Source code for deode.suites.base

"""Ecflow suites base class."""

import os
from typing import List, Optional, Union

from ..logs import LogDefaults, logger
from ..submission import TaskSettings
from ..toolbox import Platform

    import ecflow
except ImportError:
    ecflow = None

def _get_name(cname, cls, attrname="__plugin_name__"):
    """Get name.

        cname (_type_): cname
        cls (_type_): cls
        attrname (str, optional): _description_. Defaults to "__plugin_name__".

        _type_: Name

    # __dict__ vs. getattr: do not inherit the attribute from a parent class
    name = getattr(cls, "__dict__", {}).get(attrname, None)
    if name is not None:
        return name
    name = cname.lower()
    return name

[docs] class SuiteDefinition(object): """Definition of suite.""" def __init__(self, config, dry_run=False): """Construct the definition. Args: config (ParsedConfig): Parsed configuration dry_run (bool, optional): Dry run not using ecflow. Defaults to False. Raises: ModuleNotFoundError: If ecflow is not loaded and not dry_run """ if ecflow is None and not dry_run: raise ModuleNotFoundError("Ecflow not found") self.task_settings = TaskSettings(config) = config[""] self.config = config self.platform = Platform(config) self.config = config ecf_out = self.config["scheduler.ecfvars.ecf_out"] ecf_files = self.config["scheduler.ecfvars.ecf_files"] ecf_user = self.config["scheduler.ecfvars.ecf_user"] joboutdir = self.config["scheduler.ecfvars.ecf_jobout"] ecf_files_remotely = self.config["scheduler.ecfvars.ecf_files_remotely"] ecf_home = self.config["scheduler.ecfvars.ecf_home"] ecf_ssl = self.config["scheduler.ecfvars.ecf_ssl"] ecf_host = self.config["scheduler.ecfvars.ecf_host"] ecf_tries = self.config["scheduler.ecfvars.ecf_tries"] self.ecf_user = ecf_user self.ecf_host = ecf_host self.ecf_ssl = ecf_ssl self.joboutdir = joboutdir try: ecf_include = self.config["scheduler.ecfvars.ecf_include"] except KeyError: ecf_include = ecf_files self.ecf_include = ecf_include self.ecf_files = ecf_files if ecf_home is None: ecf_home = joboutdir self.ecf_home = ecf_home if ecf_out is None: ecf_out = joboutdir self.ecf_out = ecf_out self.ecf_micro = "%" ecf_jobout = ( joboutdir + f"/{self.ecf_micro}ECF_NAME{self.ecf_micro}." + f"{self.ecf_micro}ECF_TRYNO{self.ecf_micro}" ) self.ecf_jobout = ecf_jobout self.ecf_files_remotely = ecf_files_remotely if ecf_files_remotely is None: self.ecf_files_remotely = self.ecf_files # Commands started from the scheduler does not have full environment ecf_job_cmd = ( f"{self.ecf_micro}TROIKA{self.ecf_micro} " f"-c {self.ecf_micro}TROIKA_CONFIG{self.ecf_micro} submit " f"-o {self.ecf_micro}ECF_JOBOUT{self.ecf_micro} " f"{self.ecf_micro}SCHOST{self.ecf_micro} " f"{self.ecf_micro}ECF_JOB{self.ecf_micro}" ) # %ECF_JOB%" self.ecf_job_cmd = ecf_job_cmd ecf_status_cmd = ( f"{self.ecf_micro}TROIKA{self.ecf_micro} " f"-c {self.ecf_micro}TROIKA_CONFIG{self.ecf_micro} monitor " f"{self.ecf_micro}SCHOST{self.ecf_micro} " f"{self.ecf_micro}ECF_JOB{self.ecf_micro}" ) self.ecf_status_cmd = ecf_status_cmd ecf_kill_cmd = ( f"{self.ecf_micro}TROIKA{self.ecf_micro} " f"-vv -c {self.ecf_micro}TROIKA_CONFIG{self.ecf_micro} kill " f"{self.ecf_micro}SCHOST{self.ecf_micro} " f"{self.ecf_micro}ECF_JOB{self.ecf_micro}" ) self.ecf_kill_cmd = ecf_kill_cmd platform = Platform(config) try: troika = platform.substitute(config["troika.troika"]) except KeyError: troika = "troika" if troika is None: troika = "troika" troika_config = config["troika.config_file"] config_file = config.metadata["source_file_path"] deode_home = platform.get_platform_value("DEODE_HOME") keep_workdirs = "1" if config["general.keep_workdirs"] else "0" loglevel = config.get("general.loglevel", LogDefaults.LEVEL).upper() starttime = config.get("general.times.start") variables = { "ECF_USER": self.ecf_user, "ECFTYPES": "fc", "ECF_EXTN": ".bash", "ECF_TRIES": ecf_tries, "ECF_FILES": self.ecf_files_remotely, "ECF_INCLUDE": self.ecf_include, "ECF_SSL": self.ecf_ssl, "ECF_HOME": self.ecf_home, "ECF_KILL_CMD": self.ecf_kill_cmd, "ECF_JOB_CMD": self.ecf_job_cmd, "ECF_STATUS_CMD": self.ecf_status_cmd, "ECF_OUT": self.ecf_out, "ECF_JOBOUT": self.ecf_jobout, "ECF_TIMEOUT": 20, "ECF_LOGHOST": self.ecf_host, "ARGS": "", "LOGLEVEL": loglevel, "CONFIG": str(config_file), "TROIKA": troika, "TROIKA_CONFIG": troika_config, "BASETIME": starttime, "VALIDTIME": starttime, "DEODE_HOME": deode_home, "NPROC": "", "NPROC_IO": "", "NPROCX": "", "NPROCY": "", "KEEP_WORKDIRS": keep_workdirs, } self.suite = EcflowSuite(, ecf_files, variables=variables, dry_run=dry_run, ecf_files_remotely=self.ecf_files_remotely, )
