
Type |
Required |
No |
Description: Other section to copy settings from if not given here
Property Config > mars > lumi_DT > class
Type |
Required |
No |
Description: Class of expver
Property Config > mars > lumi_DT > levelist
Type |
Required |
No |
Description: Dictionary (date:levels), with dates of change in the number of levels.
Property Config > mars > lumi_DT > grid
Type |
Required |
No |
Description: Dictionary (date:resolution), with dates of change in the resolution.
Property Config > mars > lumi_DT > ifs_cycle_length
Type |
Required |
No |
Description: Boundary model cycle interval
Restrictions |
Must match regular expression |
Property Config > mars > lumi_DT > start_date
Type |
Required |
No |
Format |
Description: Date from when are data available in Mars
Property Config > mars > lumi_DT > GG
Type |
Required |
No |
Description: List of parameters for grid point data, for detailed information about the parameters check here
Property Config > mars > lumi_DT > GG_sea
Type |
Required |
No |
Description: Parameters for grid point sea data, for detailed information about the parameters check here
Property Config > mars > lumi_DT > tco
Type |
Required |
No |
Description: Truncation for static RD data
Must be one of:
Property Config > mars > lumi_DT > grid_ML
Type |
Required |
No |
Description: Grid parameter for mars request of model level fields
Property Config > mars > lumi_DT > SH
Type |
Required |
No |
Description: Parameters for spectral harmonic data, for detailed information about the parameters check here
Property Config > mars > lumi_DT > SHZ
Type |
Required |
No |
Description: Geopotential on ground, for detailed information about the parameters check here
Property Config > mars > lumi_DT > UA
Type |
Required |
No |
Description: Upper air grid point parameters, for detailed information about the parameters check here
Property Config > mars > lumi_DT > SHZ_type
Type |
Required |
No |
Description: Type for geopotential
Property Config > mars > lumi_DT > GGZ_type
Type |
Required |
No |
Description: Type for geopotential in gridpoint
Property Config > mars > lumi_DT > stream
Type |
Required |
No |
Additional properties |
Description: MARS stream or dictionary (run:stream) to use the right stream for a given run.
Any of(Option) |
Property Config > mars > lumi_DT > stream > anyOf > item 0
Type |
Required |
No |
Property Config > mars > lumi_DT > stream > anyOf > item 1
Type |
Required |
No |
Additional properties |
Property Config > platform
Title: Platform Section, defined in files under include/platform_paths
Type |
Required |
No |
Additional properties |
Description: DEODE platform specific path settings
Property |
Type |
Required |
Default |
Title/Description |
array of enum (of string) |
No |
[“copy”, “move”, “scp”] |
Methods available for archiving |
string |
No |
- |
Path to the ECOCLIMAP-II data |
string |
No |
“set-by-the-system” |
Path to the deode code, normally no need to change |
string |
No |
- |
Path to PGD input data |
string |
No |
- |
Path to solgrid input data |
string |
No |
- |
Path to gmted2010 input |
string |
No |
- |
Path to ECOCLIMAP SG data |
string |
No |
- |
Macro used in other platform paths |
string |
No |
- |
Macro used in other platform paths |
string |
No |
- |
Path to e923 input data |
string |
No |
- |
Path to ECrad NetCDF data |
string |
No |
- |
Path to RRTM input data |
string |
No |
- |
Path to RTTOV_COEF input data |
string |
No |
- |
Path used as macro for e.g. wrk and other directories. |
string |
No |
- |
Placeholder macro. |
string |
No |
- |
Path to climate PGD dir. |
string |
No |
- |
Path to near-infrared spectrum soil data. |
string |
No |
- |
Path to near-infrared spectrum vegetation data. |
string |
No |
- |
Path to visible soil spectrum data. |
string |
No |
- |
Path to visible spectrum vegetation data. |
string |
No |
- |
string |
No |
- |
Path to tree_height data. |
string |
No |
- |
Path to wind farm parameterisation input data. |
string |
No |
- |
Path to the main archive directory |
string |
No |
“” |
Default unix group for directories created by deode, leave empty to use default group of user. |
Property Config > platform > archive_types
Type |
Required |
No |
Default |
Description: Methods available for archiving
Array restrictions |
Min items |
N/A |
Max items |
N/A |
Items unicity |
False |
Additional items |
False |
Tuple validation |
See below |
Each item of this array must be |
Description |
- |
Config > platform > archive_types > archive_types items
Type |
Required |
No |
Must be one of:
Property Config > platform > ecoclim_data_path
Type |
Required |
No |
Description: Path to the ECOCLIMAP-II data
Property Config > platform > deode_home
Type |
Required |
No |
Default |
Description: Path to the deode code, normally no need to change
Property Config > platform > pgd_data_path
Type |
Required |
No |
Description: Path to PGD input data
Property Config > platform > soilgrid_data_path
Type |
Required |
No |
Description: Path to solgrid input data
Property Config > platform > gmted2010_data_path
Type |
Required |
No |
Description: Path to gmted2010 input
Property Config > platform > ecosg_data_path
Type |
Required |
No |
Description: Path to ECOCLIMAP SG data
Property Config > platform > climdata
Type |
Required |
No |
Description: Macro used in other platform paths
Property Config > platform > static_data
Type |
Required |
No |
Description: Macro used in other platform paths
Property Config > platform > e923_data
Type |
Required |
No |
Description: Path to e923 input data
Property Config > platform > ncdir
Type |
Required |
No |
Description: Path to ECrad NetCDF data
Property Config > platform > rrtm_dir
Type |
Required |
No |
Description: Path to RRTM input data
Property Config > platform > rttov_coefdir
Type |
Required |
No |
Description: Path to RTTOV_COEF input data
Property Config > platform > scratch
Type |
Required |
No |
Description: Path used as macro for e.g. wrk and other directories.
