#!/usr/bin/env python3
"""Implement the package's commands."""
import datetime
import os
import subprocess
import sys
from functools import partial
from pathlib import Path
import yaml
from toml_formatter.formatter import FormattedToml
from troika.connections.ssh import SSHConnection
from . import GeneralConstants
from .config_parser import BasicConfig, ConfigParserDefaults, ConfigPaths, ParsedConfig
from .derived_variables import check_fullpos_namelist, derived_variables, set_times
from .experiment import case_setup
from .host_actions import DeodeHost, set_deode_home
from .logs import logger
from .namelist import (
from .scheduler import EcflowServer
from .submission import NoSchedulerSubmission, TaskSettings
from .suites.discover_suite import get_suite
from .toolbox import Platform
def ssh_cmd(host, user, cmd):
"""SSH to remote server and execute basic commands.
host: Host name or server IP address
user: Username (string) to login to server with
cmd: Command to be executed
Message to notify if failed and why or successfully completed.
ssh_command = f'ssh {user}@{host} "{cmd}"'
subprocess.run(ssh_command, shell=True, check=True) # noqa
logger.info("SSH command executed succesfully.")
return True
except subprocess.CalledProcessError as e:
logger.info(f"Error executing SSH command: {e}")
return False
except Exception as e: # noqa
logger.info(f"Error: {e}")
return False
def run_task(args, config):
"""Implement the 'run' command.
args (argparse.Namespace): Parsed command line arguments.
config (.config_parser.ParsedConfig): Parsed config file contents.
logger.info("Prepare {}...", args.task)
deode_home = set_deode_home(config, args.deode_home)
cwd = Path.cwd()
if not args.task_job:
args.task_job = cwd / Path(f"{args.task}.job")
if not args.output:
args.output = cwd / Path(f"{args.task}.log")
args.task_job = os.path.abspath(args.task_job)
args.output = os.path.abspath(args.output)
args.template_job = os.path.abspath(args.template_job)
config = config.copy(update={"platform": {"deode_home": deode_home}})
config = config.copy(update=set_times(config))
submission_defs = TaskSettings(config)
sub = NoSchedulerSubmission(submission_defs)
args.task, config, args.template_job, args.task_job, args.output, args.troika
logger.info("Done with task {}", args.task)
def create_exp(args, config):
"""Implement the 'case' command.
args (argparse.Namespace): Parsed command line arguments.
config (.config_parser.ParsedConfig): Parsed config file contents.
deode_home = set_deode_home(config, args.deode_home)
config = config.copy(update={"platform": {"deode_home": deode_home}})
known_hosts_file = args.host_file
if known_hosts_file is None:
known_hosts_file = ConfigPaths.path_from_subpath("known_hosts.yml")
host = DeodeHost(known_hosts_file=known_hosts_file).detect_deode_host()
output_file = args.output_file
case = args.case
mod_files = args.config_mods
if mod_files is None:
mod_files = []
output_file = case_setup(
if args.start_suite:
config = ParsedConfig.from_file(
output_file, json_schema=ConfigParserDefaults.MAIN_CONFIG_JSON_SCHEMA
args.start_command = None
args.config_file = output_file
args.def_file = ""
start_suite(args, config)
def start_suite(args, config):
"""Implement the 'start suite' command.
args (argparse.Namespace): Parsed command line arguments.
config (.config_parser.ParsedConfig): Parsed config file contents.
SystemExit: If error occurs while transferring files.
deode_home = set_deode_home(config, args.deode_home)
config = config.copy(update={"platform": {"deode_home": deode_home}})
config = config.copy(update=set_times(config))
platform = Platform(config)
ecfvars = {
key: platform.substitute(val)
for key, val in config["scheduler.ecfvars"].dict().items()
update = {"scheduler": {"ecfvars": ecfvars}}
config = config.copy(update=update)
logger.info("Starting suite...")
