Source code for deode.tasks.gmtedsoil


import os
import shutil
import sys

from ..geo_utils import Projection, Projstring
from ..logs import logger
from ..os_utils import Search, deodemakedirs
from .base import Task

def _import_gdal():
    """Return imported gdal from osgeo. Utility func useful for debugging and testing."""
        from osgeo import gdal

        return gdal
    except ImportError as error:
        msg = "Cannot use the installed gdal library, "
        msg += "or there is no gdal library installed. "
        msg += "If you have not installed it, you may want to try running"
        msg += " 'pip install pygdal==\"`gdal-config --version`.*\"' "
        msg += "or, if you use conda,"
        msg += " 'conda install -c conda-forge gdal'."
        raise ImportError(msg) from error

[docs] class Gmted(Task): """GMTED.""" def __init__(self, config): """Init Gmted. Args: config (Config): Config object """ self.domain = self.get_domain_properties(config) Task.__init__(self, config, __class__.__name__) self.gmted2010_path = self.fmanager.platform.get_platform_value( "gmted2010_data_path" )
[docs] def get_domain_properties(self, config) -> dict: """Get domain properties. Args: config (Config): Config object Returns: dict: Domain properties """ domain = { "nlon": config["domain.njmax"], "nlat": config["domain.nimax"], "latc": config["domain.xlatcen"], "lonc": config["domain.xloncen"], "lat0": config["domain.xlat0"], "lon0": config["domain.xlon0"], "gsize": config["domain.xdx"], } return domain
[docs] def gmted_header_coordinates( self, east: float, west: float, south: float, north: float ) -> tuple: """Get GMTED header coordinates. Args: east (float): East west (float): West south (float): South north (float): North Returns: tuple: Header coordinates """ longitude_bin_size = 30 # GMTED2010 Latitudes gmted2010_input_lats = [] i = 0 for lat in range(70, -90, -20): if north > lat: gmtedlat = ( "{:02d}N".format(lat) if lat >= 0 else "{:02d}S".format(-1 * lat) ) gmted2010_input_lats.append(gmtedlat) i += 1 if south >= lat: break hdr_south = lat hdr_north = lat + i * 20 # GMTED2010 Longitudes gmted2010_input_lons = [] i = 0 for lon in range(-180, 150, longitude_bin_size): if west < lon: rel_lon = lon - longitude_bin_size gmtedlon = ( "{:03d}E".format(rel_lon) if rel_lon >= 0 else "{:03d}W".format(-1 * rel_lon) ) gmted2010_input_lons.append(gmtedlon) i += 1 if east <= lon: break hdr_east = lon hdr_west = lon - i * longitude_bin_size return ( hdr_east, hdr_west, hdr_south, hdr_north, gmted2010_input_lats, gmted2010_input_lons, )
[docs] def define_gmted_input(self, domain_properties: dict) -> tuple: """Define GMTED input files. Args: domain_properties (dict): Domain properties Returns: tuple: GMTED input files """ west = domain_properties["minlon"] east = domain_properties["maxlon"] south = domain_properties["minlat"] north = domain_properties["maxlat"] ( hdr_east, hdr_west, hdr_south, hdr_north, gmted2010_input_lats, gmted2010_input_lons, ) = self.gmted_header_coordinates(east, west, south, north) tif_files = [] for lat in gmted2010_input_lats: for lon in gmted2010_input_lons: tif_file = f"{self.gmted2010_path}/{lat}{lon}_20101117_gmted_mea075.tif" tif_files.append(tif_file) for tif_file in tif_files: if not os.path.isfile(tif_file): logger.error("GMTED file {} not found", tif_file) sys.exit(1) return tif_files, hdr_east, hdr_west, hdr_south, hdr_north
[docs] @staticmethod def tif2bin(gd, bin_file) -> None: """Convert tif file to binary file used by surfex. Args: gd: gdal dataset bin_file (str): Binary file """ band = gd.GetRasterBand(1) with open(bin_file, "wb") as f: for iy in range(gd.RasterYSize): data = band.ReadAsArray(0, iy, gd.RasterXSize, 1) sel = data == -32768 data[sel] = 0 data.byteswap().astype("int16").tofile(f)
