"""IO merge task."""
import datetime
import glob
import os
from time import sleep, time
from ..datetime_utils import as_datetime, as_timedelta, oi2dt_list
from ..logs import logger
from .base import Task
from .batch import BatchJob
class IOmerge(Task):
"""IO merge task."""
def __init__(self, config):
"""Construct IOmerge object.
config (deode.ParsedConfig): Configuration
Task.__init__(self, config, __class__.__name__)
self.cycle = self.config["general.cycle"]
self.cnmexp = self.config["general.cnmexp"]
self.domain = self.config["domain.name"]
self.basetime = as_datetime(self.config["general.times.basetime"])
self.cycle_length = as_timedelta(self.config["general.times.cycle_length"])
self.forecast_range = self.config["general.times.forecast_range"]
self.deode_home = self.config["platform.deode_home"]
self.output_settings = self.config["general.output_settings"]
self.surfex = self.config["general.surfex"]
self.n_io_merge = self.config["suite_control.n_io_merge"]
self.ionr = int(config["task.args.ionr"])
self.archive = self.platform.get_system_value("archive")
self.deode_home = self.config["platform.deode_home"]
self.file_templates = self.config["file_templates"]
self.nproc_io = int(self.config.get("task.args.nproc_io", "0"))
self.iomerge = self.config["submission.iomerge"]
def wait_for_file(filename, age_limit=15):
"""Wait until a file is at least N seconds old.
filename (str): full path to file
age_limit (int): minimum age of last modification
now = time()
st = os.stat(filename).st_mtime
while now - st < age_limit:
sleep(age_limit + now - st + 1)
now = time()
st = os.stat(filename).st_mtime
def wait_for_io(self, filetype, lt, fc_path="../Forecast", maxtries=2):
"""Wait for all io_server output to be stable.
filetype (str): kind of output file
lt (timeDelta): lead time
fc_path (str): path to forecast directory
maxtries (int): maximum number of file search trials
file_list (list): List of files expected
RuntimeError: In case of erroneous number of files
ftemplate = self.file_templates[filetype]["model"]
age_limit = self.iomerge["age_limit"][filetype]
files_expected = self.iomerge["files_expected"][filetype]
validtime = self.basetime + lt
filename = self.platform.substitute(ftemplate, validtime=validtime)
ntries = 0
while True:
ntries += 1
file_list = []
if filetype == "history":
files_expected = files_expected if files_expected != 0 else -1
for io in range(self.nproc_io):
iopath = f"io_serv.{io+1:06}.d"
file_list += glob.glob(f"{fc_path}/{iopath}/{filename}.speca.*")
file_list += glob.glob(f"{fc_path}/{iopath}/{filename}.gridall")
elif filetype == "surfex":
files_expected = (
files_expected if files_expected != 0 else (1 + self.nproc_io)
file_list += [f"{fc_path}/{filename}"]
for io in range(self.nproc_io):
iopath = f"io_serv.{io+1:06}.d"
file_list += glob.glob(f"{fc_path}/{iopath}/{filename}")
elif filetype == "fullpos":
files_expected = files_expected if files_expected != 0 else self.nproc_io
# FIXME: what if we have fullpos output in FA format?
for io in range(self.nproc_io):
iopath = f"io_serv.{io+1:06}.d"
file_list += glob.glob(f"{fc_path}/{iopath}/{filename}.hfp")
files_expected = 0
logger.error("Bad file_type {}", filetype)
for ff in file_list:
self.wait_for_file(ff, age_limit)
files_found = len(file_list)
if files_found == files_expected or files_expected < 0:
if ntries == maxtries:
"Expected {} files found {} after {} scans",
raise RuntimeError(f"Expected {files_expected} files found {files_found}")
return file_list
def merge_output(self, lt, fc_path="../Forecast"):
"""Merge distributed forecast model output.
