Source code for deode.tasks.base

"""Base site class."""

import atexit
import contextlib
import os
import shutil
import socket

from ..config_parser import ConfigParserDefaults
from ..logs import logger
from ..os_utils import deodemakedirs
from ..toolbox import FileManager

def _get_name(cname, cls, suffix, attrname="__plugin_name__"):
    """Get name.

        cname (_type_): cname
        cls (_type_): cls
        suffix (str): suffix
        attrname (str, optional): _description_. Defaults to "__plugin_name__".

        _type_: Name

    # __dict__ vs. getattr: do not inherit the attribute from a parent class
    name = getattr(cls, "__dict__", {}).get(attrname, None)
    if name is not None:
        return name
    name = cname.lower()
    if name.endswith(suffix):
        name = name[: -len(suffix)]
    return name

[docs] class Task(object): """Base Task class.""" def __init__(self, config, name): """Construct base task. Args: config (deode.ParsedConfig): Configuration name (str): Task name Raises: ValueError: "You must set wrk" """ self.config = config if "." in name: name = name.split(".")[-1] = name self.fmanager = FileManager(self.config) self.platform = self.fmanager.platform self.wrapper = self.config["submission.task.wrapper"] self.wrk = self.platform.get_system_value("wrk") if self.wrk is None: raise ValueError("You must set wrk", self.wrk) wdir = f"{self.wrk}/{socket.gethostname()}{os.getpid()!s}" self.wdir = wdir self.unix_group = self.platform.get_value("platform.unix_group")"Task {} running in {}",, self.wdir) self._set_eccodes_environment() def _set_eccodes_environment(self): """Set correct path for ECCODES tables. Respect ECCODES_DEINITION_PATH if set or combine local settings with library ones in different ways depending on version """ eccodes_definition_path = os.getenv("ECCODES_DEFINITION_PATH") if eccodes_definition_path is not None:"Use ECCODES_DEFINITION_PATH {}", eccodes_definition_path) return # Path to local tables deode_eccodes_definition_path = str( ConfigParserDefaults.DATA_DIRECTORY / "eccodes/definitions" ) try: eccodes_version = tuple( [int(x) for x in os.getenv("ECCODES_VERSION").split(".")] ) except AttributeError: eccodes_version = (2, 30, 0) eccodes_definition_path = deode_eccodes_definition_path if eccodes_version < (2, 30, 0): try: eccodes_dir = os.environ["ECCODES_DIR"] eccodes_definition_path = ":".join( [ eccodes_definition_path, f"{eccodes_dir}/share/eccodes/definitions", ] ) except KeyError: pass os.environ["ECCODES_DEFINITION_PATH"] = str(eccodes_definition_path) "Set ECCODES_DEFINITION_PATH to {}", os.environ["ECCODES_DEFINITION_PATH"] )
[docs] def archive_logs(self, files, target=None): """Archive files in a log directory. Args: files (str,list): File(s) to be archived target (str): Target directory for archiving """ if target is None: target = self.wrk logdir = os.path.join(target, "logs", deodemakedirs(logdir, unixgroup=self.unix_group) if isinstance(files, str): self.fmanager.output(files, logdir, provider_id="copy") else: for f in files: self.fmanager.output(f, logdir, provider_id="copy")
[docs] def create_wrkdir(self): """Create a cycle working directory.""" deodemakedirs(self.wrk, unixgroup=self.unix_group)
[docs] def create_wdir(self): """Create task working directory and check for unix group and set permissions.""" deodemakedirs(self.wdir, unixgroup=self.unix_group)
[docs] def change_to_wdir(self): """Change to task working dir.""" os.chdir(self.wdir)
[docs] def remove_wdir(self): """Remove working directory.""" os.chdir(self.wrk) shutil.rmtree(self.wdir) logger.debug("Remove {}", self.wdir)
[docs] def rename_wdir(self, prefix="Failed_task_"): """Rename failed working directory.""" if os.path.isdir(self.wdir): fdir = f"{self.wrk}/{prefix}{}" if os.path.exists(fdir): logger.debug("{} exists. Remove it", fdir) shutil.rmtree(fdir) pid = os.path.basename(self.wdir) fdir = f"{fdir}_{pid}" shutil.move(self.wdir, fdir)"Renamed {} to {}", self.wdir, fdir)
[docs] def get_binary(self, binary_name): """Determine binary path from task or system config section. Args: binary_name (str): Name of binary Returns: bindir (str): full path to binary """ binary = binary_name with contextlib.suppress(KeyError): binary = self.config[f"submission.task_exceptions.{}.binary"] try: bindir = self.config[f"submission.task_exceptions.{}.bindir"] except KeyError: try: binaries = self.config[ f"submission.task_exceptions.{}.binaries.{binary_name}" ] logger.debug("binaries:{}", binaries) with contextlib.suppress(KeyError): binary = binaries["binary"] with contextlib.suppress(KeyError): bindir = binaries["bindir"] except KeyError: bindir = self.config["submission.bindir"] bindir = os.path.realpath(bindir) logger.debug("binary:{}", binary) logger.debug("bindir:{}", bindir) return f"{bindir}/{binary}"
[docs] def execute(self): """Do nothing for base execute task.""" logger.debug("Using empty base class execute")
[docs] def prep(self): """Do default preparation before execution. E.g. clean """ logger.debug("Base class prep") self.create_wdir() self.change_to_wdir() atexit.register(self.rename_wdir)
[docs] def post(self): """Do default postfix. E.g. clean """ logger.debug("Base class post") # Clean workdir if self.config["general.keep_workdirs"]: self.rename_wdir(prefix="Finished_task_") else: self.remove_wdir()
[docs] def run(self): """Run task. Define run sequence. """ self.prep() self.execute()
[docs] def get_task_setting(self, setting): """Get task setting. Args: setting (str): Setting to find in task.{} Returns: value : Found setting """ task_subsection_name_in_config = _get_name( self.__class__.__name__, self.__class__, Task.__name__.lower(), attrname="__type_name__", ) setting_to_be_retrieved = f"task.{task_subsection_name_in_config}.{setting}" try: value = self.config[setting_to_be_retrieved] except KeyError: logger.exception( "Task setting '{}' not found in config.", setting_to_be_retrieved ) return None logger.debug("Setting = {} value ={}", setting_to_be_retrieved, value) return value
[docs] class UnitTest(Task): """Base Task class.""" def __init__(self, config): """Construct test task. Args: config (deode.ParsedConfig): Configuration """ Task.__init__(self, config, __class__.__name__)