Property Config > platform > task_name
Type |
Required |
No |
Description: Placeholder macro.
Property Config > platform > flake_dir
Type |
Required |
No |
Description: Path to climate PGD dir.
Property Config > platform > albnir_soil_dir
Type |
Required |
No |
Description: Path to near-infrared spectrum soil data.
Property Config > platform > albnir_veg_dir
Type |
Required |
No |
Description: Path to near-infrared spectrum vegetation data.
Property Config > platform > albvis_soil_dir
Type |
Required |
No |
Description: Path to visible soil spectrum data.
Property Config > platform > albvis_veg_dir
Type |
Required |
No |
Description: Path to visible spectrum vegetation data.
Property Config > platform > lai_dir
Type |
Required |
No |
Description: TBA
Property Config > platform > tree_height_dir
Type |
Required |
No |
Description: Path to tree_height data.
Property Config > platform > windfarm_path
Type |
Required |
No |
Description: Path to wind farm parameterisation input data.
Property Config > platform > archive_root
Type |
Required |
No |
Description: Path to the main archive directory
Property Config > platform > unix_group
Type |
Required |
No |
Default |
Description: Default unix group for directories created by deode, leave empty to use default group of user.
Property Config > scheduler
Title: Scheduler Section, defined in files under include/scheduler
Type |
Required |
No |
Additional properties |
Description: Settings for implemented schedulers
Property |
Type |
Required |
Default |
Title/Description |
object |
No |
- |
Ecflow HPC scheduler Section, defined in files under include/scheduler |
Property Config > scheduler > ecfvars
Title: Ecflow HPC scheduler Section, defined in files under include/scheduler
Type |
Required |
No |
Additional properties |
Description: DEODE HPC specific ecflow settings
Property |
Type |
Required |
Default |
Title/Description |
integer |
No |
1 |
Ecflow tries. |
string |
No |
- |
Ecflow host. HPC dependent. |
Combination |
No |
- |
Ecflow port, HPC or user dependet. To set depending on userid use `_set_port_from_user(offset)` where offset is an interger to be added to the userid |
string |
No |
- |
Path to Ecflow job output. |
string |
No |
- |
Path to Ecflow operating files. |
string |
No |
- |
Path to Ecflow operating files if in remote location, different to ecf_files. |
string |
No |
- |
Path to Ecflow home. |
string |
No |
“” |
Ecflow user, only set when required |
string |
No |
“” |
Ecflow remote user, only set when required |
string |
No |
- |
Deode home directory stripped for parts specific to where a node is mounted on a cluster |
Property Config > scheduler > ecfvars > ecf_tries
Type |
Required |
No |
Default |
Description: Ecflow tries.
Property Config > scheduler > ecfvars > ecf_host
Type |
Required |
No |
Description: Ecflow host. HPC dependent.
Property Config > scheduler > ecfvars > ecf_port
Type |
Required |
No |
Description: Ecflow port, HPC or user dependet. To set depending on userid use _set_port_from_user(offset)
where offset is an interger to be added to the userid
Any of(Option) |
Property Config > scheduler > ecfvars > ecf_port > anyOf > item 0
Type |
Required |
No |
Property Config > scheduler > ecfvars > ecf_port > anyOf > item 1
Type |
Required |
No |
Restrictions |
Must match regular expression |
Property Config > scheduler > ecfvars > ecf_jobout
Type |
Required |
No |
Description: Path to Ecflow job output.
Property Config > scheduler > ecfvars > ecf_files
Type |
Required |
No |
Description: Path to Ecflow operating files.
Property Config > scheduler > ecfvars > ecf_files_remotely
Type |
Required |
No |
Description: Path to Ecflow operating files if in remote location, different to ecf_files.
Property Config > scheduler > ecfvars > ecf_home
Type |
Required |
No |
Description: Path to Ecflow home.