lt (timeDelta): lead time
fc_path (str): path to forecast directory
logger.info("Merge_output called at lt = {}", lt)
for filetype, oi in self.output_settings.items():
if filetype not in list(self.file_templates.keys()):
# NOTE: various output types (history, surfex, fullpos)
# may be created at other time intervals
# so we have to check validtime for every filetype
dt_list = oi2dt_list(oi, self.forecast_range)
if lt not in dt_list:
logger.info("{} not required at time {}", filetype, lt)
ftemplate = self.file_templates[filetype]["model"]
ftemplate_out = self.file_templates[filetype]["archive"]
validtime = self.basetime + lt
filename = self.platform.substitute(ftemplate, validtime=validtime)
filename_out = self.platform.substitute(ftemplate_out, validtime=validtime)
logger.info("Merging file {}", filename)
file_list = self.wait_for_io(filetype, lt, fc_path=fc_path)
files = " ".join(file_list)
logger.info("{} input files:", len(file_list))
for x in file_list:
logger.info(" {}", x)
if filetype in ("history", "surfex"):
lfitools = self.get_binary("lfitools")
# NOTE: .sfx also has a part in the working directory,
# so you *must* change the name
cmd = f"{lfitools} facat all {files} {filename}"
elif filetype == "fullpos":
# FIXME: fullpos output /can/ be FA or GRIB2
# Fullpos (grib2) output has .hfp as extra file extension
cmd = f"cat {files} > {filename}"
logger.error("Unsupported filetype {}", filetype)
BatchJob(os.environ, wrapper="").run(cmd)
# write output to archive (or to the Forecast directory...)
self.fmanager.output(filename, f"{self.archive}/{filename_out}")
def execute(self):
"""Execute IO merge."""
if self.nproc_io == 0:
# Normally, this shouldn't happen, but maybe outside of ecFlow.
logger.info("IOmerge called with NPROC_IO == 0.")
logger.info("Nothing left to do.")
if self.n_io_merge == 0:
# Normally, this shouldn't happen, but maybe outside of ecFlow.
logger.info("IOmerge called with n_io_merge == 0")
logger.info("Nothing left to do.")
if self.ionr < 0:
# Normally, this shouldn't happen, but maybe outside of ecFlow.
logger.info("IOmerge called with ionr < 0")
logger.info("Nothing left to do.")
fc_path = "../Forecast"
# NOTE: this is a link to the current Forecast directory.
# you could manipulate via os.path.basename(os.path.realpath(fc_path))
# e.g. to get the real path name or even add "Finished_task_Forecast_".
io_path = f"{fc_path}/io_serv.000001.d"
echis = f"{io_path}/ECHIS"
full_dt_list = []
oi_list = []
# build the list of lead times (all output types combined):
# NOTE: like in the Forecast task, we assume that a filetype is
# in output_settings AND in file_templates.
# Alternatively, ["history", "fullpos", "surfex"] could be
# hard coded.
for filetype, oi in self.output_settings.items():
if filetype in list(self.file_templates.keys()):
logger.debug("filetype: {}, oi: {}", filetype, oi)
if oi not in oi_list:
oi_list += oi
full_dt_list += oi2dt_list(oi, self.forecast_range)
# remove duplicates and sort
full_dt_list = list(set(full_dt_list))
# now subset for this worker:
dt_list = full_dt_list[self.ionr :: self.n_io_merge]
logger.info("IONR = {}, N_IO_MERGE = {}", self.ionr, self.n_io_merge)
logger.info("DT list {}", dt_list)
# We must wait for the io_server output to appear
# BUT: how long should we wait before aborting?
logger.info("Waiting for forecast output.")
while not os.path.exists(echis):
logger.info("IO_SERVER {} detected!", echis)
# Now we wait for the output times allotted to this IO worker.
for dt in dt_list:
logger.info("Waiting for {}", dt)
while True:
with open(f"{io_path}/ECHIS", "r") as ll:
lt = ll.read()
hh, mm, ss = [int(x) for x in lt.split(":")]
cdt = datetime.timedelta(hours=hh, minutes=mm, seconds=ss)
if dt > cdt:
# we have reached the next 'merge time'
logger.info("lead time {} is available", dt)
# NOTE: merge_output will first wait for files to be "complete"
self.merge_output(dt, fc_path=fc_path)
# signal completion of all merge tasks to the forecast task
BatchJob(os.environ, wrapper="").run(f"touch {fc_path}/io_merge_{self.ionr:02}")