[docs] @staticmethod def write_gmted_header_file( header_file, hdr_north, hdr_south, hdr_west, hdr_east, hdr_rows, hdr_cols ) -> None: """Write header file. Args: header_file (str): Header file hdr_north (float): North hdr_south (float): South hdr_west (float): West hdr_east (float): East hdr_rows (int): Number of rows hdr_cols (int): Number of columns """ with open(header_file, mode="w", encoding="utf8") as f: f.write("PROCESSED GMTED2010, orography model, resolution 250m\n") f.write("nodata: -9999\n") f.write(f"north: {hdr_north:.2f}\n") f.write(f"south: {hdr_south:.2f}\n") f.write(f"west: {hdr_west:.2f}\n") f.write(f"east: {hdr_east:.2f}\n") f.write(f"rows: {int(hdr_rows):d}\n") f.write(f"cols: {int(hdr_cols):d}\n") f.write("recordtype: integer 16 bytes\n")
[docs] def execute(self): """Run task. Define run sequence. """ climdir = self.platform.get_system_value("climdir") unix_group = self.platform.get_platform_value("unix_group") deodemakedirs(climdir, unixgroup=unix_group) projstr = Projstring().get_projstring( lon0=self.domain["lon0"], lat0=self.domain["lat0"] ) proj = Projection(projstr) domain_properties = proj.get_domain_properties(self.domain) tif_files, hdr_east, hdr_west, hdr_south, hdr_north = self.define_gmted_input( domain_properties ) # Output merged GMTED file to working directory as file gmted_mea075.tif gdal = _import_gdal() gd = gdal.Warp( "gmted_mea075.tif", tif_files, format="GTiff", options=["COMPRESS=LZW", "TILED=YES"], ) Gmted.tif2bin(gd, "gmted_mea075.bin") shutil.move("gmted_mea075.bin", f"{climdir}/gmted2010.dir") # Get number of rows and columns hdr_rows = gd.RasterYSize hdr_cols = gd.RasterXSize gd = None # Create the header file header_file = f"{climdir}/gmted2010.hdr" logger.debug("Write header file {}", header_file) Gmted.write_gmted_header_file( header_file, hdr_north, hdr_south, hdr_west, hdr_east, hdr_rows, hdr_cols )
[docs] class Soil(Task): """Prepare soil data task for PGD.""" def __init__(self, config): """Construct soil data object. Args: config (deode.ParsedConfig): Configuration """ self.domain = self.get_domain_properties(config) Task.__init__(self, config, __class__.__name__) logger.debug("Constructed Soil task")
[docs] def get_domain_properties(self, config) -> dict: """Get domain properties. Args: config (deode.ParsedConfig): Configuration Returns: dict: Domain properties """ domain = { "nlon": config["domain.njmax"], "nlat": config["domain.nimax"], "latc": config["domain.xlatcen"], "lonc": config["domain.xloncen"], "lat0": config["domain.xlat0"], "lon0": config["domain.xlon0"], "gsize": config["domain.xdx"], } return domain
[docs] @staticmethod def check_domain_validity(domain_properties: dict) -> None: """Check if domain is valid. Args: domain_properties (dict): Dict with domain properties Raises: ValueError: If domain is outside soilgrid data area """ # Area available from soilgrid data glo_north = 84.0 glo_south = -56.0 glo_east = 180.0 glo_west = -180.0 is_outside = bool( domain_properties["minlon"] < glo_west or domain_properties["minlon"] > glo_east or domain_properties["maxlon"] < glo_west or domain_properties["maxlon"] > glo_east or domain_properties["minlat"] < glo_south or domain_properties["minlat"] > glo_north or domain_properties["maxlat"] < glo_south or domain_properties["maxlat"] > glo_north ) if is_outside: raise ValueError("Domain outside soilgrid data area")
[docs] @staticmethod def coordinates_for_cutting_dataset( domain_properties: dict, halo: float = 5.0 ) -> tuple: """Get coordinates for cutting dataset. Args: domain_properties (dict): Dict with domain properties halo (float): Halo. Defaults to 5.0. Returns: tuple: Coordinates for cutting dataset """ cut_west = domain_properties["minlon"] - halo cut_east = domain_properties["maxlon"] + halo cut_south = domain_properties["minlat"] - halo cut_north = domain_properties["maxlat"] + halo return cut_west, cut_east, cut_south, cut_north