Property Config > scheduler > ecfvars > ecf_user
Type |
Required |
No |
Default |
Description: Ecflow user, only set when required
Property Config > scheduler > ecfvars > ecf_remoteuser
Type |
Required |
No |
Default |
Description: Ecflow remote user, only set when required
Property Config > scheduler > ecfvars > ecf_deode_home
Type |
Required |
No |
Description: Deode home directory stripped for parts specific to where a node is mounted on a cluster
Property Config > submission
Title: Submission Section, defined in files under include/submission
Type |
Required |
No |
Additional properties |
Description: Defines host dependent runtime settings such as binaries, batch job rules, modules and similar
Property |
Type |
Required |
Default |
Title/Description |
string |
No |
- |
Global setting of account to be used. E.g. `#SBATCH -A some_account` for slurm. Setting of account on group or task level overrides the global setting |
string |
No |
- |
Location of binaries |
number |
No |
-32 |
NPROMA size in the forecast model. See the namelists for where it is used |
boolean |
No |
true |
Use of the FFTW library. See the namelists for where it is used |
string |
No |
- |
File to use for module initialization, overrides module_initpath |
string |
No |
- |
Path to the version of env_modules_python.py to be used in the module initialization |
string |
No |
- |
Defines the default submit type for tasks not listed in any defined type |
object |
No |
- |
Allows to define task specific settings like BATCH, MODULES, NPROC. Use as task_exceptions.taskname.property |
object |
No |
- |
Submission types |
object |
No |
- |
IO-merge group |
Property Config > submission > account
Type |
Required |
No |
Description: Global setting of account to be used. E.g. #SBATCH -A some_account
for slurm. Setting of account on group or task level overrides the global setting
Property Config > submission > bindir
Type |
Required |
No |
Description: Location of binaries
Property Config > submission > nproma
Type |
Required |
No |
Default |
Description: NPROMA size in the forecast model. See the namelists for where it is used
Property Config > submission > lfftw
Type |
Required |
No |
Default |
Description: Use of the FFTW library. See the namelists for where it is used
Property Config > submission > module_initfile
Type |
Required |
No |
Description: File to use for module initialization, overrides module_initpath
Property Config > submission > module_initpath
Type |
Required |
No |
Description: Path to the version of env_modules_python.py to be used in the module initialization
Property Config > submission > default_submit_type
Type |
Required |
No |
Description: Defines the default submit type for tasks not listed in any defined type
Property Config > submission > task_exceptions
Type |
Required |
No |
Additional properties |
Description: Allows to define task specific settings like BATCH, MODULES, NPROC. Use as task_exceptions.taskname.property
Property Config > submission > types
Title: Submission types
Type |
Required |
No |
Additional properties |
Description: Defines settings related to various groups
Property |
Type |
Required |
Default |
Title/Description |
object |
No |
- |
Submission group |
object |
No |
- |
Submission group |
object |
No |
- |
Submission group |
object |
No |
- |
Submission group |
object |
No |
- |
Submission group |
object |
No |
- |
Submission group |
object |
No |
- |
Submission group |
object |
No |
- |
Submission group |
Property Config > submission > types > serial
Title: Submission group
Type |
Required |
No |
Additional properties |
Description: Defines the properties avilable for a submit group. See the existing submission files for examples
Property |
Type |
Required |
Default |
Title/Description |
array of string |
No |
- |
List of tasks belonging to this group |
string |
Yes |
- |
Name of the host where the job runs |
number |
No |
- |
Number of processors for this task |
number |
No |
0 |
Number of io processors for this task, only applicable for tasks involving the forecast model |
string |
No |
“” |
Prefix for binaries to be executed, e.g. srun |
object |
No |
- |
Sets batch job arguments like walltime |
object |
No |
- |
Sets environment variables |
object |
No |
- |
Sets modules to purge/use/unload/load or switch. To maintain the order decorate with comments to override the automatic sorting |
Property Config > submission > types > serial > tasks
Type |
Required |
No |
Description: List of tasks belonging to this group
Array restrictions |
Min items |
N/A |
Max items |
N/A |
Items unicity |
False |
Additional items |
False |
Tuple validation |
See below |
Each item of this array must be |
Description |
- |
Config > submission > types > serial > tasks > tasks items
Type |
Required |
No |
Property Config > submission > types > serial > SCHOST
Type |
Required |
Yes |
Description: Name of the host where the job runs
Restrictions |
Min length |
1 |
Property Config > submission > types > serial > NPROC
Type |
Required |
No |
Description: Number of processors for this task
Property Config > submission > types > serial > NPROC_IO
Type |
Required |
No |
Default |
Description: Number of io processors for this task, only applicable for tasks involving the forecast model
Property Config > submission > types > serial > WRAPPER
Type |
Required |
No |
Default |
Description: Prefix for binaries to be executed, e.g. srun
Property Config > submission > types > serial > BATCH
Type |
Required |
No |
Additional properties |
Description: Sets batch job arguments like walltime
Property Config > submission > types > serial > ENV
Type |
Required |
No |
Additional properties |
Description: Sets environment variables