logger.info("Config file: {}", args.config_file)
logger.info("Ecflow settings: ")
# Assign Ecfvars
joboutdir = config["scheduler.ecfvars.ecf_jobout"]
ecf_files = config["scheduler.ecfvars.ecf_files"]
ecf_files_remotely = config["scheduler.ecfvars.ecf_files_remotely"]
ecf_home = config["scheduler.ecfvars.ecf_home"]
ecf_host = config["scheduler.ecfvars.ecf_host"]
ecf_port = config["scheduler.ecfvars.ecf_port"]
ecf_user = config["scheduler.ecfvars.ecf_user"]
ecf_remoteuser = config["scheduler.ecfvars.ecf_remoteuser"]
suite_def = config.get("suite_control.suite_definition", "DeodeSuiteDefinition")
logger.info("ecf_host: {}", ecf_host)
logger.info("ecf_jobout: {}", joboutdir)
logger.info("ecf_files: {}", ecf_files)
logger.info("ecf_files_remotely: {}", ecf_files_remotely)
logger.info("ecf_home: {}", ecf_home)
logger.info("ecf_user: {}", ecf_user)
logger.info("ecf_remoteuser: {}", ecf_remoteuser)
logger.info("suite definition: {}", suite_def)
os.environ["ECF_HOST"] = ecf_host
os.environ["ECF_PORT"] = str(ecf_port)
if ecf_user:
os.environ["ECF_USER"] = ecf_user
server = EcflowServer(config, start_command=args.start_command)
suite_name = config["general.case"]
suite_name = Platform(config).substitute(suite_name)
ecf_files_local = ecf_files
# Evaluate and update ecf_deode_home
ecf_deode_home = str(
config["scheduler.ecfvars.ecf_deode_home"], object_="deode.os_utils"
update = {"scheduler": {"ecfvars": {"ecf_deode_home": ecf_deode_home}}}
config = config.copy(update=update)
# Get the troika config file - in case defined in ecfvars, use that to allow
# for scheduler specific troika config file
troika_config_file = Platform(config).substitute(
config.get("scheduler.ecfvars.troika.config_file", config["troika.config_file"])
if ecf_home != joboutdir:
remote_troika_config_file = os.path.join(
ecf_files_remotely, suite_name, os.path.basename(troika_config_file)
remote_troika_config_file = troika_config_file
config = config.copy(
"general": {"case": suite_name},
"troika": {"config_file": remote_troika_config_file},
server = EcflowServer(config, start_command=args.start_command)
if args.def_file == "":
defs = get_suite(suite_def, config)
def_file = f"{suite_name}.def"
def_file = args.def_file
args.keep_def_file = True
logger.info("Start suite from: {}", def_file)
# Clean, then copy troika and containers
srv = f"{ecf_remoteuser}@{ecf_host}"
src = f"{ecf_files_local}/{suite_name}"
dst = f"{srv}:{ecf_files_remotely}/"
if ecf_files_local != ecf_files_remotely:
logger.info("--- SSL protocol for remote Ecflow server detected ---")
logger.info("--- Copying job files to remote server ---")
logger.info("Copy ecflow files from : {} to: {}", src, dst)
# Clean command
del_cmd = f"rm -rf {ecf_files_remotely}/{suite_name}"
# Copy command
copy_cmd = [
# Try cleaning and copying commands. If it fails, then stop with message
if ssh_cmd(ecf_host, ecf_remoteuser, del_cmd):
logger.info("SSH command successful.")
logger.info("Failed to execute SSH command.")
subprocess.run(copy_cmd, check=True) # noqa
logger.info("Files transferred successfully.")
except subprocess.CalledProcessError as e:
logger.info(f"Error occurred: {e}")
raise SystemExit("Copying ecf files to ecflow server FAILED.") from e
# Read and parse the troika config file
cfg = {"host": ecf_host}
ssh = SSHConnection(cfg, ecf_remoteuser)
temp_troika_config_file = f"parsed_{os.path.basename(troika_config_file)}"
with open(troika_config_file, "rb") as infile:
troika_input = yaml.safe_load(infile)
troika_output = platform.sub_str_dict(troika_input)
with open(temp_troika_config_file, mode="w", encoding="utf8") as outfile:
yaml.dump(troika_output, outfile, encoding="utf-8")
# Use ssh for single files (troika)
ssh.sendfile(temp_troika_config_file, remote_troika_config_file)
logger.info("Troika file transferred successfully.")
except subprocess.CalledProcessError as e:
logger.info(f"Error occurred transferring Troika: {e}")
raise SystemExit("Copying {temp_troika_config_file} FAILED.") from e
logger.info("--- File copying to Ecflow server DONE ---")
server.start_suite(suite_name, def_file)
logger.info("Done with suite.")
if not args.keep_def_file:
# Code related to the "show *" commands #
def doc_config(args, config: ParsedConfig): # noqa ARG001
"""Implement the 'doc_config' command.
args (argparse.Namespace): Parsed command line arguments.
config (ParsedConfig): Parsed config file contents.
now = datetime.datetime.now().isoformat(timespec="seconds")
f"""The following section was automatically generated running
`deode doc config` on {now}.\n\n"""
sys.stdout.write(config.json_schema.get_markdown_doc() + "\n")
def show_config(args, config):
"""Implement the 'show_config' command.
args (argparse.Namespace): Parsed command line arguments.
config (.config_parser.ParsedConfig): Parsed config file contents.
logger.info("Printing requested configs...")
pyproject_toml = GeneralConstants.PACKAGE_DIRECTORY.parent / "pyproject.toml"
pkg_configs = (
if os.path.isfile(pyproject_toml)
else BasicConfig({})
toml_formatting_function = partial(
formatter_options=pkg_configs.get("tool.toml-formatter", {}),
dumps = config.dumps(
except KeyError:
logger.error('Error retrieving config data for config section "{}"', args.section)
sys.stdout.write(str(dumps) + "\n")
def show_config_schema(args, config): # noqa ARG001
"""Implement the `show config-schema` command.