[docs] def save_as_defs(self, def_file): """Save definition file. Args: def_file (str): Name of definition file """ logger.debug("Saving def file {}", def_file) self.suite.save_as_defs(def_file)
[docs] class EcflowNode: """A Node class is the abstract base class for Suite, Family and Task. Every Node instance has a name, and a path relative to a suite. The trigger of a node can either be another EcflowNode, a list of EcflowNode objects or an EcflowSuiteTriggers object. """ def __init__( self, name, node_type, parent, ecf_files, variables=None, trigger: Optional[ Union["EcflowSuiteTriggers", List["EcflowNode"], "EcflowNode"] ] = None, def_status=None, ecf_files_remotely=None, cron=None, limit=None, ): """Construct the EcflowNode. Args: name (str): Name of node node_type (str): Node type parent (EcflowNode): Parent node ecf_files (str): Location of ecf files variables (dict, optional): Variables to map. Defaults to None trigger (Union[EcflowSuiteTriggers, List[EcflowNode], EcflowNode]): Trigger. Defaults to None def_status (str, ecflow.Defstatus): Def status. Defaults to None ecf_files_remotely(str, optional): Remote file prefix cron (EcflowSuiteCron): Cron. Defauts to None limit (EcflowSuiteLimit): Limit. Defaults to None Raises: NotImplementedError: Node type not implemented TypeError: "Triggers must be an EcflowSuiteTriggers object" TypeError: "defstatus must be either str or an ecflow.Defstatus object" """ = name self.node_type = node_type has_node = True if parent is None: has_node = False if ( has_node and node_type != "suite" and hasattr(parent, "ecf_node") and parent.ecf_node is None ): has_node = False if not has_node: self.ecf_node = None path = "" else: if self.node_type == "family": self.ecf_node = parent.ecf_node.add_family( elif self.node_type == "task": self.ecf_node = parent.ecf_node.add_task( elif self.node_type == "suite": self.ecf_node = parent.add_suite( else: raise NotImplementedError path = self.ecf_node.get_abs_node_path() self.path = path logger.debug("path={} ecf_files_remotely={}", self.path, ecf_files_remotely) if ecf_files_remotely is None: ecf_files_remotely = ecf_files self.ecf_local_container_path = ecf_files + self.path self.ecf_remote_container_path = ecf_files_remotely + self.path logger.debug( "path={} local_container={} remote_container={}", self.path, self.ecf_local_container_path, self.ecf_remote_container_path, ) if variables is not None: for key, value in variables.items(): logger.debug("key={} value={}", key, value) if self.ecf_node is not None: self.ecf_node.add_variable(key, value) if trigger is not None: # Add trigger to the node from an EcflowSuiteTriggers object if isinstance(trigger, EcflowSuiteTriggers): if trigger.trigger_string is not None: if self.ecf_node is not None: self.ecf_node.add_trigger(trigger.trigger_string) else: logger.warning("Empty trigger") elif isinstance(trigger, list): if len(trigger) == 0: logger.warning("Empty trigger list") # Resolve the trigger list into an EcflowSuiteTriggers object, # and add the trigger string to the node elif all(isinstance(node, EcflowNode) for node in trigger): trigger = EcflowSuiteTriggers( [EcflowSuiteTrigger(node) for node in trigger] ) if trigger.trigger_string is not None and self.ecf_node is not None: self.ecf_node.add_trigger(trigger.trigger_string) else: raise TypeError( "When parsing a list of trigger, the " + "triggers must be EcflowNode objects" ) # Turn the EcflowNode trigger into an EcflowSuiteTriggers object # and add the trigger string to the node elif isinstance(trigger, EcflowNode): trigger = EcflowSuiteTriggers([EcflowSuiteTrigger(trigger)]) if trigger.trigger_string is not None and self.ecf_node is not None: self.ecf_node.add_trigger(trigger.trigger_string) else: raise TypeError( "Triggers must be an EcflowSuiteTriggers, List[EcflowNode]" + " or a EcflowNode object" ) self.trigger = trigger if cron is not None: if isinstance(cron, EcflowSuiteCron): self.ecf_node.add_cron(cron.cron) else: raise TypeError("Cron must be an EcflowSuiteCron object") if limit is not None: if isinstance(limit, EcflowSuiteLimit): if self.node_type == "family": self.ecf_node.add_inlimit(limit.limit_name) else: raise NotImplementedError( "Limit is implemented only for Suite and Family!" ) else: raise TypeError("Limit should be an EcflowSuitenLimit object") if def_status is not None and self.ecf_node is not None: if isinstance(def_status, str): self.ecf_node.add_defstatus(ecflow.Defstatus(def_status)) elif isinstance(def_status, ecflow.Defstatus): self.ecf_node.add_defstatus(def_status) else: raise TypeError( "defstatus must be either str or an ecflow.Defstatus object" )
[docs] class EcflowNodeContainer(EcflowNode): """Ecflow node container.""" def __init__( self, name, node_type, parent, ecf_files, variables=None, trigger=None, def_status=None, ecf_files_remotely=None, cron=None, limit=None, ): """Construct EcflowNodeContainer. Args: name (str): Name of the node container. node_type (str): What kind of node. parent (EcflowNode): Parent to this node. ecf_files (str): Location of ecf files variables (dict, optional): Variables to map. Defaults to None trigger (EcflowSuiteTriggers): Trigger. Defaults to None def_status (str, ecflow.Defstatus): Def status. Defaults to None ecf_files_remotely(str, optional): ECF_FILES on ecflow server cron (EcflowSuiteCron): Cron. Defauts to None limit (EcflowSuiteLimit): Limit. Default None """ EcflowNode.__init__( self, name, node_type, parent, variables=variables, ecf_files=ecf_files, trigger=trigger, def_status=def_status, ecf_files_remotely=ecf_files_remotely, cron=cron, limit=limit, )
[docs] class EcflowSuite(EcflowNodeContainer): """EcflowSuite.""" def __init__( self, name, ecf_files, variables=None, dry_run=False, def_status=None, ecf_files_remotely=None, ): """Construct the Ecflow suite. Args: name (str): Name of suite ecf_files (str): Location of ecf files variables (dict, optional): Variables to map. Defaults to None dry_run (bool, optional): Dry run not using ecflow. Defaults to False. def_status (str, ecflow.Defstatus): Def status. Defaults to None ecf_files_remotely(str, optional): ECF_FILES on ecflow server """ if dry_run: self.defs = None else: self.defs = ecflow.Defs({}) EcflowNodeContainer.__init__( self, name, "suite", self.defs, ecf_files, variables=variables, def_status=def_status, ecf_files_remotely=ecf_files_remotely, )
[docs] def save_as_defs(self, def_file): """Save defintion file. Args: def_file (str): Name of the definition file. """ if self.defs is not None: self.defs.save_as_defs(def_file)"def file saved to {}", def_file)
[docs] class EcflowSuiteFamily(EcflowNodeContainer): """A family in ecflow.""" def __init__( self, name, parent, ecf_files, variables=None, trigger=None, def_status=None, ecf_files_remotely=None, cron=None, limit=None, ): """Construct the family. Args: name (str): Name of the family. parent (EcflowNodeContainer): Parent node. ecf_files (str): Location of ecf files variables (dict, optional): Variables to map. Defaults to None trigger (EcflowSuiteTriggers): Trigger. Defaults to None def_status (str, ecflow.Defstatus): Def status. Defaults to None ecf_files_remotely(str, optional): ECF_FILES on ecflow server cron (EcflowSuiteCron): Cron. Defaut None limit (EcflowSuiteLimit): Limit. Default None """ EcflowNodeContainer.__init__( self, name, "family", parent, ecf_files, variables=variables, trigger=trigger, def_status=def_status, ecf_files_remotely=ecf_files_remotely, cron=cron, limit=limit, ) logger.debug(self.ecf_remote_container_path) if self.ecf_node is not None: self.ecf_node.add_variable("ECF_FILES", self.ecf_remote_container_path)