Property Config > submission > types > serial > MODULES
Type |
Required |
No |
Additional properties |
Description: Sets modules to purge/use/unload/load or switch. To maintain the order decorate with comments to override the automatic sorting
Property |
Type |
Required |
Default |
Title/Description |
array of string |
No |
- |
- |
Pattern Property Config > submission > types > serial > MODULES > ^(.*)$
All properties whose name matches the regular expression
(Test) must respect the following conditions
Type |
Required |
No |
Array restrictions |
Min items |
1 |
Max items |
3 |
Items unicity |
False |
Additional items |
False |
Tuple validation |
See below |
Each item of this array must be |
Description |
- |
Config > submission > types > serial > MODULES > ^(.)$ > ^(.)$ items
Type |
Required |
No |
Property Config > submission > types > parallel
Title: Submission group
Type |
Required |
No |
Additional properties |
Description: Defines the properties avilable for a submit group. See the existing submission files for examples
Property |
Type |
Required |
Default |
Title/Description |
array of string |
No |
- |
List of tasks belonging to this group |
string |
Yes |
- |
Name of the host where the job runs |
number |
No |
- |
Number of processors for this task |
number |
No |
0 |
Number of io processors for this task, only applicable for tasks involving the forecast model |
string |
No |
“” |
Prefix for binaries to be executed, e.g. srun |
object |
No |
- |
Sets batch job arguments like walltime |
object |
No |
- |
Sets environment variables |
object |
No |
- |
Sets modules to purge/use/unload/load or switch. To maintain the order decorate with comments to override the automatic sorting |
Property Config > submission > types > parallel > tasks
Type |
Required |
No |
Description: List of tasks belonging to this group
Array restrictions |
Min items |
N/A |
Max items |
N/A |
Items unicity |
False |
Additional items |
False |
Tuple validation |
See below |
Each item of this array must be |
Description |
- |
Config > submission > types > parallel > tasks > tasks items
Type |
Required |
No |
Property Config > submission > types > parallel > SCHOST
Type |
Required |
Yes |
Description: Name of the host where the job runs
Restrictions |
Min length |
1 |
Property Config > submission > types > parallel > NPROC
Type |
Required |
No |
Description: Number of processors for this task
Property Config > submission > types > parallel > NPROC_IO
Type |
Required |
No |
Default |
Description: Number of io processors for this task, only applicable for tasks involving the forecast model
Property Config > submission > types > parallel > WRAPPER
Type |
Required |
No |
Default |
Description: Prefix for binaries to be executed, e.g. srun
Property Config > submission > types > parallel > BATCH
Type |
Required |
No |
Additional properties |
Description: Sets batch job arguments like walltime
Property Config > submission > types > parallel > ENV
Type |
Required |
No |
Additional properties |
Description: Sets environment variables
Property Config > submission > types > parallel > MODULES
Type |
Required |
No |
Additional properties |
Description: Sets modules to purge/use/unload/load or switch. To maintain the order decorate with comments to override the automatic sorting
Property |
Type |
Required |
Default |
Title/Description |
array of string |
No |
- |
- |
Pattern Property Config > submission > types > parallel > MODULES > ^(.*)$
All properties whose name matches the regular expression
(Test) must respect the following conditions
Type |
Required |
No |
Array restrictions |
Min items |
1 |
Max items |
3 |
Items unicity |
False |
Additional items |
False |
Tuple validation |
See below |
Each item of this array must be |
Description |
- |
Config > submission > types > parallel > MODULES > ^(.)$ > ^(.)$ items
Type |
Required |
No |
Property Config > submission > types > background_vm
Title: Submission group
Type |
Required |
No |
Additional properties |
Description: Defines the properties avilable for a submit group. See the existing submission files for examples
Property |
Type |
Required |
Default |
Title/Description |
array of string |
No |
- |
List of tasks belonging to this group |
string |
Yes |
- |
Name of the host where the job runs |
number |
No |
- |
Number of processors for this task |
number |
No |
0 |
Number of io processors for this task, only applicable for tasks involving the forecast model |
string |
No |
“” |
Prefix for binaries to be executed, e.g. srun |
object |
No |
- |
Sets batch job arguments like walltime |
object |
No |
- |
Sets environment variables |
object |
No |
- |
Sets modules to purge/use/unload/load or switch. To maintain the order decorate with comments to override the automatic sorting |
Property Config > submission > types > background_vm > tasks
Type |
Required |
No |
Description: List of tasks belonging to this group
Array restrictions |
Min items |
N/A |
Max items |
N/A |
Items unicity |
False |
Additional items |
False |
Tuple validation |
See below |
Each item of this array must be |
Description |
- |
Config > submission > types > background_vm > tasks > tasks items
Type |
Required |
No |
Property Config > submission > types > background_vm > SCHOST
Type |
Required |
Yes |
Description: Name of the host where the job runs
Restrictions |
Min length |
1 |
Property Config > submission > types > background_vm > NPROC
Type |
Required |
No |
Description: Number of processors for this task
Property Config > submission > types > background_vm > NPROC_IO
Type |
Required |
No |
Default |
Description: Number of io processors for this task, only applicable for tasks involving the forecast model
Property Config > submission > types > background_vm > WRAPPER