args (argparse.Namespace): Parsed command line arguments.
config (.config_parser.ParsedConfig): Parsed config file contents.
logger.info("Printing JSON schema used in the validation of the configs...")
sys.stdout.write(str(config.json_schema) + "\n")
def show_host(args, config): # noqa ARG001
"""Implement the `show host` command.
args (argparse.Namespace): Parsed command line arguments.
config (.config_parser.ParsedConfig): Parsed config file contents.
dh = DeodeHost()
logger.info("Current host: {}", dh.detect_deode_host())
logger.info("Known hosts (host, recognition method):")
for host, pattern in dh.known_hosts.items():
logger.info("{:>16} {}", host, pattern)
def show_namelist(args, config):
"""Implement the 'show_namelist' command.
args (argparse.Namespace): Parsed command line arguments.
config (.config_parser.ParsedConfig): Parsed config file contents.
deode_home = set_deode_home(config, args.deode_home)
config = config.copy(update={"platform": {"deode_home": deode_home}})
config = config.copy(update=set_times(config))
config = config.copy(update=derived_variables(config))
nlgen = NamelistGenerator(config, args.namelist_type, substitute=args.no_substitute)
if "forecast" in args.namelist and args.namelist_type == "master":
nlgen = check_fullpos_namelist(config, nlgen)
nlres = nlgen.assemble_namelist(args.namelist)
if args.namelist_name is not None:
namelist_name = args.namelist_name
namelist_name = f"namelist_{args.namelist_type}_{args.namelist}"
nlgen.write_namelist(nlres, namelist_name)
logger.info("Printing namelist in use to file {}", namelist_name)
def show_paths(args, config): # noqa ARG001
"""Implement the 'show_paths' command."""
dh = DeodeHost()
ConfigPaths.print(args.config_file, dh.detect_deode_host())
def namelist_integrate(args, config):
"""Implement the 'namelist integrate' command.
args (argparse.Namespace): Parsed command line arguments.
config (.config_parser.ParsedConfig): Parsed config file contents.
SystemExit # noqa: DAR401
logger.info("Integrating namelist(s) ...")
nlcomp = NamelistComparator(config)
nlint = NamelistIntegrator(config)
# Read all input namelist files and convert to yaml dicts
nml_in = {}
nltags = []
for nlfile in args.namelist:
nlpath = Path(nlfile)
ltag = nlpath.name.replace(".", "_")
msg = f"Reading {nlfile}"
nml_in[ltag] = nlint.ftn2dict(nlpath)
# Start with empty output namelist set
nml = {}
if args.tag:
tag = args.tag
if tag in nltags:
# Use given tag as base for comparisons, then
nml[tag] = nml_in[tag]
tag = "00_common"
if args.yaml:
if not args.tag:
raise SystemExit(
"With -y given, you must also specify with -t which tag to use as basis!"
# Read yaml to use as basis for comparisons
nml = NamelistIntegrator.yml2dict(Path(args.yaml))
if tag not in nml:
raise SystemExit(f"Tag {tag} was not found in input yaml file {args.yaml}!")
if tag in nltags:
raise SystemExit(f"Tag {tag} found in both yaml and namelist input, abort!")
elif not nml:
# Construct basis as intersection of all input files
for ltag in nltags:
if not nml:
nml[tag] = nml_in[ltag]
elif ltag != tag:
nml[tag] = nlcomp.compare_dicts(nml[tag], nml_in[ltag], "intersection")
# Now, whether yaml input or not, nml[tag] should contain the common settings
# Loop over input namelists to produce diffs
for ltag in nltags:
if ltag != tag:
nml[ltag] = nlcomp.compare_dicts(nml[tag], nml_in[ltag], "diff")
# Write output yaml
NamelistIntegrator.dict2yml(nml, Path(args.output))
def namelist_convert(args, config: ParsedConfig): # noqa ARG001
"""Implement the 'namelist convert' command.
args (argparse.Namespace): Parsed command line arguments.
config (.config_parser.ParsedConfig): Parsed config file contents.
# Configuration
# Check that parameters are present
for parameter, parameter_name in zip(
[args.from_cycle, args.to_cycle, args.namelist, args.output],
["from_cycle", "to_cycle", "namelist", "output"],
if not parameter:
raise SystemExit(f"Please provide parameter {parameter_name}")
# Convert namelists
logger.info(f"Convert namelist from cycle {args.from_cycle} to cycle {args.to_cycle}")
if args.format == "yaml":
args.namelist, args.output, args.from_cycle, args.to_cycle
elif args.format == "ftn":
args.namelist, args.output, args.from_cycle, args.to_cycle
raise SystemExit(f"Format {args.format} not handled")