[docs] @staticmethod def write_soil_header_file( header_file, soiltype, hdr_north, hdr_south, hdr_west, hdr_east, hdr_rows, hdr_cols, nodata=0, bits=8, write_fact=False, fact=10, ) -> None: """Write header file. Args: header_file (str): Header file soiltype (str): Soil type hdr_north (float): North hdr_south (float): South hdr_west (float): West hdr_east (float): East hdr_rows (int): Number of rows hdr_cols (int): Number of columns nodata (int): No data value. Defaults to 0. bits (int): Number of bits. Defaults to 8. write_fact (bool): Write factor. Defaults to False. fact (int): Factor. Defaults to 10 """ with open(header_file, mode="w", encoding="utf8") as f: f.write(f"{soiltype} cut from global soilgrids of 250m resolution\n") f.write(f"nodata: {nodata:d}\n") f.write(f"north: {float(hdr_north):.6f}\n") f.write(f"south: {float(hdr_south):.6f}\n") f.write(f"west: {float(hdr_west):.6f}\n") f.write(f"east: {float(hdr_east):.6f}\n") f.write(f"rows: {int(hdr_rows):d}\n") f.write(f"cols: {int(hdr_cols):d}\n") # TODO Check if factor can be float if write_fact: f.write(f"fact: {fact:d}\n") f.write(f"recordtype: integer {bits:d} bits\n")
[docs] def execute(self): """Run task. Define run sequence. Raises: FileNotFoundError: If no tif files are found. """ logger.debug("Running soil task") soilgrid_path = self.fmanager.platform.get_platform_value("SOILGRID_DATA_PATH") soilgrid_tifs = Search.find_files(soilgrid_path, postfix=".tif", fullpath=True) if len(soilgrid_tifs) == 0: raise FileNotFoundError(f"No soilgrid tifs found under {soilgrid_path}") # symlink with filemanager from toolbox for soilgrid_tif in soilgrid_tifs: soilgrid_tif_basename = os.path.basename(soilgrid_tif) self.fmanager.input( soilgrid_tif, soilgrid_tif_basename, check_archive=False, provider_id="symlink", ) projstr = Projstring().get_projstring( lon0=self.domain["lon0"], lat0=self.domain["lat0"] ) proj = Projection(projstr) domain_properties = proj.get_domain_properties(self.domain) self.check_domain_validity(domain_properties) # Get coordinates for cutting dataset cut_lon, cut_east, cut_south, cut_north = self.coordinates_for_cutting_dataset( domain_properties ) # Cut soilgrid tifs soilgrid_tif_subarea_files = [] find_size_and_corners = True gdal = _import_gdal() for soilgrid_tif in soilgrid_tifs: soilgrid_tif_basename = os.path.basename(soilgrid_tif) soilgrid_tif_subarea = soilgrid_tif_basename.replace(".tif", "_subarea.tif") soilgrid_tif_subarea_files.append(soilgrid_tif_subarea) ds = gdal.Open(soilgrid_tif_basename) ds = gdal.Translate( soilgrid_tif_subarea, ds, projWin=[cut_lon, cut_north, cut_east, cut_south], ) if find_size_and_corners: # Get number of rows and columns hdr_rows = ds.RasterYSize hdr_cols = ds.RasterXSize # Get corners gt = ds.GetGeoTransform() hdr_west = gt[0] hdr_north = gt[3] hdr_east = hdr_west + hdr_cols * gt[1] hdr_south = hdr_north + hdr_rows * gt[5] find_size_and_corners = False ds = None climdir = self.platform.get_system_value("climdir") unix_group = self.platform.get_platform_value("unix_group") deodemakedirs(climdir, unixgroup=unix_group) for subarea_file in soilgrid_tif_subarea_files: if subarea_file.startswith("SNDPPT"): ds = gdal.Open(subarea_file) ds = gdal.Translate( climdir + "/SAND_SOILGRID.dir", ds, format="EHdr", outputType=gdal.GDT_Byte, ) ds = None elif subarea_file.startswith("CLYPPT"): ds = gdal.Open(subarea_file) ds = gdal.Translate( climdir + "/CLAY_SOILGRID.dir", ds, format="EHdr", outputType=gdal.GDT_Byte, ) ds = None elif subarea_file.startswith("SOC_TOP"): ds = gdal.Open(subarea_file) ds = gdal.Translate( climdir + "/soc_top.dir", ds, format="EHdr", outputType=gdal.GDT_Int16 ) ds = None elif subarea_file.startswith("SOC_SUB"): ds = gdal.Open(subarea_file) ds = gdal.Translate( climdir + "/soc_sub.dir", ds, format="EHdr", outputType=gdal.GDT_Int16 ) ds = None else: logger.warning("Unknown soilgrid tif file: {}", subarea_file) # Compose headers in surfex/pgd format self.write_soil_header_file( climdir + "/CLAY_SOILGRID.hdr", "Clay", hdr_north, hdr_south, hdr_west, hdr_east, hdr_rows, hdr_cols, nodata=0, bits=8, write_fact=False, ) self.write_soil_header_file( climdir + "/SAND_SOILGRID.hdr", "Sand", hdr_north, hdr_south, hdr_west, hdr_east, hdr_rows, hdr_cols, nodata=0, bits=8, write_fact=False, ) self.write_soil_header_file( climdir + "/soc_top.hdr", "soc_top", hdr_north, hdr_south, hdr_west, hdr_east, hdr_rows, hdr_cols, nodata=-9999, bits=16, write_fact=True, ) self.write_soil_header_file( climdir + "/soc_sub.hdr", "soc_sub", hdr_north, hdr_south, hdr_west, hdr_east, hdr_rows, hdr_cols, nodata=-9999, bits=16, write_fact=True, ) logger.debug("Finished soil task")