Type |
Required |
No |
Default |
Description: Prefix for binaries to be executed, e.g. srun
Property Config > submission > types > background_vm > BATCH
Type |
Required |
No |
Additional properties |
Description: Sets batch job arguments like walltime
Property Config > submission > types > background_vm > ENV
Type |
Required |
No |
Additional properties |
Description: Sets environment variables
Property Config > submission > types > background_vm > MODULES
Type |
Required |
No |
Additional properties |
Description: Sets modules to purge/use/unload/load or switch. To maintain the order decorate with comments to override the automatic sorting
Property |
Type |
Required |
Default |
Title/Description |
array of string |
No |
- |
- |
Pattern Property Config > submission > types > background_vm > MODULES > ^(.*)$
All properties whose name matches the regular expression
(Test) must respect the following conditions
Type |
Required |
No |
Array restrictions |
Min items |
1 |
Max items |
3 |
Items unicity |
False |
Additional items |
False |
Tuple validation |
See below |
Each item of this array must be |
Description |
- |
Config > submission > types > background_vm > MODULES > ^(.)$ > ^(.)$ items
Type |
Required |
No |
Property Config > submission > types > background_hpc
Title: Submission group
Type |
Required |
No |
Additional properties |
Description: Defines the properties avilable for a submit group. See the existing submission files for examples
Property |
Type |
Required |
Default |
Title/Description |
array of string |
No |
- |
List of tasks belonging to this group |
string |
Yes |
- |
Name of the host where the job runs |
number |
No |
- |
Number of processors for this task |
number |
No |
0 |
Number of io processors for this task, only applicable for tasks involving the forecast model |
string |
No |
“” |
Prefix for binaries to be executed, e.g. srun |
object |
No |
- |
Sets batch job arguments like walltime |
object |
No |
- |
Sets environment variables |
object |
No |
- |
Sets modules to purge/use/unload/load or switch. To maintain the order decorate with comments to override the automatic sorting |
Property Config > submission > types > background_hpc > tasks
Type |
Required |
No |
Description: List of tasks belonging to this group
Array restrictions |
Min items |
N/A |
Max items |
N/A |
Items unicity |
False |
Additional items |
False |
Tuple validation |
See below |
Each item of this array must be |
Description |
- |
Config > submission > types > background_hpc > tasks > tasks items
Type |
Required |
No |
Property Config > submission > types > background_hpc > SCHOST
Type |
Required |
Yes |
Description: Name of the host where the job runs
Restrictions |
Min length |
1 |
Property Config > submission > types > background_hpc > NPROC
Type |
Required |
No |
Description: Number of processors for this task
Property Config > submission > types > background_hpc > NPROC_IO
Type |
Required |
No |
Default |
Description: Number of io processors for this task, only applicable for tasks involving the forecast model
Property Config > submission > types > background_hpc > WRAPPER
Type |
Required |
No |
Default |
Description: Prefix for binaries to be executed, e.g. srun
Property Config > submission > types > background_hpc > BATCH
Type |
Required |
No |
Additional properties |
Description: Sets batch job arguments like walltime
Property Config > submission > types > background_hpc > ENV
Type |
Required |
No |
Additional properties |
Description: Sets environment variables
Property Config > submission > types > background_hpc > MODULES
Type |
Required |
No |
Additional properties |
Description: Sets modules to purge/use/unload/load or switch. To maintain the order decorate with comments to override the automatic sorting
Property |
Type |
Required |
Default |
Title/Description |
array of string |
No |
- |
- |
Pattern Property Config > submission > types > background_hpc > MODULES > ^(.*)$
All properties whose name matches the regular expression
(Test) must respect the following conditions
Type |
Required |
No |
Array restrictions |
Min items |
1 |
Max items |
3 |
Items unicity |
False |
Additional items |
False |
Tuple validation |
See below |
Each item of this array must be |
Description |
- |
Config > submission > types > background_hpc > MODULES > ^(.)$ > ^(.)$ items
Type |
Required |
No |
Property Config > submission > types > gnu
Title: Submission group
Type |
Required |
No |
Additional properties |
Description: Defines the properties avilable for a submit group. See the existing submission files for examples
Property |
Type |
Required |
Default |
Title/Description |
array of string |
No |
- |
List of tasks belonging to this group |
string |
Yes |
- |
Name of the host where the job runs |
number |
No |
- |
Number of processors for this task |
number |
No |
0 |
Number of io processors for this task, only applicable for tasks involving the forecast model |
string |
No |
“” |
Prefix for binaries to be executed, e.g. srun |
object |
No |
- |
Sets batch job arguments like walltime |
object |
No |
- |
Sets environment variables |
object |
No |
- |
Sets modules to purge/use/unload/load or switch. To maintain the order decorate with comments to override the automatic sorting |
Property Config > submission > types > gnu > tasks
Type |
Required |
No |
Description: List of tasks belonging to this group
Array restrictions |
Min items |
N/A |
Max items |
N/A |
Items unicity |
False |
Additional items |
False |
Tuple validation |
See below |
Each item of this array must be |
Description |
- |
Config > submission > types > gnu > tasks > tasks items
Type |
Required |
No |
Property Config > submission > types > gnu > SCHOST