[docs] class EcflowSuiteTask(EcflowNode): """A task in an ecflow suite/family.""" def __init__( self, name, parent, config, task_settings, ecf_files, input_template=None, parse=True, variables=None, ecf_micro="%", trigger=None, def_status=None, ecf_files_remotely=None, cron=None, ): """Constuct the EcflowSuiteTask. Args: name (str): Name of task parent (EcflowNode): Parent node. ecf_files (str): Path to ecflow containers task_settings (TaskSettings): Submission configuration config (deode.ParsedConfig): Configuration file task_settings (deode.TaskSettings): Task settings input_template(str, optional): Input template parse (bool, optional): To parse template file or not variables (dict, optional): Variables to map. Defaults to None ecf_micro (str, optional): ECF_MICRO. Defaults to % trigger (EcflowSuiteTriggers): Trigger. Defaults to None def_status (str, ecflow.Defstatus): Def status. Defaults to None ecf_files_remotely(str, optional): ECF_FILES on ecflow server cron (EcflowSuiteCron): Cron. Defaut None Raises: ValueError: If input template is to be parsed but it is not passed. FileNotFoundError: If the task container is not found. """ EcflowNode.__init__( self, name, "task", parent, ecf_files, variables=variables, trigger=trigger, def_status=def_status, ecf_files_remotely=ecf_files_remotely, cron=cron, ) logger.debug(parent.path) logger.debug(parent.ecf_local_container_path) task_container = parent.ecf_local_container_path + "/" + name + ".bash" if parse: if input_template is None: raise ValueError("Must pass input template if it is to be parsed") variables = task_settings.get_settings(name) logger.debug("vars {}", variables) for var, value_ in variables.items(): value = value_ if isinstance(value, int): value = str(value) logger.debug("var={} value={}", var, value) if self.ecf_node is not None: self.ecf_node.add_variable(var, value) task_settings.parse_job( task=name, config=config, input_template_job=input_template, task_job=task_container, variables=variables, ecf_micro=ecf_micro, ) elif not os.path.exists(task_container): raise FileNotFoundError(f"Container {task_container} is missing!")
[docs] class EcflowSuiteTriggers: """Triggers to an ecflow suite.""" def __init__(self, triggers, mode="AND"): """Construct EcflowSuiteTriggers. Args: triggers (list): List of EcflowSuiteTrigger objects. mode (str, optional): Cat mode. Defaults to "AND". """ trigger_string = self.create_string(triggers, mode) self.trigger_string = trigger_string
[docs] @staticmethod def create_string(triggers, mode): """Create the trigger string. Args: triggers (list): List of trigger objects mode (str): Concatenation type. Raises: ValueError: If there are no triggers to be processed TypeError: If trigger is not an EcflowSuiteTrigger object Returns: str: The trigger string based on trigger objects. """ if not isinstance(triggers, list): triggers = [triggers] if len(triggers) == 0: raise ValueError("No triggers to be processed") trigger_string = "(" first = True for trigger in triggers: if trigger is not None: cat = "" if not first: cat = " " + mode + " " if isinstance(trigger, EcflowSuiteTriggers): trigger_string = trigger_string + cat + trigger.trigger_string elif isinstance(trigger, EcflowSuiteTrigger): trigger_string = ( trigger_string + cat + trigger.node.path + " == " + trigger.mode ) else: raise TypeError("Trigger must be an EcflowSuiteTrigger object") first = False trigger_string = trigger_string + ")" # If no triggers were found/set if first: trigger_string = None return trigger_string
[docs] def add_triggers(self, triggers, mode="AND"): """Add triggers. Args: triggers (EcflowSuiteTriggers): The triggers mode (str, optional): Cat mode. Defaults to "AND". """ cat_string = " " + mode + " " trigger_string = self.create_string(triggers, mode) if trigger_string is not None: self.trigger_string = self.trigger_string + cat_string + trigger_string
[docs] class EcflowSuiteTrigger: """EcFlow Trigger in a suite.""" def __init__(self, node, mode="complete"): """Create a EcFlow trigger object. Args: node (scheduler.EcflowNode): The node to trigger on mode (str, optional): Trigger type. Defaults to "complete". """ self.node = node self.mode = mode
[docs] class EcflowSuiteCron: """EcFlow Cron in a suite.""" def __init__(self, days_of_week, time): """Create a EcFlow cron object. Args: days_of_week (list of int): 0-6, Sunday-Saturday time (datatime): time to start """ time_str = time.strftime("%H:%M") days_of_week = list(days_of_week)"days: {}, time: {}", days_of_week, time_str) self.cron = ecflow.Cron(time_str, days_of_week=days_of_week)
[docs] class EcflowSuiteLimit: """Ecflow limit for active jobs in family.""" def __init__(self, limit_name, max_jobs): """Create a EcFlow limit object. Args: limit_name (str): Name of the limit max_jobs (int): number of maximal active jobs """ self.limit_name = limit_name self.max_jobs = max_jobs