Source code for deode.scheduler

"""Scheduler module."""

import os
import platform
import signal
import sys
import time
import traceback
from abc import ABC, abstractmethod
from datetime import datetime

from .logs import logger
from .os_utils import ping
from .toolbox import Platform

    import ecflow
except ModuleNotFoundError:
    ecflow = None

# Base Scheduler server class
[docs] class Server(ABC): """Base server/scheduler class.""" def __init__(self, config): """Construct the server.""" self.settings = None self.config = config
[docs] @abstractmethod def start_server(self): """Start the server. Raises: NotImplementedError: Must be implemented by the child server object. """ raise NotImplementedError
[docs] @abstractmethod def replace(self, suite_name, def_file): """Create or change the suite definition. Args: suite_name (str): Name of the suite. def_file (str): Name of the definition file. Raises: NotImplementedError: Must be implemented by the child server object. """ raise NotImplementedError
[docs] @abstractmethod def begin_suite(self, suite_name): """Begin the suite in a server specific way. Args: suite_name (str): Name of the suite Raises: NotImplementedError: Must be implemented by the child server object. """ raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def start_suite(self, suite_name, def_file, begin=True): """Start the suite. All the servers have these methods implemented and can start the server in a server specific way. Args: suite_name (str): Name of the suite def_file (str): Name of the definition file. begin (bool, optional): If the suite should begin. Defaults to True. """ self.start_server() self.replace(suite_name, def_file) if begin: self.begin_suite(suite_name)
[docs] class EcflowServer(Server): """Ecflow server.""" def __init__(self, config, start_command=None): """Construct the EcflowServer. The values for ecf_host and ecf_port are taken from config as strings/integer or the two functions _select_host_from_list() or _set_port_from_user() defined below. Args: config (str): configuration settings. start_command (str): Ecflow start server command. Raises: ModuleNotFoundError: If ecflow is not found. RuntimeError: If ecf_port is not set """ if ecflow is None: raise ModuleNotFoundError("Ecflow not found") Server.__init__(self, config) ecf_host = self.config["scheduler.ecfvars.ecf_host"] ecf_host = Platform(config).substitute(ecf_host) self.ecf_host = Platform(config).evaluate(ecf_host, object_=EcflowServer) ecf_port = self.config["scheduler.ecfvars.ecf_port"] try: self.ecf_port = int(ecf_port) except ValueError: self.ecf_port = Platform(config).evaluate(ecf_port, object_=EcflowServer) self.start_command = start_command logger.debug("self.ecf_host={} self.ecf_port={}", self.ecf_host, self.ecf_port) self.ecf_client = ecflow.Client(self.ecf_host, self.ecf_port) logger.debug("self.ecf_client {}", self.ecf_client) self.settings = {"ECF_HOST": self.ecf_host, "ECF_PORT": self.ecf_port} @staticmethod def _set_port_from_user(offset=0): """Set ecf_port from user id. Arguments: offset (int): Number to offset the user id with Returns: port (int): Derived port number """ port = os.getuid() + int(offset) return port @staticmethod def _select_host_from_list(hosts, tries=3, delay=1): """Set ecf_host from list of options. Try to ping server tries times before giving up. Arguments: hosts (list): list of host options tries (int): number of times to try to find a host delay (int): number of seconds to wait between each try Returns: host (str): Selected host Raises: RuntimeError: In case no or more than one host found """ found_hosts = [] ntry = 1 while ntry <= tries: for _host in hosts: host = _host.strip() if ping(host): found_hosts.append(host) if len(found_hosts) == 0 and ntry == tries: host_list = ",".join(hosts) msg = f"No ecflow host found, tried:{host_list}" logger.error(msg) raise RuntimeError(msg) if len(found_hosts) == 1: break if len(found_hosts) > 1: host_list = ",".join(found_hosts) msg = f"Ambigious host selection:{host_list}" logger.error(msg) raise RuntimeError(msg) time.sleep(delay) ntry += 1 return found_hosts[0]
[docs] def start_server(self): """Start the server. Raises: RuntimeError: Server is not running or Could not restart server. """ logger.debug("Start EcFlow server") try:"ECF_HOST:{}, ECF_PORT:{}", self.ecf_host, self.ecf_port)"EcFlow server is already running") except RuntimeError:"Re-Start EcFlow server") try: # Start server start_command = self.start_command if self.start_command is None: start_command = f" -p {self.ecf_port!s}" # TODO ret = os.system(start_command) # noqa if ret != 0: raise RuntimeError from RuntimeError except RuntimeError as error: raise RuntimeError("Could not restart server!") from error
[docs] def begin_suite(self, suite_name): """Begin the suite. Args: suite_name (str): Nam eof the suite. """ self.ecf_client.begin_suite(suite_name)
[docs] def force_complete(self, task): """Force the task complete. Args: task (scheduler.EcflowTask): Task to force complete. """ ecf_name = task.ecf_name self.ecf_client.force_state(ecf_name, ecflow.State.complete)
[docs] def force_aborted(self, task): """Force the task aborted. Args: task (scheduler.EcflowTask): Task to force aborted. """ ecf_name = task.ecf_name self.ecf_client.force_state(ecf_name, ecflow.State.aborted)