Type |
Required |
Yes |
Description: Name of the host where the job runs
Restrictions |
Min length |
1 |
Property Config > submission > types > gnu > NPROC
Type |
Required |
No |
Description: Number of processors for this task
Property Config > submission > types > gnu > NPROC_IO
Type |
Required |
No |
Default |
Description: Number of io processors for this task, only applicable for tasks involving the forecast model
Property Config > submission > types > gnu > WRAPPER
Type |
Required |
No |
Default |
Description: Prefix for binaries to be executed, e.g. srun
Property Config > submission > types > gnu > BATCH
Type |
Required |
No |
Additional properties |
Description: Sets batch job arguments like walltime
Property Config > submission > types > gnu > ENV
Type |
Required |
No |
Additional properties |
Description: Sets environment variables
Property Config > submission > types > gnu > MODULES
Type |
Required |
No |
Additional properties |
Description: Sets modules to purge/use/unload/load or switch. To maintain the order decorate with comments to override the automatic sorting
Property |
Type |
Required |
Default |
Title/Description |
array of string |
No |
- |
- |
Pattern Property Config > submission > types > gnu > MODULES > ^(.*)$
All properties whose name matches the regular expression
(Test) must respect the following conditions
Type |
Required |
No |
Array restrictions |
Min items |
1 |
Max items |
3 |
Items unicity |
False |
Additional items |
False |
Tuple validation |
See below |
Each item of this array must be |
Description |
- |
Config > submission > types > gnu > MODULES > ^(.)$ > ^(.)$ items
Type |
Required |
No |
Property Config > submission > types > sqlite
Title: Submission group
Type |
Required |
No |
Additional properties |
Description: Defines the properties avilable for a submit group. See the existing submission files for examples
Property |
Type |
Required |
Default |
Title/Description |
array of string |
No |
- |
List of tasks belonging to this group |
string |
Yes |
- |
Name of the host where the job runs |
number |
No |
- |
Number of processors for this task |
number |
No |
0 |
Number of io processors for this task, only applicable for tasks involving the forecast model |
string |
No |
“” |
Prefix for binaries to be executed, e.g. srun |
object |
No |
- |
Sets batch job arguments like walltime |
object |
No |
- |
Sets environment variables |
object |
No |
- |
Sets modules to purge/use/unload/load or switch. To maintain the order decorate with comments to override the automatic sorting |
Property Config > submission > types > sqlite > tasks
Type |
Required |
No |
Description: List of tasks belonging to this group
Array restrictions |
Min items |
N/A |
Max items |
N/A |
Items unicity |
False |
Additional items |
False |
Tuple validation |
See below |
Each item of this array must be |
Description |
- |
Config > submission > types > sqlite > tasks > tasks items
Type |
Required |
No |
Property Config > submission > types > sqlite > SCHOST
Type |
Required |
Yes |
Description: Name of the host where the job runs
Restrictions |
Min length |
1 |
Property Config > submission > types > sqlite > NPROC
Type |
Required |
No |
Description: Number of processors for this task
Property Config > submission > types > sqlite > NPROC_IO
Type |
Required |
No |
Default |
Description: Number of io processors for this task, only applicable for tasks involving the forecast model
Property Config > submission > types > sqlite > WRAPPER
Type |
Required |
No |
Default |
Description: Prefix for binaries to be executed, e.g. srun
Property Config > submission > types > sqlite > BATCH
Type |
Required |
No |
Additional properties |
Description: Sets batch job arguments like walltime
Property Config > submission > types > sqlite > ENV
Type |
Required |
No |
Additional properties |
Description: Sets environment variables
Property Config > submission > types > sqlite > MODULES
Type |
Required |
No |
Additional properties |
Description: Sets modules to purge/use/unload/load or switch. To maintain the order decorate with comments to override the automatic sorting
Property |
Type |
Required |
Default |
Title/Description |
array of string |
No |
- |
- |
Pattern Property Config > submission > types > sqlite > MODULES > ^(.*)$
All properties whose name matches the regular expression
(Test) must respect the following conditions
Type |
Required |
No |
Array restrictions |
Min items |
1 |
Max items |
3 |
Items unicity |
False |
Additional items |
False |
Tuple validation |
See below |
Each item of this array must be |
Description |
- |
Config > submission > types > sqlite > MODULES > ^(.)$ > ^(.)$ items
Type |
Required |
No |
Property Config > submission > types > Forecast_cpu
Title: Submission group
Type |
Required |
No |
Additional properties |
Description: Defines the properties avilable for a submit group. See the existing submission files for examples
Property |
Type |
Required |
Default |
Title/Description |
array of string |
No |
- |
List of tasks belonging to this group |
string |
Yes |
- |
Name of the host where the job runs |
number |
No |
- |
Number of processors for this task |
number |
No |
0 |
Number of io processors for this task, only applicable for tasks involving the forecast model |
string |
No |
“” |
Prefix for binaries to be executed, e.g. srun |
object |
No |
- |
Sets batch job arguments like walltime |
object |
No |
- |
Sets environment variables |
object |
No |
- |
Sets modules to purge/use/unload/load or switch. To maintain the order decorate with comments to override the automatic sorting |
Property Config > submission > types > Forecast_cpu > tasks
Type |
Required |
No |
Description: List of tasks belonging to this group
