Source code for deode.geo_utils

"""Utilities for simple geographic tasks."""
import numpy as np
import pyproj

[docs] class Projstring: """Proj4 string class.""" def __init__(self): """Construct proj4 string.""" self.earth_radius = 6371000.0
[docs] def get_projstring(self, lon0=0.0, lat0=-90.0) -> str: """Get proj4 string. Args: lon0 (float, optional): Central longitude. Defaults to 0.0. lat0 (float, optional): Central latitude. Defaults to -90.0. Returns: str: Proj4 string """ if lat0 == -90.0: proj_string = ( f"+proj=stere +lat_0={lat0!s} +lon_0={lon0!s} " f"+lat_ts={lat0!s}" ) else: proj_string = ( f"+proj=lcc +lat_0={lat0!s} +lon_0={lon0!s} " f"+lat_1={lat0!s} +lat_2={lat0!s} " f"+units=m +no_defs +R={self.earth_radius!s}" ) return proj_string
[docs] class Projection: """Projection class.""" def __init__(self, proj4str): """Construct projection. Args: proj4str (str): Proj4 string """ self.proj4str = proj4str self.proj = pyproj.CRS.from_string(proj4str) self.wgs84 = pyproj.CRS.from_string("EPSG:4326")
[docs] def check_key(self, key: str, config: dict) -> bool: """Check if key is in config. Args: key (str): Key to check config (dict): Configuration Returns: bool: True if key is in config Raises: ValueError: If key is not in config """ if key in config: return True raise ValueError("{} not in dictionary. Check config file".format(key))
[docs] def get_domain_properties(self, domain_spec: dict) -> dict: """Get domain properties. Args: domain_spec (dict): Domain specification Returns: dict: Domain properties """ self.check_key("lonc", domain_spec) self.check_key("latc", domain_spec) self.check_key("nlon", domain_spec) self.check_key("nlat", domain_spec) self.check_key("gsize", domain_spec) lonc = domain_spec["lonc"] latc = domain_spec["latc"] nlon = domain_spec["nlon"] nlat = domain_spec["nlat"] gsize = domain_spec["gsize"] xloncen, xlatcen = pyproj.Transformer.from_crs( self.wgs84, self.proj, always_xy=True ).transform(lonc, latc) x_0 = float(xloncen) - (0.5 * ((float(nlon) - 1.0) * gsize)) y_0 = float(xlatcen) - (0.5 * ((float(nlat) - 1.0) * gsize)) xxx = np.empty([nlon]) yyy = np.empty([nlat]) for i in range(nlon): xxx[i] = x_0 + (float(i) * gsize) for j in range(nlat): yyy[j] = y_0 + (float(j) * gsize) x_v, y_v = np.meshgrid(xxx, yyy) lons, lats = pyproj.Transformer.from_crs( self.proj, self.wgs84, always_xy=True ).transform(x_v, y_v) minlat = np.floor(np.min(lats)) - 1 minlon = np.floor(np.min(lons)) - 1 maxlat = np.ceil(np.max(lats)) + 1 maxlon = np.ceil(np.max(lons)) + 1 minlat = np.max([minlat, -90]) minlon = np.max([minlon, -180]) maxlat = np.min([maxlat, 90]) maxlon = np.min([maxlon, 180]) domain_properties = { "minlat": minlat, "minlon": minlon, "maxlat": maxlat, "maxlon": maxlon, } return domain_properties