[docs] def replace(self, suite_name, def_file): """Replace the suite name from def_file. Args: suite_name (str): Suite name. def_file (str): Definition file. Raises: RuntimeError: If suite cannot be replaced. """ logger.debug("{} {}", suite_name, def_file) try: self.ecf_client.replace("/" + suite_name, def_file) except RuntimeError: try: self.ecf_client.delete("/" + suite_name) self.ecf_client.replace("/" + suite_name, def_file) except RuntimeError as err: raise RuntimeError("Could not replace suite " + suite_name) from err
[docs] def remove_suites(self, suite_list): """Remove suites selected from a list. Args: suite_list (list): Suite names. """ self.ecf_client.sync_local() suites = self.ecf_client.get_defs().suites for suite in suites: if in suite_list:"Removing suite {}", self.ecf_client.delete(
[docs] class EcflowLogServer: """Ecflow log server.""" def __init__(self, config): """Constuct the ecflow log server. Args: config (dict): Configuration """ self.config = config self.ecf_loghost = config.get("ECF_LOGHOST") self.ecf_logport = config.get("ECF_LOGPORT")
[docs] class EcflowTask: """Ecflow scheduler task.""" def __init__(self, ecf_name, ecf_tryno, ecf_pass, ecf_rid, ecf_timeout=20): """Construct a task running and communicating with ecflow server. Args: ecf_name (str): Full name of ecflow task. ecf_tryno (int): Ecflow task try number ecf_pass (str): Ecflow task password ecf_rid (int): Ecflow runtime ID ecf_timeout (int, optional): _description_. Defaults to 20. """ self.ecf_name = ecf_name self.ecf_tryno = int(ecf_tryno) self.ecf_pass = ecf_pass if ecf_rid == "" or ecf_rid is None: ecf_rid = os.getpid() self.ecf_rid = int(ecf_rid) self.ecf_timeout = int(ecf_timeout) ecf_name_parts = self.ecf_name.split("/") self.ecf_task = ecf_name_parts[-1] ecf_families = None if len(ecf_name_parts) > 2: ecf_families = ecf_name_parts[1:-1] self.ecf_families = ecf_families self.family1 = None if self.ecf_families is not None: self.family1 = self.ecf_families[-1]
[docs] class EcflowClient(object): """An ecflow client. Encapsulate communication with the ecflow server. This will automatically call the child command init()/complete(), for job start/finish. It will also handle exceptions and signals, by calling the abort child command. *ONLY* one instance of this class, should be used. Otherwise zombies will be created. """ def __init__(self, server, task): """Construct the ecflow client. Args: server (EcflowServer): Ecflow server object. task (EcflowTask): Ecflow task object. """ logger.debug("Creating Client") self.server = server self.client = server.ecf_client #"%ECF_HOST%", "%ECF_PORT%") #noqa E800 self.client.set_child_pid(task.ecf_rid) self.client.set_child_path(task.ecf_name) self.client.set_child_password(task.ecf_pass) self.client.set_child_try_no(task.ecf_tryno) " Only wait {} seconds, if the server cannot be contacted " "(note default is 24 hours) before failing", str(task.ecf_timeout), ) self.client.set_child_timeout(task.ecf_timeout) self.task = task # Abort the task for the following signals signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, self.signal_handler) signal.signal(signal.SIGHUP, self.signal_handler) signal.signal(signal.SIGQUIT, self.signal_handler) signal.signal(signal.SIGILL, self.signal_handler) signal.signal(signal.SIGTRAP, self.signal_handler) signal.signal(signal.SIGIOT, self.signal_handler) signal.signal(signal.SIGBUS, self.signal_handler) signal.signal(signal.SIGFPE, self.signal_handler) signal.signal(signal.SIGUSR1, self.signal_handler) signal.signal(signal.SIGUSR2, self.signal_handler) signal.signal(signal.SIGPIPE, self.signal_handler) signal.signal(signal.SIGTERM, self.signal_handler) signal.signal(signal.SIGXCPU, self.signal_handler) if platform.system() != "Darwin": signal.signal(signal.SIGPWR, self.signal_handler)
[docs] @staticmethod def at_time(): """Generate time stamp. Returns: str: Time stamp. """ return datetime.fromtimestamp(time.time()).strftime("%H:%M:%S")
[docs] def signal_handler(self, signum, extra=None): """Signal handler. Args: signum (_type_): _description_ extra (_type_, optional): _description_. Defaults to None. """" Aborting: Signal handler called with signal {}", str(signum)) self.__exit__( InterruptedError, "Signal handler called with signal " + str(signum), extra )
def __enter__(self): """Enter the object. Returns: _type_: _description_ """"Calling init at: {}", self.at_time()) if self.client is not None: self.client.child_init() return self.client def __exit__(self, ex_type, value, tback): """Exit method. Args: ex_type (_type_): _description_ value (_type_): _description_ tback (_type_): _description_ Returns: _type_: _description_ """" Client:__exit__: ex_type: {} value: {}", str(ex_type), str(value)) if ex_type is not None:"Calling abort {}", self.at_time()) self.client.child_abort(f"Aborted with exception type {ex_type!s}:{value!s}") if tback is not None: print(tback) traceback.print_tb(tback, limit=1, file=sys.stdout) print("*** print_exception:") # exc_type below is ignored on 3.5 and later print("*** print_exc:") traceback.print_exc(limit=2, file=sys.stdout) print("*** format_exc, first and last line:") formatted_lines = traceback.format_exc().splitlines() print(formatted_lines[0]) print(formatted_lines[-1]) print("*** format_exception:") print("*** extract_tb:") print(repr(traceback.extract_tb(tback))) print("*** format_tb:") print(repr(traceback.format_tb(tback))) print("*** tb_lineno:", tback.tb_lineno) return False print("Calling complete at: " + self.at_time()) # self.server.update_log(self.task.ecf_name + " complete") #noqa E800 self.client.child_complete() return False