Array restrictions |
Min items |
N/A |
Max items |
N/A |
Items unicity |
False |
Additional items |
False |
Tuple validation |
See below |
Each item of this array must be |
Description |
- |
Config > submission > types > Forecast_cpu > tasks > tasks items
Type |
Required |
No |
Property Config > submission > types > Forecast_cpu > SCHOST
Type |
Required |
Yes |
Description: Name of the host where the job runs
Restrictions |
Min length |
1 |
Property Config > submission > types > Forecast_cpu > NPROC
Type |
Required |
No |
Description: Number of processors for this task
Property Config > submission > types > Forecast_cpu > NPROC_IO
Type |
Required |
No |
Default |
Description: Number of io processors for this task, only applicable for tasks involving the forecast model
Property Config > submission > types > Forecast_cpu > WRAPPER
Type |
Required |
No |
Default |
Description: Prefix for binaries to be executed, e.g. srun
Property Config > submission > types > Forecast_cpu > BATCH
Type |
Required |
No |
Additional properties |
Description: Sets batch job arguments like walltime
Property Config > submission > types > Forecast_cpu > ENV
Type |
Required |
No |
Additional properties |
Description: Sets environment variables
Property Config > submission > types > Forecast_cpu > MODULES
Type |
Required |
No |
Additional properties |
Description: Sets modules to purge/use/unload/load or switch. To maintain the order decorate with comments to override the automatic sorting
Property |
Type |
Required |
Default |
Title/Description |
array of string |
No |
- |
- |
Pattern Property Config > submission > types > Forecast_cpu > MODULES > ^(.*)$
All properties whose name matches the regular expression
(Test) must respect the following conditions
Type |
Required |
No |
Array restrictions |
Min items |
1 |
Max items |
3 |
Items unicity |
False |
Additional items |
False |
Tuple validation |
See below |
Each item of this array must be |
Description |
- |
Config > submission > types > Forecast_cpu > MODULES > ^(.)$ > ^(.)$ items
Type |
Required |
No |
Property Config > submission > types > Forecast_gpu
Title: Submission group
Type |
Required |
No |
Additional properties |
Description: Defines the properties avilable for a submit group. See the existing submission files for examples
Property |
Type |
Required |
Default |
Title/Description |
array of string |
No |
- |
List of tasks belonging to this group |
string |
Yes |
- |
Name of the host where the job runs |
number |
No |
- |
Number of processors for this task |
number |
No |
0 |
Number of io processors for this task, only applicable for tasks involving the forecast model |
string |
No |
“” |
Prefix for binaries to be executed, e.g. srun |
object |
No |
- |
Sets batch job arguments like walltime |
object |
No |
- |
Sets environment variables |
object |
No |
- |
Sets modules to purge/use/unload/load or switch. To maintain the order decorate with comments to override the automatic sorting |
Property Config > submission > types > Forecast_gpu > tasks
Type |
Required |
No |
Description: List of tasks belonging to this group
Array restrictions |
Min items |
N/A |
Max items |
N/A |
Items unicity |
False |
Additional items |
False |
Tuple validation |
See below |
Each item of this array must be |
Description |
- |
Config > submission > types > Forecast_gpu > tasks > tasks items
Type |
Required |
No |
Property Config > submission > types > Forecast_gpu > SCHOST
Type |
Required |
Yes |
Description: Name of the host where the job runs
Restrictions |
Min length |
1 |
Property Config > submission > types > Forecast_gpu > NPROC
Type |
Required |
No |
Description: Number of processors for this task
Property Config > submission > types > Forecast_gpu > NPROC_IO
Type |
Required |
No |
Default |
Description: Number of io processors for this task, only applicable for tasks involving the forecast model
Property Config > submission > types > Forecast_gpu > WRAPPER
Type |
Required |
No |
Default |
Description: Prefix for binaries to be executed, e.g. srun
Property Config > submission > types > Forecast_gpu > BATCH
Type |
Required |
No |
Additional properties |
Description: Sets batch job arguments like walltime
Property Config > submission > types > Forecast_gpu > ENV
Type |
Required |
No |
Additional properties |
Description: Sets environment variables
Property Config > submission > types > Forecast_gpu > MODULES
Type |
Required |
No |
Additional properties |
Description: Sets modules to purge/use/unload/load or switch. To maintain the order decorate with comments to override the automatic sorting
Property |
Type |
Required |
Default |
Title/Description |
array of string |
No |
- |
- |
Pattern Property Config > submission > types > Forecast_gpu > MODULES > ^(.*)$
All properties whose name matches the regular expression
(Test) must respect the following conditions
Type |
Required |
No |
Array restrictions |
Min items |
1 |
Max items |
3 |
Items unicity |
False |
Additional items |
False |
Tuple validation |
See below |
Each item of this array must be |
Description |
- |
Config > submission > types > Forecast_gpu > MODULES > ^(.)$ > ^(.)$ items
Type |
Required |
No |
Property Config > submission > iomerge
Title: IO-merge group
Type |
Required |
No |
Additional properties |
Description: Defines settings related to the iomerge task
Property |
Type |
Required |
Default |
Title/Description |
object |
No |
- |
IO-merge processing wait limits |
object |
No |
- |
IO-merge file expectations |
Property Config > submission > iomerge > age_limit
Title: IO-merge processing wait limits
Type |
Required |
No |
Additional properties |
Description: Time in seconds to wait before processing files.
Property |
Type |
Required |
Default |
Title/Description |
number |
No |
20 |
History files |
number |
No |
15 |
Surfex files |
number |
No |
15 |
Fullpos files |
Property Config > submission > iomerge > age_limit > history
Type |
Required |
No |
Default |
Description: History files
Property Config > submission > iomerge > age_limit > surfex
Type |
Required |
No |
Default |
Description: Surfex files
Property Config > submission > iomerge > age_limit > fullpos
Type |
Required |
No |
Default |
Description: Fullpos files
Property Config > submission > iomerge > files_expected
Title: IO-merge file expectations
Type |
Required |
No |
Additional properties |
Description: Number of files expected for merge. Set to 0 to let the code decide and -1 for no checking.
Property |
Type |
Required |
Default |
Title/Description |
number |
No |
-1 |
History files, 0 implies -1 as the number of files is highly output dependent. |
number |
No |
0 |
Surfex files, 0 implies nproc_io files |
number |
No |
0 |
Fullpos files, 0 implies 1+nproc_io files |
Property Config > submission > iomerge > files_expected > history
Type |
Required |
No |
Default |
Description: History files, 0 implies -1 as the number of files is highly output dependent.
Property Config > submission > iomerge > files_expected > surfex
Type |
Required |
No |
Default |
Description: Surfex files, 0 implies nproc_io files
Property Config > submission > iomerge > files_expected > fullpos
Type |
Required |
No |
Default |
Description: Fullpos files, 0 implies 1+nproc_io files
Property Config > vertical_levels
Title: Vertical Levels, defined in files under include/vertica_levels
Type |
Required |
No |
Additional properties |
Description: Options for vertical levels
Property |
Type |
Required |
Default |
Title/Description |
integer |
No |
- |
Number of vertical full levels |
array |
No |
- |
Level definition for the a coefficient of half levels |
array |
No |
- |
Level definition for the b coefficient of half levels |
Property Config > vertical_levels > nlev
Type |
Required |
No |
Description: Number of vertical full levels
Property Config > vertical_levels > ahalf
Type |
Required |
No |
Description: Level definition for the a coefficient of half levels
Array restrictions |
Min items |
N/A |
Max items |
N/A |
Items unicity |
False |
Additional items |
False |
Tuple validation |
See below |
At least one of the items must be
Type |
Required |
No |
Property Config > vertical_levels > bhalf
Type |
Required |
No |
Description: Level definition for the b coefficient of half levels
Array restrictions |
Min items |
N/A |
Max items |
N/A |
Items unicity |
False |
Additional items |
False |
Tuple validation |
See below |
At least one of the items must be
Type |
Required |
No |
Welcome to our troubleshooting tips. Before proceeding, please make sure you have carefully read the README file and, if applicable, the development guide.
Cannot run poetry
Make sure your system fulfills all system requirements.
If you cannot execute poetry
even so, you may need to reinstall and reconfigure it as instructed in the README file.
ImportError or ModuleNotFoundError when running the package’s executable
Try running poetry update
poetry update or poetry update fail
Try removing the package’s .venv
directory and run the command again. If it still doesn’t work, see Cannot run poetry and try once more.
Failing linting checks
You can run poetry devtools lint --fix
locally to fix some of the linting issues. You will need to solve the remaining issues manually, but the output of the linting tools usually tell you what is wrong and which place in the code you should look.
Note: devtools lint does not currently work for Python >=3.12 (as it depends on flakeheaven)
Failing tests
It is always recommended to run the test suite locally address any encountered issue before pushing to you pull request.
Failing CI checks on github
Please run poetry devtools pre-push-checks
and fix any eventually encountered error before you push your commits to update the pull request.
Failing coverage checks on CI
You ned to add unit tests covering reasonably well the changes you are making to the code.